Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The One Thing to Do for Essay Topics for O Levels
The One Thing to Do for Essay Topics for O Levels Besides making the notes appear good when readers share them, you may also incorporate calls to action to jointly use the notes within the notes themselves. Thus, you can ask all the essential questions and consult on some points. If you have difficulty finding enough points to back up your stance you need to consider arguing the opposite view it may be easier! It's generally recommended to argue your very own personal viewpoint as it will probably sound more convincing. For example, at the conclusion of your notes, you may include a call to action to listeners to split the episode alongside their favourite lesson from it using a Click to Tweet or similar strategy. Unless the reader can observe the picture they will be unable to relate to the experience. You should likewise be able to catch your readers attention. In each one of the two, you will use a completely different assortment of words. Brainstorm for user researchI dea generation is additionally a good starting point when you do experience research. Individuals can still locate your work online and you must make sure it's written good and mistake free. Time to bring my creation from the dark. Top Essay Topics for O Levels Secrets The variety of resistance is from 5 pounds to 240 pounds, with an available upgrade that raises the quantity of resistance to 440 lbs. Maybe you're on a level, where you wish to explore cloud solutions and find some fundamental experience with it. All kinds of repetition needs to be avoided unless you're deliberately using it carefully for effect. Just continue on thinking simple solutions and opt on a pragmatic financial solution otherwise you must create applications, which can figure out the suitable invoice split which by the close of the day is costly and complicated. The 5-Minute Rule for Essay Topics for O Levels Make note of incorrect answers, together with topics you don't feel confident in your know ledge of. Your introduction, for instance, should match the sort of topic you're given to write on. You might find that lots of the topics can be adapted to suit almost any sort of writing assignment. The topic has to be interesting, the topic has to be essential and finally the topic has to be informative. For instance the format for a debate isn't the very same as that of an official letter. Use transition words to produce your text coherent and simple to read. A number of the title text may also be tough to read, in the event the image underneath has text too. With time it's possible to revisit the articles on any topic and get to learn more details. Quite frequently, the very best topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get well prepared to research it. Picking a topic is an essential issue that partly estimates final success of the job. Deciding on an emotional topic is also a great idea. Essay Topics for O Levels Explained A writer is just as great as her ideas. Thus, to compose a great essay you must brainstorm all thoughts concerning your life experiences. Very often it becomes hard to choose 1 topic either due to the many ideas in the student's head, or due to their complete absence. There you will discover the motivation to compose your next major story. If you're worried that you won't have the ability to locate a low-cost essay writing service capable of dealing with your academic papers, we're here to prove you wrong. Be attentive to the size it must be and begin writing the narrative essay outline. As an example, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing viewpoint. You can be totally sure your paper is going to be delivered in time and be of the maximum quality.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Bielski Brothers in Belarus A Story of Survival,...
â€Å"The Bielski Brothers†is a story of three amazing brothers, their journey of survival and experience they faced in World War II. Peter Duffy places this extraordinary story of survival in context by describing the Bielskis lives and experiences , quoting from Tuvia Bielskis previously unknown journal, and revealing the sociopolitical history, including the anti-Semitism of Belarus, a region the Bielski Brother’s had grown up in. WWII was one of the most unforgettable events in history, an event that has changed the world drastically, and an event that inspired the Bielski Brothers to act upon and try to make a difference in their Jewish community, a change that could have cost their lives. It’s the true story of three men who defied†¦show more content†¦(Bielski Brothers)The book states and lets us know that a strict quota system limited the entry of most Jews into Polish universities, craftsmen were forced to pass a discriminatory Polish  œlanguage test. Just as in Botwinick she mentions â€Å"that the advocates claimed that Jews are forever aliens who cannot share the national ethos; differences prevented Jews from assimilating with the superior cultures of the host countries (Bowinick).Anti-Semitism in Germany was introduced by Wilhelm Marr, the hatred of Jews was at the core of Hitler’s obsession, the claim that Jews were the bearers of a genetic flaw enabled the Nazis to rationalize their nearly successful genocide. Duff also brings up the subject of Zionism in his book; a movement that increasingly influenced the Jewish advocates â€Å"the new government’s tolerance of Jewish expression was a boon to Zionism, the increasingly influential movement that advocated Jewish return to the Land of Israel†(Bielski Brothers). Zionism was very important in the Jewish culture it was a struggle to create a national homeland for the Jews. Political Zionism, which is the organized effort to bring about national Jewish state, evolved from the confluence of several historic streams. It was always important for the Jewish community to be recognized and that recognition dates all the ways back to the 1920’s. Jewish people have struggled enormously to receive their own piece of land, which in the end
Monday, December 9, 2019
Time and Space Management
Question: Discuss about the Time and Space Management. Answer: Introduction: Space which is built with walls is often considered rentable commodity and cost money and therefore organizations pay a great importance for its management. Time has also attracted the attention of many scientists and researchers due to its features and boundaries in workplace cultures. The following report contains a critical analysis of the concept of time and space in organizational place which is often considered significant for the success of an organization. Organizational Time Concept: Time and its management have always been a matter of rising controversy among different organizations all over the world. This is mainly because the idea of time is evaluated and analyzed in a variety of ways among different cultures and social spheres. Therefore it has often given rise to various arguments among different researchers about its ever- evolving nature and its effects in the work fields. Many researchers state that the idea of time and the issues related to time management are based on social and cultural bonds. As a result, different beings have the scope of interpreting its power in different ways, and that varies according to various cultures. However, modern technology like emails has altogether inhibited the broadness of time and altered rhythm of activities. This had helped people to be expert in ruling time zone differences (Quinn 2014). However, human beings with different social and natural backgrounds often interpret time and plan their activities according to their interpretations and interactions that they have among themselves. Therefore meetings, personal work, organizational governance should always be conducted through proper interaction between participants to have the best outcome and productivity (Foster 2014). Organizational Space management: Just like time management, space management also raises different concerns among the architects. On critical analysis, one can assure that designing a workplace often results in a dilemma because the architects' aesthetic and scientific sense of building of houses faces a duel with preparing workplace with minimum finance and maximum capital gain (Alexander and Price 2013). Even organizations have therefore come forward with different sorts of concepts one being the hybrid workplace. This usually includes employees working from both homes and also in offices for the same organization thereby yielding greater productivity from minimum organization cost. The main technology that mainly acts as a backbone of this type of working culture is the ICT which is called the Information and Communication Technology. Open space offices are newer concepts that often act as challenges for the architectures. However, organizations believe that that concept of offices helps the employees to work mor e collaboratively and freely at the same time of saving space by the organization to cut costs. Many organizations have also found that putting fun at work, allowing private life in professional place and usurping employee's identity and exchanging them for appropriate organizational one are some of the manipulative lucrative offers that employers provide. However, recent researchers often acclaim that virtual offices instead of physical offices which is a much better way of handling space crisis and organize cost cuttings. Conclusion: Thereby space can be defined as functional and symbolic entities that share a close relationship with social organizations. Centralized locations are found to reduce costs. Managing employees in the distant workforce and their subsequent cooperation in carrying on with teamwork has become easy due to the availability of ICT (Hernandez-Ortega, Serrano-Cinca and Gomez-Meneses 2014). Similarly, an industrial workplace can practice efficiency, predictability and control within a specified time frame to bring out maximum productivity and success with the high brand image. Therefore one can easily assess the significance of time and space in industrial areas. References: Alexander, K. and Price, I. eds., 2013.Managing Organizational Ecologies: Space, Management, and Organizations(Vol. 22). Routledge. Forster, M., 2014.Do it tomorrow and other secrets of time management. Hachette UK. Hernandez-Ortega, B., Serrano-Cinca, C. and Gomez-Meneses, F., 2014. The firm's continuance intentions to use inter-organizational ICTs: The influence of contingency factors and perceptions.Information Management,51(6), pp.747-761. Quinn, M., 2014. Stability and change in management accounting over timeA century or so of evidence from Guinness.Management Accounting Research,25(1), pp.76-92.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Social Media Is Harmful For College Students free essay sample
In recent years, social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and MySpace have become highly popular. Many proclaim about their benefits due to their effortless way to expand communication, marketing, and networking. However, many fail to discuss their risks and disadvantages particularly in the youthful population specifically among college students. The overuse of these social media sites among college students has many negative effects not only academically, but socially too. Moreover, social media is harmful for college students because it encourages the misuse of time management, students usually display a poor academic performance, and it exposes the students’ privacy. One of the reasons social media is harmful for college students is because it encourages the misuse of time management. Many students attempt to multitask between assignments and social media sites to ‘make better’ use of their time. However, according to Ellen Goodman â€Å"high multitaskers are not better at anything, even multitasking. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media Is Harmful For College Students or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They are worse. †In this high-tech oriented generation, the use of computers is essential for a college student’s success. However, students often immerse themselves countless hours on irrelevant social media sites checking â€Å"notifications†, when they should focus most of their time in college related activities and assignments. Based on Clifford Nass’s research in Standford, â€Å"high multitaskers focused less, remembered less, and are more easily distracted. †In addition, because they spend so much time in these social media sites, they waste time that could not only be used for completing college assignments, but time from their sleep. Sleepless students often display a poor academic performance. Furthermore, because students are focusing more time in these social media sites they keep postponing completion of their academic tasks and thereby their personal and organizational productivity is affected and as a consequence their grades drop. A large number of college students use this sites as a way to connect to other students and people around the world. Often, these sites require its users to create profiles that include pictures, personal information, videos and more. Students believe that their privacy is protected from other users simply by blocking certain information from being displayed and setting their privacy options high. In reality, it is not. Many students fail to understand that once their information has been placed online it becomes available for anyone, in particularly for schools, government and other institutions. Most colleges before admitting a student will run a full background check, including a social media background. This can potentially affect the student’s acceptance to a college or a job. In conclusion, social media is harmful for students in many ways because it distracts the student’s time management skills thus affecting their academic productivity, it negatively affects their grades and it exposes their private life to anyone. As social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and MySpace continue to grow in popularity among college students, prioritizing educational requirements over the use of social media sites will get harder. As stated by Clifford Nass â€Å"high multitaskers couldn’t shift well from one task to another and they couldn’t organize well. They couldn’t figure out what was important and what wasn’t. †Students must find a balance between what is truly important academically and what is not, otherwise their performance in college will continue to be negatively affected.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Crucible - Witch Trials Essays - Salem Witch Trials, Free Essays
The Crucible - Witch Trials Essays - Salem Witch Trials, Free Essays The Crucible - Witch Trials In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the madness of the Salem witch trials is explored in great detail. There are many theories as to why the witch trials came about, the most popular of which is the girls' suppressed childhoods. However, there were other factors as well, such as Abigail Williams' affair with John Proctor, the secret grudges that neighbors held against each other, and the physical and economic differences between the citizens of Salem Village. From a historical viewpoint, it is known that young girls in colonial Massachusetts were given little or no freedom to act like children. They were expected to walk straight, arms by their sides, eyes slightly downcast, and their mouths were to be shut unless otherwise asked to speak. It is not surprising that the girls would find this type of lifestyle very constricting. To rebel against it, they played pranks, such as dancing in the woods, listening to slaves' magic stories and pretending that other villagers were bewitching them. The Crucible starts after the girls in the village have been caught dancing in the woods. As one of them falls sick, rumors start to fly that there is witchcraft going on in the woods, and that the sick girl is bewitched. Once the girls talk to each other, they become more and more frightened of being accused as witches, so Abigail starts accusing others of practicing witchcraft. The other girls all join in so that the blame will not be placed on them. In The Crucible, Abigail starts the accusations by saying, "I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!" Another girl, Betty, continues the cry with, "I saw George Jacobs with the Devil! I saw Goody Howe with the Devil!" >From here on, the accusations grow and grow until the jails overflow with accused witches. It must have given them an incredible sense of power when the whole town of Salem listened to their words and believed each and every accusation. After all, children were to be seen and not heard in Puritan society, and the newfound attention was probably overwhelming. In Act Three of The Crucible, the girls were called before the judges to defend themselves against the claims that they were only acting. To prove their innocence, Abigail led the other girls in a chilling scene. Abby acted as if Mary Warren sent her spirit up to the rafters and began to talk to the spirit. "Oh Mary, this is a black art to change your shape. No, I cannot, I cannot stop my mouth; it's God's work I do." The other girls all stared at the rafters in horror and began to repeat everything they heard. Finally, the girls' hysterics caused Mary Warren to accuse John Proctor of witchcraft. Once the scam started, it was too late to stop, and the snowballing effect of wild accusations soon resulted in the hanging of many innocents. After the wave of accusations began, grudges began to surface in the community. Small slights were made out to be witchcraft, and bad business deals were blamed on witchery. Two characters in The Crucible, Giles Corey and Thomas Putnam, argue early on about a plot of land. Corey claims that he bought it from Goody Nurse but Putnam says he owns it, and Goody Nurse had no right to sell it. Later, when Putnam's daughter accuses George Jacobs of witchery, Corey claims that Putnam only wants Jacobs' land. Giles says, "If Jacobs hangs for a witch he forfeit up his property - that's law! And there is none but Putnam with the coin to buy so great a piece. This man is killing his neighbors for their land!" Others also had hidden motives for accusing their neighbors. Once the accusations began, everyone had a reason to accuse someone else which is why the hangings got so out of hand. The wave of accusations can be likened to mass hysteria, in which the people involved are so caught up that they start having delusions of neighbors out to do them harm. One of the main
Saturday, November 23, 2019
About Seppuku and Samurai Ritual Suicide
About Seppuku and Samurai Ritual Suicide Seppuku, also known less formally as harakiri, is a form of ritual suicide that was practiced by the samurai and daimyo of Japan. It usually involved cutting the abdomen open with a short sword, which was believed to immediately release the samurais spirit to the afterlife. In many cases, a friend or servant would serve as a second, and would ritually decapitate the samurai to provide release from the terrible pain of the abdominal cuts. The second needed to be very skillful with his sword to achieve the perfect decapitation, known as kaishaku, or embraced head. The trick was to leave a small flap of skin attached at the front of the neck so that the head would fall forward and look like it was being cradled by the dead samurais arms. Seppukus Purpose Samurai committed seppuku for a number of reasons, in accordance with bushido, the samurai code of conduct. Motivations could include personal shame due to cowardice in battle, shame over a dishonest act, or loss of sponsorship from a daimyo. Often times samurai who were defeated but not killed in battle would be allowed to commit suicide in order to regain their honor. Seppuku was an important act not only for the reputation of the samurai himself but also for his entire familys honor and standing in society. Sometimes, particularly during the Tokugawa shogunate, seppuku was used as a judicial punishment. Daimyo could order their samurai to commit suicide for real or perceived infractions. Likewise, the shogun could demand that a daimyo commits seppuku. It was considered far less shameful to commit seppuku than to be executed, the typical fate of convicts from further down the social hierarchy. The most common form of seppuku was simply a single horizontal cut. Once the cut was made, the second would decapitate the suicide. A more painful version, called jumonji giri, involved both a horizontal and vertical cut. The performer of jumonji giri then waited stoically to bleed to death, rather than being dispatched by a second. It is one of the most excruciatingly painful ways to die. Location for the Ritual Battlefield seppukus were usually quick affairs; the dishonored or defeated samurai would simply use his short sword or dagger to disembowel himself, and then a second (kaishakunin) would decapitate him. Famous samurai who committed battlefield seppuku included Minamoto no Yoshitsune during the Genpei War (died 1189); Oda Nobunaga (1582) at the end of the Sengoku Period; and possibly Saigo Takamori, also known as the Last Samurai (1877). Planned seppukus, on the other hand, were elaborate rituals. This might be either a judicial punishment or the samurais own choice. The samurai ate a last meal, bathed, dressed carefully, and seated himself on his death cloth. There, he wrote a death poem. Finally, he would open the top of his kimono, pick up the dagger, and stab himself in the abdomen. Sometimes, but not always, a second would finish the job with a sword. Interestingly, ritual seppukus were usually performed in front of spectators, who witnessed the samurais last moments. Among the samurai who performed ceremonial seppuku were General Akashi Gidayu during the Sengoku (1582) and forty-six of the 47 Ronin in 1703. A particularly horrifying example from the twentieth century was the suicide of Admiral Takijiro Onishi at the end of World War II. He was the mastermind behind the kamikaze attacks on Allied ships. To express his guilt over sending some 4,000 young Japanese men to their deaths, Onishi committed seppuku without a second. It took him more than 15 hours to bleed to death. Not for Men Only Seppuku was by no means a solely male phenomenon. Women of the samurai class often committed seppuku if their husbands died in battle or were forced to kill themselves. They also might kill themselves if their castle was besieged and ready to fall, so as to avoid being raped. To prevent an unseemly posture after death, women would first bind their legs together with a silk cloth. Some cut their abdomens as male samurai did, while others would use a blade to slit the jugular veins in their necks instead. At the end of the Boshin War, the Saigo family alone saw twenty-two women commit seppuku rather than surrendering. The word seppuku comes from the words setsu, meaning to cut, and fuku meaning abdomen.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How music affect the brain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
How music affect the brain - Research Paper Example The pitch and rhythm of music are primarily the functions of left brain hemisphere, whereas melody and timbre are mostly processed in the right hemisphere of the brain. The processing of meter takes place in both hemispheres of brain. The spatial-temporal tasks are located in the very brain areas which are stimulated by music. Such spatial-temporal tasks include spatial reasoning required to build structures, and physical objects’ 2-D and 3-D manipulation. Music stimulates the brain areas that are related to spatial reasoning. While this effect usually is only 15 minutes long after the end of music (â€Å"How Music Affects†). The spatial reasoning of an individual is markedly increased while listening to music. Brain’s response to music Music constitutes fragile timing violations. Experience suggests the listeners that music is not threatening. The frontal lobes ultimately identify these violations as a source of pleasure. As a result of this expectation, anticip ation is developed that when met, helps develop the reward reaction. A fundamental characteristic feature of music that differentiates it from other stimuli is its ability to conjure up feelings and images which might not necessarily reflect in the memory directly. A certain kind of mystery still remains in the overall phenomena; the factors explaining the thrill of listening to music are integrally linked with synesthesia based theories. The brain of a new born baby has not differentiated its structure into components meant for the identification and appreciation of various senses. It takes time for the brain to develop this differentiation. As the theory suggests, babies perceive the world as â€Å"a large, pulsing combination of colors and sounds and feelings, all melded into one... The "How music affects the brain" essay outlines how the brain understands and processes it. Music constitutes fragile timing violations. Experience suggests the listeners that music is not threatening. The frontal lobes ultimately identify these violations as a source of pleasure. As a result of this expectation, anticipation is developed that when met, helps develop the reward reaction. A fundamental characteristic feature of music that differentiates it from other stimuli is its ability to conjure up feelings and images which might not necessarily reflect in the memory directly. A certain kind of mystery still remains in the overall phenomena; the factors explaining the thrill of listening to music are integrally linked with synesthesia based theories. The brain of a new born baby has not differentiated its structure into components meant for the identification and appreciation of various senses. It takes time for the brain to develop this differentiation. As the theory suggests, babies perceive the world as â€Å"a large, pulsing combination of colors and sounds and feelings, all melded into one experience – ultimate synesthesia†(Mohana). Different areas of the brain become specialized in the different senses with the development of brain over the passage of time. â€Å"After a year of training, the kids who have been in the music training are better able to synchronize to the beat and to remember the beat†(Kraus cited in Wise). Music improves intelligence, learning, cognition, and motor skills.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Appreciation of western art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Appreciation of western art - Essay Example There are three of them, one in the far left, the other in the middle and the other in the far right. Each of the three persons appear to be holding what seems like a hoe, and are all bending suggesting they are tilling. They appear to be doing the same thing but in an uncoordinated manner. This is apparent as they are all facing different directions. The person on the far left has his back facing us, the person on the middle faces the front while the person on the right faces sideways. Besides the people and the hoes they are holding, in the background there is what appears as a thick forest. At the middle ground there is a hill, this again is differentiated by the color variation and use of a different form. In the foreground, there is vegetation, again just as is the case with all the other forms this is also differentiated by the color and the form is not that clear. Art elements The two most important elements in this painting are color and form. The importance of these two elem ents is further brought to the fore given the genre of the painting. Fauvism as a form of art or genre of art was largely different from impressionism and cubism. Impressionism was keen in depicting reality and Cubism paid a lot more detail to form. Fauvism appears as a form that borrowed elements from these two genres. This is irrespective of the fact that Cubism was a genre that sought to address crucial elements that lacked in Fauvism. Form in a painting details the appearance; it represents a piece’s visible elements. These allow one to perceive and understand the painting or the entire artwork. In our chosen artwork, form is represented by different formal elements such as color, lines, mass, and shape. In terms of color, this will be largely discussed as a separate element in the following part it helps define form by identifying different objects within the artwork. The artist uses color to identify different objects. Choosing a different color for every object, this h elps create the forms of these objects and thus making it easier for the viewer to identify these objects. The color also helps identify transitions, from the foreground, to the middle ground and then to the background. These sections of the painting are painted in different colors and thus are very easy to identify. The other formal element is shape the artist uses different shapes to represent different objects within the painting. Lastly, the artist uses lines to represent different forms. These are used to signify transitions and mark appearance creating the linear orientation of these objects and also defining the different shapes within the artwork. Color Colors are a major part of this painting, with the artwork largely employing neutral colors, black, gray and brown. There are also dull shades of yellow and brown as well as an employment of a very dark shade of green at the background. The colors are mainly used to show transitions, the fore ground uses some shades of brown to show vegetation, this is followed by the color yellow that represents the middle ground representing what appears as a bare ground and there is the background that uses a very dark green shade creating an illusion of a thick forest. Colors black, grey, a slight yellow and brown is used to represent different objects mainly the people within the artwork. Shape Shape defines an enclosed space, the boundaries of this in the painting is defined by color and lines. Shape here refers to the space representing the people, the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Leaders are made not born Essay Example for Free
Leaders are made not born Essay Good morning honorable judges, fellow debaters and audience My name is .. and I am here with my team members .. to address the issue â€Å"are leaders born or made and we are in favor of leaders are made. We will discuss eight points to support our argument. There’s a common misconception that some people are born as natural leaders and others simply don’t have it. Although it’s true that people are born with different talents, different abilities and different potential, it’s also true that we as human beings are incredibly versatile. There are skills and lessons that we all can learn to continue growing and developing both as leaders and as people Thats because leadership is an apprentice trade. Leaders learn about 80 percent of their craft on the job. They learn from watching other leaders. And choose role models. Leaders improve by getting feedback and using it. The best leaders seek feedback from their boss, their peers and their subordinates. Then they modify their behavior so that they get better results. They learn from trial and error and from experience so when something fails, a true leader learns from experience and puts it behind him. The only failure they recognize is the failure to learn from experience. If leaders are made then why we have business schools and universities, and why we study business degrees? Through different process of learning, we learn to take decision, control the situation sensibly, being responsible Rajiv Gandhi of India was made leader who was a pilot ; did not like politics. Even during 1989 elections, he said publicly that he was zero in politics.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Theme of the Epic Poem, Beowulf Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essay
The Theme of Beowulf      Interpretations of Beowulf vary. In this essay I hope to state clearly some of the popularly mentioned themes running through the poem.  â€Å"Many critics feel that the speech of Hrothgar between lines 1700 and 1784 encapsulates the moral of the poem†¦.’He does not know the worse – till inside him great arrogance grows and spreads’†(Shippey 38). Hrothgar’s ominous words do come back to haunt the hero more than once. Beowulf is a braggart; he is proud, and nothing seems able to change his basic proud outlook derived from his all-powerful physical strength. Even shortly before his own defeat against the fire-dragon, our hero is recalling his killing of the great hero of the Hugas with his bare hands:  ever since the time,                              in front of the hosts, I slew Daeghrefn,                                 the champion of the Hugas, with my bare hands.                             He never brought back his breast-ornament                             to the Frisian king: the standard-bearer                             fell in combat a prince, in valor;                                 no edge killed him my hand-grip crushed                          his beating heart, his life’s bone-house (2501-09).  Yes, Beowulf was full of pride and self-confidence; this made him impetuous in his actions. Regarding the dragon, â€Å"its strength and fire seemed nothing at all to the strong old king†(2348-49); before facing the dragon, he was reminiscing about his valour in combat against the Hetware and how he alone had escaped:  Lines 2354-68:                                    Nor was it the least hand-to-hand comba... ...some of the viewpoints on this topic.  BIBLIOGRAPHY  Chickering, Howell D.. Beowulf A dual-Language Edition. New York: Anchor Books, 1977.  Kaske, R.E.. â€Å"The Governing Theme of Beowulf.†In Beowulf: The Donaldson Translation, edited by Joseph F. Tuso. New York, W.W.Norton and Co.: 1975  Leyerle, John. â€Å"The Conflicting Demands of Heroic Strength and Kingly Wisdom.†In Readings on Beowulf, edited by Stephen P. Thompson. San Diego: Greenhaven Press,1998.  Shippey, T.A.. â€Å"The World of the Poem.†In Beowulf – Modern Critical Interpretations, edited by Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.  Tolkien, J.R.R.. â€Å"Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics.†In Beowulf – Modern Critical Interpretations, edited by Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.    Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Hrm Interventions Essay
It is also an important and comprehensive approach to manage employees in the workplace environment. HRM needs to be integrated with the overall strategy to ensure effective use of people and provide better returns to the organizations in terms of ROI (Return on Investment) for every rupee or dollar spent on them. If the HRM continues to practice this way it will lead to the success of the organization and also the organization will start utilizing its employee capabilities completely. Human resources are the most difficult resources to manage in an organization. HRM is responsible for effective designing and implementation of various policies, programs and also about developing and managing knowledge, skills, creativity and talent. HRM focuses on managing physical and emotional capacity of employees. As a result of this the range of HRM is developing day-by-day. Hence, HRM manages harmonious relationships in an organization along with maintaining a balance between organizational goals and individual goals. There are three human resource management interventions: Performance management, Career planning and development and work force diversity. Organization’s human resource specialists perform these change processes. Performance management is an integrated process in which an organizational employees are involved either individually or within a team to achieve its goals and policies. Employee performance management includes: 1)Planning 2)Monitoring 3)Developing 4)Rating 5)Rewarding 1)Planning: It means setting performance expectations and goals for groups and individuals to use their abilities to achieve organization objectives. Employees should be involved in the planning process to understand the goals of the organization. Performance appraisal plans are developed to evaluate the performance of a team or an individual by a manager or a supervisor. Performance appraisal plans should be official working documents that are put into effect. 2) Monitoring:In this stage the performance of employees is monitored and feedback is provided to the employees about their performance. Monitoring continually will help the organization to check the standards of the employees and also help them to make changes to meet the standards of the organization. This can be done by conducting status meeting and submitting reports about their progress. Any unacceptable performance can be identified at any time with the help of continuous monitoring. 3)Developing: In this phase of the process the organization helps the employees to develop their skills by providing training. Training helps the employees to improve their performance, boost their job-related skills and to withstand the changes in the workplace such as the introduction of new technology. Lack of performance of the employees can be developed in this stage and help them to achieve more goals of the organization. )Rating:In this stage the organization evaluates the performance of the employees against the standards of the organization’s performance plan. By rating the organization will come to know about its best employees. This can be done by maintaining rating record which compares the performance of the employees from time to time . The rating of record is assigned according to procedures included in the organization’s appraisal program. It is based on wo rk performed during an entire appraisal period. 5)Rewarding: Rewarding means appreciating employeesfor their performance. It can be done in different ways such as saying simple words like thank you and rewarding employees with awards based on their performance. Rewards can either be formal or informal. Therefore, all the five components in the performance management process work and support each other for effective development of the organization. Second and most important HRM intervention is Career planning and development. Nowadays most of the organizations have adopted career planning and development to increase communication and healthy environment among the employees which will result in the effective growth of their organizations. Career development programs are required to the people irrespective of age and gender for the development of the organizations. Career is the progress and actions of a person related to occupation throughout a lifetime. Different stages are present in a person’s career. There are five stages in a person’s career-Growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance and disengagement/withdrawal. Growth (4-13 years of age) is the initial stage in a person’s career where the person thinks about his/her future. Second stage is exploration (early teens to mid-twenties) where the person becomes definite about occupational choice. They do many trial jobs before deciding on their appropriate field to work. Third stage is establishment (mid-twenties to mid-forties) where the person establishes in a long-term in their chosen field. Maintenance (mid-forties to mid-sixties) is the fourth stage in which the person achieves successes in their career. They also tend to help their subordinates as they are more experienced. They try to maintain stability in their job. Last and final stage in career is disengagement/withdrawal (mid-sixties) in which the person takes retirement and try to explore new jobs. Career development helps people to achieve their career objectives. It can be linked to career planning at different stages. It includes managing a person’s career between different organizations. Career development interventions can be used for many goals. These interventions are mainly designed for young employees rather than managers. Some of the interventions which are related to career stages are as follows: realistic job preview is related to establishment which helps the person to know the work requirements. Developmental training helps the person to gain knowledge to reach their goals. This intervention is related to establishment and maintenance stages in career planning. Performance feedback and coaching comes under establishment stage which helps the person to know about their performance. Work life balance planning helps the person to maintain balance between personal and professional life. It comes under establishment and maintenance stages . Challenging assignments keeps the person engaged with interesting and creates an enthusiasm towards work. This comes under maintenance stage. Dual-career accommodations comes nder maintenance stage and it helps the person to find satisfying work projects. Phased retirement falls under withdrawal stage of a person’s career where the person retires from the job. All these interventions will result in various desired consequences such as increases job satisfaction and commitment, monitors human resources development, strengthens organizational capability, improves quality of life, maintains member motivation, increase s productivity ,decreases stress in later stages of life and also reduce turnover and training costs for the organization. Work force diversity interventions are the third type of HRM interventions. Organizations should develop their human resources in such a way that it should maintain diversity in an efficient manner. People from various regions may work together in an organization. They may differ in various ways like age, gender, marital status, social status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, personality traits, ethnicity and culture. An organization with diverse workforce can better achieve its goals. Employees from diverse workforce can learn more and achieve more experience as they work in a mixed environment. Other than the employees of the organization, clients can also gain profit from it as the organization which encourages diverse workforce will be more open and flexible. As people come from various cultures and backgrounds in diverse work force they can learn more business practices. Employees can develop their knowledge, communication skills, problem-solving capabilities through diverse workforce. All the employees need to be trained to work either individually or as a part of a team.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Problem solution essay about teenage pregnacy Essay
The teenage pregnancy rate for 1997 rose all the way up to 62.7 percent, this was the highest it has been in years! When I first saw this fact I knew something would have to be done about it. This high pregnancy rate in teenagers is in fact a major problem, because teenagers are not responsible enough to raise a baby. There are many possible solutions to prevent teenage pregnancy like discouraging early dating, abstinence, and using birth control and condoms. Although there are all these possible solutions the pregnancy rate is still very high. So we need to evaluate the possible solutions and pick the best one to grow on to help lower the teenage pregnancy rate. What has caused the teenage pregnancy rate to get so high? One reason for such a high rate is the solutions people suggest that teenagers use to prevent getting pregnant. Society tells teenagers over and over these solutions that are simply unacceptable to most teenagers. Also the lack of information on pregnancy also causes this higher rate, because teenage girls are not informed enough about how hard being pregnant really is. Most teenagers are smart enough to know that if they engage in having sexual intercourse they have the chance of getting pregnant. They do not realize how big of a life altering change having a baby is though. Possible solutions to help prevent pregnancy are discouraging early dating, abstinence, and using birth control and condoms. Although there are all these solutions not all of them are really reasonable to teenagers. Such as discouraging early dating, the reason this solution does not work is because if a parent tells their teenagers they cannot date they will still do it behind their back. And the reason that abstinence is really not a good solution is because sometime or another a teenager is going to try having sex no matter what their parents tell them. Abstinence is like telling a little kid not to try candy. Teenagers undergo too much peer pressure to avoid having intercourse one time or another through their teenage years. So really the only good solution to help prevent teenage pregnancy is using birth control and condoms. The reason this solution is better than the rest is because it takes away almost all the chance of becoming pregnant there is. Even if the teenager is having intercourse if the girl is taking birth control and if the boy is using condoms there is a very little chance that becoming pregnant is possible. The way to get more teenagers using birth control and condoms is to inform them about how effective they really are and how well they will work for them if the decide on having sexual intercourse. Birth control is 98 percent effective and so are condoms, so putting the two protections together is highly effective. Teenagers need to know how easily they can become pregnant and they also need to know how hard having a baby would be. The solutions are not drastic. Discouraging early dating and abstinence are some solutions that are not highly effective and the main solution to help prevent pregnancy is using birth control and condoms as long as we get this solution out to the kids and inform them about these methods of protection. The pregnancy rate in teenagers is much to high so these solutions need to start being carried out so this rate is lowered drastically. Most teenagers really do not understand how big of a life change they will undergo if pregnancy enters their life.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Hollywood Essay Example
Hollywood Essay Example Hollywood Essay Hollywood Essay Hollywood Avail and Hoc argue that Hollywood develops as a control of industry in specific geographical areas. Hoc doesnt discuss films because she is not a reader of films but her work suggests that we think about films as produced fantasies in specific spaces. The most obvious connection between film and one of those produced spaces is Disneyland. Villas work doesnt talk about whats in Disneyland but I believe it consists of controlled space in which the Disney fantasy has been created. I am going to establish the relationship between fantasy/space using Hoc, Brandy ND Ross, look at the place that most exemplifies this relationship Disneyland, and use the movie Who Framed Rodgers Rabbit that puts these two ideas together and points out that they are linked back to consumerism. Hoc states that merely looking at changes in spatial organization is not enough to explain Just how Hollywood was able to develop itself into the epicenter of film. She suggests we consider the power relations between the merchants and manufacturers; in particular, the shift from a producer driven to merchant dominated industry. Hoc states that Hollywood became Hollywood because its birth incited with the rise of consumerism. Hollywood became linked with consumerism; it became a place where people linked several different aspects of the geographic location to Hollywood. There was the stars that lived around Hollywood, the studio lots that made the films possible, the geography of the land that had attracted the production companies initially. Leo Brandy for example acknowledges that Hollywood came to become Hollywood when cinema finally gained the respect it wanted as a business and art form but Brandy argues that Hollywood really became Hollywood when it merged business tit a place and location. It seems to me that Hollywood consolidated its stars, production and exhibition in order to create a brand, that it otherwise would not have had (Brandy 54). Hollywood became a place associated with a brand created in order to lure those apt to consume in a consumer society. Hollywood began with its advertising of real estate and health that brought early settlers to Southern California as a vision and place for self betterment and health as it was mentioned in lecture. As a movie business Hollywood took these early myths and created an even more enhanced fantasy of personal attainment even though very few movie theaters were actually produced in Hollywood and only a few stars actually lived there. Steven Ross How Hollywood Became Hollywood indicates that Hollywood is a place, an icon, and idea that has established it as a symbol that represented a place of dreams worldwide. It became a symbol that represented a physical place but also a metaphysical life represented false rhetoric of endless opportunities for individuals to become part of the glamorous life that many stars were part of. Studios and exclusive films that mirrored the life of the more leisured and well to do citizenry, that that would accelerate Hollywood new class visions (269 Ross). Walt Disney had his very own class vision, as mentioned in lecture Disney wanted to create a place that would attract well to do white nuclear families that included a father, mother, a son and a daughter. Disneyland debuted in 1955 as the antithesis to Coney Island and its urban counterparts. Avail states that Disneyland was ordered to contrast with the chaos of the modern city and intimate enough to counter, the limitless sprawl of Southern Californians expanding urban region. Disneyland was said to present a compact, reassuring model of order that resembled an updated version of the Progressives better city (Avail). Disney addresses urban problems (Crime, transportation, waste, relationship of work and leisure, transience of populations, hegemony of the simulacrum buts its not an urban environment. Visitors to the park are citizens but not residents, who roam through the park consuming the cartoon utopia and compare it to their homes. Park visitors compared their homes to the park, it must eave something to do with how clean and orderly everything is in the park, theres no crime, no homeless people on the streets, the urban atmosphere is taken away and more of a small town feel to it although its located in one of the busiest cities in the world. It seems to me that the park is a fantasy of controlled space, the park is like a small city which disconnects its visitors from the reality of life outside of the park there is crime and grime in cities in Disneyland this isnt visible because it is being controlled, employees are told to keep the park clean in order for it to be the better itty (Avail). Main Street USA worked to uphold Disneys faith in the virtues of small town America and symbolized a nostalgia retreat from the decadence of a noir city. It seems to me that the Progressives better city model in Disneyland was aimed to control the excess of urban culture through regulation and supervision. Disneyland was a controlled space. Disneyland was unlike Coney Island which highlighted the cultural landscape and paragon of industrial arbitration in turn of the century New York ad reflected the growing class diversity of the modern industrial city as well as encompassing the its tremendous growing class diversity (Avail). Disney felt that values were lost in the chaos of Coney Islands urban modernity. Im not arguing that he made Disneyland out of Jealousy but instead he created it because he was so obsessed with controlling whether people were holding onto their values and making sure there wasnt a mixing of classes like in the example of Coney Island where Victorian respectability wasnt important. He created a fantasy world inside of Disneyland where he was able to control who was able to come to the park, its located in a action where you need a vehicle in order to get to and if you couldnt afford a vehicle or the price for a ticket you werent able to enter the park. It was controlled in the sense that only those that could afford making the trip to Disneyland, afford a car and park expenses was able to obtain the experience of the fantasy land unlike Coney Island which was available to all classes of people. This created the sense of a see this spectacle or fantastical as I think of it. Michael Sirloins See you in Disneyland was discussed in another one of Professor Morons classes that outlines how Disneyland was on the inside something Avail doesnt talk much about in her piece in A Rage for Order. Corking mentions that Disneyland was a highly regulated and sterilized experience that stands in for the undisciplined complexities of normal life. Security and surveillance were said to be all housed underground as an apparatus for keeping every urban problem out of sight (Corking). Disney seems unreal, no wonder visitors to the park compared it to their homes, and if a person from a very urban environment visits Disneyland of rouser they be intrigue d I know I would. If everything around me is neat and orderly Id want to live in such an area but is it possible. Personally I dont think its possible, Disneyland creates this fantasy that its possible for a city to be so orderly but in reality, it wouldnt be possible to watch and keep order in order to make sure nothing messes up the utopia city. Avail begins by talking about Coney Island the complete opposite of Disneyland. Its located in New York in a very urban environment; it highlighted the cultural landscape and paragon of industrial arbitration (Avail). She doesnt really go into detail about specific examples of what Disneyland enforced for example Sirloins piece discussed the reasoning behind everyone having to circulate on foot around the park. He says the car although it was the generator of LA it was also the problem it repressed pedestrians and its happy random encounters which is why Disney created an auto-free zone. Although Disney removed automobiles from the park itself, it was the automobile and the making of the freeway that attracted visitors to the park. Disneyland was centered around consumerism if it werent for consumerism it wasnt Seibel for it to be so successful. The freeway was vital to the success of Disneyland that it even earned a spot inside the park. In the parks 1955 opening a Utopia in Tomorrows was a real model freeway that had everything to do with Disneyland. In order to get to Disneyland a freeway had to be constructed, because there was a freeway made people were able to drive their cars from their suburban homes into the city and then to Disneyland where they were able to consume all the things made available to them inside the park. I havent been to Disneyland but have heard a lot bout it and often people say that their isnt a chance that you can get past the first attraction of the park which is Main Street USA a copy of what a small town America should look like (clean, organized, and a better version of a city). Who Framed Roger Rabbit the movie becomes a land in Disneyland called Ton Town which is about the culmination of the control of space, the Disney fantasy, and consumerism. Disney was able to control space by creating a utopia American town, with its own rules and regulations. Ton town was the complete opposite; it was Hattie, immoral and not right Just, as Coney Island didnt seem right in the eyes of Walt. Ton Town was a product of consumerism, people wanted to watch movies that included the tons because they were funny, they were oblivious to the idea that they talked about the plan to create a freeway right through Ton Town and how many automobiles would use it and how people could get from one place to another. Disneyland needed the freeway, because there was no other way people could get to the park if it werent for automobiles and the freeway. This links back to mesmerism, Disneyland used Who Framed Roger Rabbit as a way to introduce the freeway and the important of having this pathway for cars to drive upon in order to reach certain destinations. It all links back to consumerism, the controlled space, and the fantasy of living in a clean American town. Consumerism included visiting Disneyland, driving on a freeway that would take you to the park that exemplified itself as the utopia city that highlighted the fantasy of Disney, and visiting the place, which was the epicenter of the film industry along with having an amazing landscape.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Sample Argumentative and Persuasive Writing Prompts
Sample Argumentative and Persuasive Writing Prompts Any of the 40 statements or positions below may be either defended or attacked in an argumentative essay or speech. Selecting a Position In choosing something to write about, keep in mind Kurt Vonneguts advice: Find a subject you care about and which you in your heart feel others should care about. But be sure to rely on your head as well as your heart: select a topic that you know something about, either from your own experience or from that of others. Your instructor should let you know whether formal research is encouraged or even required for this assignment. Because many of these issues are complex and wide-ranging, you should be prepared to narrow your topic and focus your approach. Selecting a position is only the first tep, and you must learn to prepare and develop your position persuasively. At the end of the following list, youll find links to a number of argumentative paragraphs and essays. 40 Topic Suggestions: Argument and Persuasion Dieting makes people fat.Romantic love is a poor basis for marriage.The war on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human rights.High school graduates should take a year off before entering college.All citizens should be required by law to vote.All forms of government-funded welfare should be abolished.Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child.Americans should have more holidays and longer vacations.Participating in team sports helps to develop good character.The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal.People have become overly dependent on technology.Censorship is sometimes justified.Privacy is not the most important right.Drunk drivers should be imprisoned for the first offense.The lost art of letter-writing deserves to be revived.Government and military personnel should have the right to strike.Most study-abroad programs should be renamed party abroad: they are a waste of time and moneyThe continuing decline of CD sales along wit h the rapid growth of music downloads signals a new era of innovation in popular music. College students should have complete freedom to choose their own courses.The solution to the impending crisis in Social Security is the immediate elimination of this government program.The primary mission of colleges and universities should be preparing students for the workforce.Financial incentives should be offered to high school students who perform well on standardized tests.All students in high school and college should be required to take at least two years of a foreign language.College students in the U.S. should be offered financial incentives to graduate in three years rather than four.College athletes should be exempted from regular class-attendance policies.To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food.Students should not be required to take physical education courses.To conserve fuel and save lives, the 55 miles-per-hour national speed limit should be restored.All citizens under the age of 21 should be required to pass a drivin g education course before receiving a license to drive. Any student caught cheating on an examination should be automatically dismissed from college.Freshmen should not be required to purchase a meal plan from the college.Zoos are internment camps for animals and should be shut down.University students should not be penalized for illegally downloading music, movies, or other protected content.Government financial aid for students should be based solely on merit.Nontraditional students should be exempted from regular class-attendance policies.At the end of each term, student evaluations of faculty should be posted online.A student organization should be formed to rescue and care for the feral cats on campus.People who contribute to Social Security should have the right to choose how their money is invested.Professional baseball players convicted of using performance-enhancing drugs should not be considered for induction into the Hall of Fame.Any citizen who does not have a criminal record should be permitted to carry a concealed weapon.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Choose one product or product group ( e.g. gifts, books, food, Essay
Choose one product or product group ( e.g. gifts, books, food, clothes, computer, or shoes) - Essay Example The conditions in the business environment also play a key role in the identification and promotion of successful marketing plans. Current paper focuses on the challenges that the marketing strategies related to a particular group of products, computers, tend to face in the global market. Particular emphasis is given on the product’s environment but also on the potentials of the product to create value, a fact that would increase the demand for the particular product in the global market. It is revealed that the promotion of computers worldwide has radically changed, compared to the past. Online promotion is mostly used for products of such characteristics. Still, the use of traditional marketing strategies, simultaneously, could lead to the increase of this product’s popularity; such prospect would be quite important if taking into consideration the fact that computers are gradually replaced by tablets, as also analyzed below. 2.0 Introduction When checking the effecti veness of a marketing strategy, there are certain issues that need to be taken into consideration: a) marketing strategies are not standardized worldwide even for products of the same category/ characteristics, b) when referring to Internet, marketing may have different priorities, focusing on communication and the exchange of information; in opposition, in traditional marketing plans emphasis is given on the achievement of the company’s goals but also on the increase of organization’s profits; c) the success of marketing strategies can be depended on several factors; in other markets, online sales may be considered as a daily activity while in certain markets the alignment of marketing strategies with the business strategy cannot be avoided. Computers, as a critical industrial sector, have achieved an impressive rate of growth; still, the position of computers in the global market is severely threatened: the technology is continuously developed while communication and cooperation have become critical requirements for the successful integration of the products in markets worldwide. The appearance of devices that can replace PCs has led to worries in regard to the survival of the industry in the future. The value chain analysis could help to understand the potentials of the specific product to stabilize its position in the future. 3.0 Online Product 3.1 Environment of the Product The performance of computers within their environment needs to be checked from time to time. The current market trends lead to assumption that online products have more chances to achieve a high rate of growth. Still, the technology available for the realization of such projects can be quite costly, not allowing the development of such projects. The trends in regard to the online and the offline environment of the product are presented in detail in the following section. At this point, the following question appears: what does the term environment of the product means? In general, this term is used to show all characteristics of the product’s environment, including the level of the economy, the mode of social and economic framework of the state involved and c) the level of competition. The conditions in the computer industry are quite competitive; only firms that are already well established in the market will survive; as a result the performance of computers in regard to innovation need to be extremely high. The
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Public Health and Health Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Public Health and Health Policy - Essay Example Lack of shelter is regarded as homelessness state. Vostanis, Grattan & Cumella (1998) highlight that many times, homelessness is interchangeably used with the term rooflessness. It is an example of social exclusion that can be incorporated in the equalities in terms of health agendas. Individuals without shelter are often termed as homeless. Baggott (2011) explains that homelessness is not an entity but multiple entities that encompass housing needs. It entails the need for individuals to have short term or temporary accommodation. Sometimes living on the short term or temporary accommodation presents the uncertainty of the future. Wilson & Mabhala (2009) elaborate further by highlighting that the temporary accommodation includes the rough sleepers; individuals sleeping at their friends’ or relatives’ houses; and homeless shelters. Some of them live in accommodations that are supported such as temporary accommodation (bread and breakfast) or in the hostels. It is elaborated in Homeless Link (2010) that that homeless individuals who seek accommodation from friends or relatives are sometimes compelled to either stay on the relatives’ sofas or squat. Moreover, individuals who are driven out of their homes due to factors such as disasters or violence are also faceted as homeless. This is inclusive of the immigrants. Despite the fact that they are the widely known group as illuminated by Baggott, Allsop & Jones (2005), the majority of culprits are of homelessness state are single individuals who live in either insecure or temporary (short term) accommodation. Carr, Unwin & Pless-Mulloli (2007) illuminate that homeless is not a homogeneous group and individuals faceted to be homeless are in most cases families that are young and headed by females who are lonely. They tend to experience general health problems, as well as mental health. However, Douglas (2010).reveals that those who are not officially homeless are
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
A critical and thoughtful analysis of the origins of the recent Essay
A critical and thoughtful analysis of the origins of the recent financial crisis - Essay Example concerns were developed regarding the level of security of the financial products provided by financial institutions. Particular emphasis was given on the potential risk of subprime mortgage products offered by most USA banks. However, no measures were introduced for limiting the relevant risk. In this context, the appearance of the crisis in 2007 can be characterized rather as expected; it was just the issue of ‘when’ the crisis was going to appear and not ‘if’ there were chances to occur. The origins of the recent financial crisis are critically discussed in this paper. The literature published on the particular subject is presented aiming to show the different approaches used for the explanation of the crisis as a series of events, which caused severe turbulences to economies worldwide. The potential differences in the arguments used for explaining the crisis reveal the following fact: even after its end, the above crisis has not been fully understood, in all its aspects. The fact that certain theorists set the end of the crisis in 2009 while other estimate the end of the crisis in 2010 is another proof the misunderstanding in regard to the actual forms and the effects of the specific crisis. 2. Origins of the recent financial crisis – critical analysis ... they had managed to mask this risk by giving emphasis on certain characteristics of these products, for example the potential of the customer to choose the number of instalments or the level of interest. In a report published by the World Bank in 2009 it is noted that the origins of the global financial crisis of 2007-2009 can be identified in ‘the economic growth of the years 2003-2007’ (World Bank, 2009, p.94); i.e. the crisis of 2007-2009 is considered to have its roots in the economic decisions of the pre-crisis period, a claim which leads to the assumption that the crisis was unavoidable. In accordance with the above view, the financial crisis of the period 2007-2009 was not related exclusively with the banking practices of 203-2007 but, mostly, with the management of the economics of the state, for example, the investment decisions promoted by the governments worldwide. In the case of Dubai, the continuous increase of investment on construction projects led to the high increase of the relevant debt – referring to the funds used for the completion of these construction projects. It is noted that during the above period, the economic growth reached a percentage of 5% - which was unique since the 1970s (World Bank 2009). However, no measures were taken for protecting economies from potential failures. In fact, the extended use of risky financial products, a result of the radical growth of the above period, has facilitated the increase of leverage. Legislators avoided reacting on time, mostly because the actual risks were not clear. The masking practices, as mentioned above, used by financial institutions helped to hide the risks of leverage and the risk related to the ‘structured financial products’ (World Bank 2009, p.94), extensively used by USA banks
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Plato And Aristotles Best Form Of Constitution Politics Essay
Plato And Aristotles Best Form Of Constitution Politics Essay Both Plato and Aristotle believed that the best form of government is rule by the best, or Aristocracy. This word did not mean for them rule by the ruling class, as it did in early modern Europe; they really believed that only the smartest, most temperate, most mature, most reflective, most educated, and the bravest should be in charge of government, that is, only the best (the Greek word for best is aristos ). For Plato, the ideal city was one which mirrored the kosmos, on the one hand, and the individual on the other. As he described in The Republic, the ideal city, or polis, was one based on justice and human virtue. It was a form of social and political organization that allowed individuals to maximize their potentialities, serve their fellow citizens, and live in accordance with universal laws and truths. A citys constitution is the organisation of its magistracies or offices. Every ordered state has a constitution, since every such state has some organisation of magistracies (Aristotle, Politics 278 b9, 1289 b15, 1290 a8-9). In Aristotles teleological philosophy organisation is always for the sake of some end or purpose. The true end or purpose of the state, he says, is to help its members live, and to live a good life. Constitutions which aim at the good life for the citizens are true constitutions; those which aim at the good of the rulers only are perversions (Aristotle, Politics 1279 a17-21). There are echoes here of Plato; remember in The Republic Socrates argument with Thrasymachus, in which Socrates argued that government is an art the purpose of which is to further the good of the governed. Aristocracy. Rule by the best (aristos). In practice this usually meant rule by the well-born, those of noble family, who referred to themselves as the best people. The generic name a constitution or polity (politeia, constitution). In modern English polity is not a common word, but when it is used it means form of government or type of constitution; thus one might speak of a democratic polity or a monarchical polity. Aristotle uses polity both in that way, as the generic name for a constitution of any sort, and as the name of one of the sorts. One of the kinds of polity is polity, i.e. the polity or form of government in which all citizens rule and is ruled in turn. The idea of polity is that all citizens should take short turns at ruling. It is an inclusive form of government: everyone has a share of political power. He sometimes calls it polity, sometimes political or constitutional government these are interchangeable. Oligarchy, the generic name for rule by a few, is also the name of one kind of rule by the few, the perverted kind which seeks to further the interest of the wealthy few. Democracy means literally rule by the people, but Aristotle and other ancient writers use it to mean rule exclusively by the poor in their own interest. Classification of Constitutions Good Bad One Kingship Tyranny Few Aristocracy Oligarchy Many Polity Democracy The good and bad columns come from Plato. This is the classification put forward by Plato. Plato used democracy for both kinds of rule by the many, because he saw little difference between good and bad rule by many. Democracy is too weak to do much good and at its worst too weak to do much harm, according to Plato. If, however, there be some one person, or more than one whose virtue is so preeminent that the virtues or the political capacity of all the rest admit of no comparison with his or theirs, then he or they should be supreme and not bound by laws (Aristotle, Politics 1284 a3-17); that is, under those circumstances the city should be governed by a king or an aristocracy unfettered by rules and laws. Aristotle often alludes to this ideal constitution (Aristotle, Politics 1284 b25-35, 1288 a7-30, 1289 a30-2, 1293 b25-8, 1332 b17-25). But whereas Plato calls the seventh the true constitution and the others imitations, Aristotle calls three of the others true, and mentions the seventh only incidentally. In Aristotle, Politics attention is focussed mostly not on the ideal form of government but on the second best, or best practicable. A similar point is made in (Aristotle, Politics 1290 a30-b20). The criticism Aristotle is making here is that Platos classification obscures the really signific ant dividing line, which is not between the few and the many but between the rich and the poor. In chapter 8, the discussion (Aristotle, Politics 1309a) of the grounds on which various groups claim power in the state was very carefully detailed. These groups include the rich and the poor, and also the well-born (those who come from noble families) and the virtuous. The discussion continues to the end of chapter 13 (Aristotle, Politics 1297a). It begins with a consideration of the purpose for which the state exists, because this will determine who should rule. The discussion reaches no firm conclusions, but Aristotle seems to favour the Platonic view that power should be held by the virtuous. This brings us to the question whether the poor or the rich should rule? If the poor, because they are more in number, divide among themselves the property of the rich, is not this unjust? (Aristotle, Politics 1281a 13-15). Again, when in the first division all has been taken, and the majority divide anew the property of the minority, is it not evident, if this goes on, that they will ruin the state?(Aristotle, Politics 1281a18). This is an answer to some of Platos arguments against democracy. Among them they understand the whole (Aristotle, Politics 1281 b9). They need to discuss, and communicate to all, or most, what each has understood; and for this they may not have the necessary time, goodwill or ability. To assign them some deliberative and judicial functions but not allow them to hold office singly (Aristotle, Politics 1281 b30). This is in effect a combination of oligarchy and democracy. Aristotle himself thinks that the best practicable state, the one in which virtue has the best chance of influence, is one in which some political functions are assigned to the many poor and other functions to the few rich, so as to produce a balance of the classes. All professions and arts (Aristotle, Politics 1282a). Plato holds that government is, or can be, an art, and infers that only a few should rule because only a few can master any art. Aristotle suggests that the intelligent man who has studied the art, but not enough to be a practitioner, may be a good judge. Also, the consumer may be better than the producer at judging the quality of the product (Aristotle, Politics 1282a17). Plato set forth a five-fold classification to describe how the city ought to be governed. The best form of government, he argued, was an aristocratic model based on the ruler ship of philosopher kings. A second form of government he called timocracy, or rule by a privileged elite of guardians, or strong men. Oligarchy, the third type, consisted of rule by the few. The remaining two, democracy and tyranny represented rule by the many. According to Plato, the ideal city had to be an enlightened one, one based on the highest universal principles. He insisted that only individuals who were committed to these truths, who could protect and preserve them for the sake of the common good, were fit to rule the city. Becoming a philosopher king, or an ideal ruler, involved a rigorous course of study that extended into mid-life; Plato, Republic 540a. The ideal ruler was therefore someone chosen by an inner calling, or daimon, not by circumstance or privilege. Therefore, the ideal ruler was not someone chosen by circumstance or privilege so much as by an inner calling, or daimon. This point is crucial because it distinguishes Platos ideal city from those of other thinkers who shared Platos faith in guardianship but favoured oligarchical systems of government. Aristotle drew heavily on Platos vision but also criticized what he saw as its excessively idealistic nature. He believed that Platos republic could never exist in the real world. In any case, Aristotle made a number of improvements on Platos ideal in the interest of making it more practically useful. In his view, there were three basic forms of political organization, rule of the one, rule of the few, and rule of the many. The first form, at its best, led to monarchy; at its worst, to tyranny, the second, at its best, to aristocracy; at its worst, to oligarchy. And the third, at its best, to something he called politeia; at its worst, to democracy. Aristotle maintained that both monarchy and aristocracy were ideal forms of government, in the sense that they were virtually impossible to achieve in reality. He therefore invented a third form which drew from the unique strengths of both, politeia. This form combined rule of law and rule by the few. It was a brilliant formulation that incorporated many of Platos key elements (such as guardianship, the idea of self-sufficiency, and the critical role of law) while making it more practical and thereby attainable. For example, he introduced land ownership and ruler ship by lot as crucial elements of the ideal polis, while dispensing with what he considered unrealistic concepts such as distributive justice and voluntary rule. Aristotle a student of Plato, who himself did not like democracy, because the democratic assembly of Athens condemned Socrates to death. Aristotle himself fell victim to the same assembly and was banished from Athens. All the major Greek philosophers thought democracy was the worst form of government. Plato, in his critique of democracy in The Republic, claims that it allows people to follow all their passions and drives without order or control (Plato, Republic 557 558); Aristotle claimed that the competing interest in a democracy makes for chaos rather than purposive and deliberated action. Democracy did not seem to work very democratically at all, in fact. In Athens, the democratic Assembly was usually dominated by a single powerful, charismatic individual; this individual often dominated the Assembly because of his presence or oratorical skill rather than his individual worth. As a result, the democratic governments could make some surprisingly foolish decisions, such as the Athenian decision to attack Sicily without any cause or provocation. This ill-considered war destroyed much of the Athenian fleet and eventually led to the defeat of Athens by Sparta. The position of these charismat ic leaders, however, was always very precarious. The democratic Assemblies could change character overnight; they would often eagerly follow a particular leader, and then exile that leader often for no reason (this is Aristotles central objection to a democracy). If you can remember in the painting The School of Athens, Plato is pointing up because of his immaterial views (god, the afterlife). Then you will notice Aristotle pointing forward to demonstrate that his views develop from what is in front of him. Plato generally believes in ideas and focuses on the soul, the forms and the good. In Book 7 Plato spoke of the allegory of the cave and how only the philosopher kings were able to see the light (Plato, Republic 514a), Whereas, Aristotle is a natural scientist who studies nature, his views were that the way the natural world works is the way the world works, basically everything is part of a larger organic pod and nature has a plan for everything, nothing is created without a purpose because things are naturally related. In my view I think Platos work in more than intriguing, he has a lot of views that are really interesting, but also it can be said that many of his ideas can be debated negatively either in his time or ours. I am of the belief that people would never agree with his ideas of state building, and his idea of the philosopher king, and so hence, his ideas were never brought to life, but in the same breath has left a great legacy for future generations to analyse. In comparison, there is Aristotle who is very critical of Platos ideas. Aristotle is a very practical person, whose philosophy I can explicitly say makes better sense when it comes to state building and the way the world works. He also had a view of which I really agree with and that was laws should rule not men.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The South Could Not Win the Civil War :: American America History
The South Could Not Win the Civil War "The South could never have won the Civil War," is a true statement, reflecting the various ways in which the Southern states attempted to fight a losing battle from the beginning. The economic dependency of the South on cotton on slavery was obvious, whereas the North had diversified and sufficiently. The advantage also lay with the North for reasons such as better communication and transportation, and even more soldiers. The leadership in the North under Abraham Lincoln was far superior to the less savvy Jefferson Davis. It is also a fair argument to say that the just cause always overcomes, and morally, slavery was not just at all. In the 1850's the North was more populous and urban, due to all the Irish and German immigrants that traveled to the states. By1860, 9 out of the 10 biggest cities were in the North. The North also had 70% of the railroads, and more telegraph lines to send messages instantly. The North had a lot more industry also, with its 10,000 factories that brought in $1.5 billion dollars in goods compared to the South's 20,000 that brought in $155 million.(Source 1) The South did, however, have more slaves and more cotton. This was not any sort of military advantage, and merely made it more obvious to the North how desperate the South was to keep its peculiar institution running. Additionally, the first attack at Fort Sumter was poorly organized and was expected by the North. Lincoln had wanted to attack, but waited so as to retain the sympathies of any Northern moderates. The South's attack played into what he wanted. Once the war began, the military expertise of Ulysses S. Grant for the North made it an uphill battle for the South. His military skill alone was enough to give Robert E. Lee's forces in the South serious problem, but the Union army also greatly outnumbered the South's troops. Though Lee would prove to be a worthy general, his strategic downfall at Gettysburg would begin the inevitable loss for the South. (Source 2) In conclusion, it was obvious from the beginning of the Civil War that the South would not win the war. This having been said, Robert E. Lee was a fine general, but was simply without enough soldiers to lead a successful uprising.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Public Relations Interview
Kaiser Permanente is an integrated managed care consortium based located in Oakland, California. Kaiser Permanente evolved from industrial health care programs for construction, shipyard, and steel mill workers for the Kaiser industrial companies during the late 1930s and 1940s (â€Å"Kaiser Permanente,†2013, para. 1). Kaiser Permanente is consists of three distinct entities, the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, the autonomous regional Permanente Medical Groups, and the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan.Kaiser provides medical care throughout the eight regions, the Kaiser Foundation Health Plans (KFHP) works with the employee, employers, and individual members who offer prepaid health plans and insurance. The health plans provide infrastructure and are not for profit that invest to Kaiser Foundation Hospitals that provides tax exempt shelter to the for profit medical groups. The Permanente Medical Groups are owned by the physician organizations.They arrange, and provide medical care for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan members. The medical groups are for profit professional corporations, and partnerships that receive the funding from the Kaiser Foundation Health Plans. The flagship hospital for Kaiser Permanente is the Oakland Medical Center. The facility has : 761 physicians (between Oakland and Richmond Medical Centers), 341 beds, 14-bed perioperative department, and 60 critical care beds (â€Å"Kaiser Permanente,†2013, para.3). The Oakland Medical Center is a specialty medical center that employed board certified surgeons, and physicians who teach at well-known universities like the University of California at San Francisco. They provide a wide array of highly specialized care units, including Comprehensive pediatric care program (â€Å"Kaiser Permanente,†2013, para. 5).a.Cochlear implants b.Genetics c.Kidney stone and gallstone treatment d.Neonatal intensive care e.Pediatric neurosurgery f.Spine surgeryInstant worldwide communications make it m ore important than ever to manage a company's image and control how a company interfaces with its customers (Sardisco, 2013, para. 1). Public relations is an essence of any company whether a company is private or public, profit or nonprofit and its status will define its success. Modern public relations practitioners have faced more difficulties and challenges as the information for fast, and marketing globalization alter the pace and landscape of the profession.I interviewed the Public Relations Affairs manager of organization, she covers the East Bay Region of Northern California that includes Oakland, Richmond Alameda, and Pinole. I have worked with her in various projects highlighting the work we are doing in the nursing units to improve our patient satisfaction, and care experience. As a Public Relations Manager she plays a vital role in our communications, and marketing division. She works in collaboration with the national, regional, and local public relations department of o ur organization.One thing that I am amazed is how consistent and standardized their communications plan across the region; they are consistent with the message they are giving to the community, and to the public. As a PR manager she develops and implements strategic public relations programs to attain significant brand awareness. As a public relation affairs manager, she has the critical work of placing Kaiser’s hearts, and minds of the key stockholders that includes the patients, prospective members, clinicians, journalist policymakers, and executives.She is responsible in numerous interrelated departments dedicated in advancing the organizations mission by promoting, and protecting Kaiser Permanente brand by supporting a successful strategy that includes issues, and brand management, corporate communications, public relations, media, and stakeholders relations, public affairs internally, and externally. She supervises public relations staff that works on different areas; me dia relations, business – business communications, research, philanthropy, sustainability, health IT, and health care reforms. She also shared that Oakland Medical Center has a formal public relations plan.It has an effective print, media, broadcast media kit. The robust plan include news releases, public services, newsletter, community, and charity events, creation, and maintenance of website, webcasts, media tours, spotlight new programs, news monitoring, full use if social media, and internet by participating in the online forums. It is important for the organization to put forward important messages to the public to have an image, and good impression of the organization. They also have scheduled public relations program that regularly appear in the main community calendars.Planning for the unexpected crises is another important function of the public relation. An example was during the fire at the Chevron Richmond refinery last 2012 that happened near the Richmond Medical center that has the same license with Oakland. Kaiser Richmond Medical Center has served several dozen of people who came to the emergency room that complained shortness of breath and people were seriously ill. The fire has affected the quality of air over contra cost and El Cerrito Hills. They created public relations plan to handle the crisis and support the community by providing access with the media, local police, and government.She also shared some of the challenges as a public relations manager is keeping up with the rapidly changing media environment. To have the accurate current information and consistency in reaching the right contact, at the right time with the correct information is also important. Control the new media avenues in proper way like Facebook, twitters, and LinkedIn. How to work around the constantly changing views around the traditional approaches. Development of an effective process from a one – one media relation not in a one size plan.Marketing, and public relations; both are major external functions of the firm and both share a common ground in regard to product publicity and consumer relations, at the same time, however; they operate on different levels and from different perspectives and perceptions (Turney, 2001, para. 3). What I learned is that both public, and marketing relations has gone through intense growth, and evolution, it gained increased influence in the business world as they developed new strategies, and projects that projected positive, and aggressive communication in larger public.The traditional perception is that marketing exists to serve, sense, and satisfy customers’ needs for a profit. In Public relations assist its public and organization to adapt mutually to each other. In marketing it supports the transfer of services, and goods from the producer, and the provider to the consumer. The immediate goal of public relations is to achieve an understanding of the organization’s position wit h the public while marketing’s goal is sales. Public relations inherent goal is to have a positive perception and predisposition while marketing is to gain profit.Public relations measurement of success is evidenced by public support, and expressed public opinion’ while marketing’s measurement of success is the quantity of revenue, and sales it generates. Most organization use only one of these disciplines, some uses both. This depends on the degree that they use; it varies from organization to organization based on the size, purpose, and unique organizational background. Kaiser has three entities the hospital clearly has the public affairs and the health plan division uses the marketing strategy.If an organization is nonprofit like Kaiser Permanente Hospital Oakland Medical Center primary goal is to serve the public, and the community. Public relations are more prominent function because it builds relationship with its members. The public affairs department coo rdinates, and disseminates public information, community affairs, and relations. A business for profit and focuses on marketing, and sales, and gaining profit is the most dominant function. Public relations are the secondary function and are completed to enhance, and enhance the marketing efforts.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Effective Employee Selection and Its Importance Essay
One of the most important decisions comes when having to select an employee to fill a job vacancy. In the current labor market, highly qualified applicants are scarce and, among the existent ones, it is hard to spot the ideal candidate. Sometimes it is so urgent that a position be filled, that a person may win the job by default, or sloppy selection criteria may be applied. A â€Å"quick fix†may ease workload for a while, but it might prove lethal for the business viability itself in the long run. Therefore, a larger attention in the selection process can provide the business with employees who will finally produce the desired results. The analysis of the employee selection process is a fairly new practice. During the 70’s, any systematic attempt to sort out skills was often unpopular (Lee, 50). This began to change during the 80’s and into the 90’s, when an estimated 80% to 90% of companies used pre-employment testing (Brindow and Spencer, 80). As Chris Lee states, â€Å"we are returning to a focus on individual competence [†¦] objective standards are coming back in both education and employment†(Lee, 49). Another survey by researchers Randall, Cooke and Smith established that 95% of employers who tried testing for screening sales candidates were still using it (Randall, 53). All the data shows the inclination of the modern businesses to highly stress on everything that will maximize the effectiveness of employee selection and, consequently, employee performance. Processing an applicant for a job normally entails a series of steps, which are determined by the size of the organization, the types of jobs to be filled or the number of people to be hired. The selection stage should be backed up by an effective recruitment process, which greatly depends on job analysis and job description. Job analysis is â€Å"a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job Analysis is a process where judgements are made about data collected on a job†(HR – Guide). Its purpose is to establish and document the â€Å"job relatedness†of employment procedures such as recruitment, selection, training, compensation and performance appraisal through its product, the job description. During the selection process, the job description is used in creating an accurate advertisement for the job and attracts the proper candidates, that is, the persons that most probably will fit for the specific job. A realistic job preview, based on an accurate job description and specification (the qualifications demanded for the job), will help applicants understand what the job entails and make more informed decisions as to whether they want to apply for the job or not. According to Gregorio Billicopf of the University of California, â€Å"selected applicants who understand both the positive and negative sides of a job, are most likely to stay and succeed†. (Billicopf, 18). After the recruitment process has been concluded and the applicants have sent their resumes, the first step of the selection process should take place; screening the resumes. CV’s provide basic information for use in the next step of the selection process and are used to screen out the unqualified applicants. For instance, if the position requires the ability to use a word processor, the resume provides a clear picture whether the person owns this ability or not. Resume screening is a standard procedure in most organizations during the selection process, despite their size, activity or culture. After the resume screen – out, the remaining applicants will be invited for an interview, which is the most important step in the selection process. It supplements information obtained in other steps in the process to determine the suitability of an applicant for a specific opening. Organizations use several types of interviews. The structured interview is conducted using a predetermined outline that is based on the pre-mentioned job analysis, while unstructured interviews are not based on any outline, and use open – ended questions. The structured interviews should be preferred over the unstructured ones, as the former helps the interviewer maintain control of the interview that all pertinent information on the applicant is covered systematically by also providing the same type of information on all interviewees. On the other hand, unstructured interviews may provide a more relaxed atmosphere, but they â€Å"lack of systematic coverage of information and are very susceptible to the personal biases of the interviewer†(Byars & Rue, 141). Organizations use three additional types of interviewing techniques to a limited extent; the stress interview, which puts the applicant under pressure while the interviewer adopts a hostile attitude toward the interviewee in order to detect who is highly emotional and who is not, the board or panel interview, in which two or more people conduct an interview with one applicant, and the group interview in which several applicants are questioned together. A successful interview requires training in the skills, techniques and requirements of successful interviewing. All these will include an effective preparation for the interview, such as scheduling a time and location for it, review of all paperwork of the applicant and the current position description and specification and making a list of interview questions that will help in collecting the information needed for the decision. When the applicant arrives, the interviewer should help him / her feel at ease by showing him / her polite and friendly attitude and let him / her know about the organization. During the interview, the answers the applicant will give will prove to be valuable source of information. Carefully selected open – ended questions should be asked so that the answers given will help determine the suitability of the applicant to a particular position. Additionally, this will encourage the interviewees to supply more in depth information. But still, this should follow a specific and consistent outline in order to ensure a uniform method of questioning, which will be applied to all applicants. It is also important to allow silence for thinking and reflection by the applicant, so that he / she slowly reveals his / her basic competencies, which often determine the interviewee’s advantage over the rest of the applicants and affects the hiring decision. A basic competency is a knowledge, skill or behavior essential for one to function as an effective member of the specific organization and is an essential part of the selection criteria developed and reviewed before the interview questions are written (Univ. of Michigan, 38). Finally, it is important to record actual answers to questions as opposed to evaluative or conclusive comments. This will minimize subjectivity and biases, factors that may prove lethal during the hiring process, because the persons adopting them will most probably end up with the wrong decision and an unsuitable new employee. Even though the interview will certainly tell a lot about the candidate’s qualifications, the only reliable way these qualifications can be measured are tests. The applicants can be tested before, during or after the interview. Tests can be classified as power versus speed tests, as well as written, oral or practical tests. They can measure knowledge, ability, skills, aptitude, attitude, honesty and personality (Billikopf, 20). Whatever the type of the test used, however, the integrity of test questions needs to be guarded. Many tests have undergone validation and reliability studies. The type of test to be used during the selection process depends on the size of the organization, its activity as well as the nature of the position that is to be filled. Aptitude tests measure a person’s capacity or potential ability to learn and perform a job. Some of the more frequently used tests measure verbal ability, numerical ability, and perceptual speed, spatial and reasoning ability. Psychomotor tests measure a person’s strength, dexterity and coordination. Job knowledge tests measure the job related knowledge possessed by a job applicant. Proficiency tests measure how well the applicant can do a sample of the work to be performed. The last ones are the most frequently used by employers worldwide, in all types of organizations. Other types of tests are interest tests, which are designed to determine how a person’s interests compare with the interests of successful people in a specific job, personality tests which attempt to measure personality traits, polygraph tests with the use of the polygraph, a device that records physical changes in a person’s body as he or she answers questions, and physical examinations (drug and AIDS testing or even genetic testing). The last ones are normally required only for the individual who is finally offered the job, and the job offer is often contingent on the individual passing the physical examination. â€Å"The exam is given to determine not only whether the applicant is physically capable of performing the job but also his or her eligibility for group life, health and disability insurance†(Byars, 143). Because of the expense, physical examinations are usually one of the last steps in the selection process. The final step in the selection process is choosing one individual for the job. There are usually more than one qualified persons, but if the previous steps in the selection process have been performed properly, the chances that a value judgment based on all the information gathered will be successful improve dramatically. Because people sometimes falsify their credentials and backgrounds, though, it is important to check references. Additionally, people sometimes interview well but have a record of not actually performing as well as they have led the interviewer to believe. Therefore, it is important to check out any areas in which there are doubts or uncertainties. Reference checks are also a form of insurance. â€Å"The hour or two it takes to conduct a reference check is far less time than the time it will take to deal with performance, attitude or behavior problems†(Univ. of Michigan, 36). The people that the responsible person for the selection has to contact are former supervisors, people whose names the candidate has given as work references to establish the working relationship, people that the employer knows personally who have worked with the candidate and people recommended by any of the above who are said to know the candidate’s work. However, some employers may hesitate to provide negative information about a former employee out of fear of lawsuits. Only people known and trusted can be relied on to give an accurate picture of a potential employee, and, even then, people have different perceptions and personalities, factors that must be considered when weighing employer references. After the evaluation process has been completed, the one most suitable applicant will finally be selected. Recruiting and selecting the right people for the organization is a challenge, and every situation is unique. Innovation, persistence and the ability to communicate the strengths of the business and the benefits of the positions offered, will attract high quality employees. Selecting among them will be hard, but if the selection process steps are implemented properly, the final decision will prove to be really beneficial to the organization. No matter who makes the final decision – the human resource department, the manager of the department or even the owner of the firm -, this decision should be backed up by the correct procedure, otherwise the consequences could be extremely costly, if not lethal. All managers should be trained on the selection process for the benefit of the organization. WORKS CITED Billikopf, Gregory. â€Å"Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity†. University of California. 2003. p. 2-5, 18-23. Brindow Peter, Spencer Leslie. â€Å"When Quotas Replace Merit, Everybody Suffers†. Forbes. Feb 1993. p. 80. Byars Lloyd, Rue Leslie. â€Å"Human Resource Management†. 8th edition. Mc Graw – Hill. p. 141-144Job Analysis: An Overview. The HR – Guide. Oct 2002. May 2006. <>Lee, Chris. â€Å"Testing Makes a Comeback†. Training Vol. 25. Dec 1988. p. 49-50. M-Pathways Employment Steering Committee Sub-Group Report. â€Å"Conducting a Successful Employee Selection Process†. University of Michigan. Apr 2001. p.20-35. Randall, James. â€Å"A Successful Application Of The Assessment Center Concept To the Salesperson Selection Process†. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. May 1985. p. 53.
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