Saturday, August 31, 2019
Educational Psychology study Essay
The study was done by Penny Clunies-Ross, Emma Little and Mandy Kienhuis, (2008). It is titled ‘Self-reported and actual use of proactive and reactive classroom management strategies and their relationship with teacher stress and student behavior’. The study was done with primary school teachers in Australia and examined the teachers’ self-report on the behavior management strategies that they use in the classroom and how these affect their stress level and the students’ behavior. The literature reviewed for this study discussed research done in four areas which were used as the theoretical base for the study. One is the level of disruptive behavior in schools. The second is the teacher stress and its causes. Third is the relationship between the two. And fourth is the type of classroom strategies that teachers use which are categorized as proactive and reactive. The proactive strategies have been described as a more positive approach that is preventive. The reactive strategies are more negative and remedial. The proactive strategies have been found to be more effective. This study therefore aims to â€Å"investigate the relationship between primary school teachers’ self-reported and actual use of management strategies, and to identify how the use of proactive and reactive strategies is related to teacher stress and student behavior†. The hypothesis was that using reactive strategies would result in higher levels of teacher stress and lower on-task behavior of the students. Also that using proactive strategies would result in lower levels of teacher stress and higher on-task behavior of the students. The sample was obtained by contacting principals of the schools. First convenience sampling was used, and then random phone calls to ensure that five schools from each district in Melbourne were included in the study. Data was collected by questionnaires to all teachers and observations of those who volunteered to participate. The data was collected and analyzed by SPSS. In general the results showed that hypothesis one was supported while hypothesis two was not supported. The study was generally well done. The literature review was comprehensive and discussed a wide range of studies from as early as 1986 to 2003, showing the range of research on the topic over the period of time. It was also well organized into sections. The sampling technique was straightforward. Persisting until each district was represented by five schools was good. However the final sample was ninety seven participants from twenty one schools. This means an average of less than five teachers from each school. It may have been better to have surveyed fewer schools but more teachers from each school. The culture of the school often affects teacher stress so that the small number of teachers from a large number of schools may not be reflective of the levels and causes of stress in any one of the schools. The effect of the classroom management strategies used in one school may not completely relate to the teacher stress at that school. The results were analyzed as one sample, rather than analysis by school. Therefore there is no examination of whether the difference in school culture, (if in fact any differences exist) affected the study. However, the study did an analysis of the multivariate effects of gender, level of qualifications and years of teaching experience and found that they were not predictors of teacher stress. These are important variables to include as possible effectors of teacher stress. The study presented a lot of detail on the sample and the materials. However there should have been more detail on the procedure- how exactly were the observations set up and carried out. The report only says â€Å"After the 30-minute observation had been conducted in the teacher’s classroom, observation and questionnaire data were matched using the four-digit code†. The analysis of data was another section that was well presented. This section was again well organized into sub- sections which made reading and following the results much easier. All the data were represented by well-laid out and well- labeled tables which were easy to read. This structure was repeated even in the discussion so that the reader was able to follow the analysis of the results and the discussion for each research question or issue. That was in fact one of the key aspects that made this study encouraging to read- that the subsections were repeated in each part of the study- literature review, data analysis and discussion. An important aspect of this study was the use of both questionnaires (self-report) for teacher behavior and observations. It was significant to educational research on the whole to examine the relationship between the two, since generally self-reports alone cannot be relied upon for accurate measures of behavior. The significant positive correlation between the teachers’ reported use of strategies, both proactive and reactive, and what the researchers observed helps to make self-reports a more reliable tool in educational research. The study ends with two important sections- methodological limitations and suggestions for further research. Discussions in these two sections show the researchers’ awareness of the limitations of the study despite the fact that it is a good piece of research and it helps the reader to understand why certain things were not done in a particular way. One example is this study is the mention that the sampling though it seemed random in fact was not completely random as the teachers who volunteered for the study may be teachers who are not particularly stressed, or that the stressed teachers may not have been so willing to participate. Secondly the number of teachers volunteering to be observed was quite small. The study does not mention the actual number. A section that I would have liked to see included in this study was one on ethical considerations. In general the study was a useful one, well conducted and reported. It investigated the effect of proactive and reactive strategies as classroom management techniques on teachers’ stress levels. The study did in fact find that the use of proactive strategies had less effect on teachers’ stress. This would be the most important benefit to teachers to help them to keep the stress of teaching to a minimum. They could be encouraged by these results to focus on implementing activities in the classroom that would prevent classroom disruptions, rather than having to use their attention and energy intervening in classroom disruptions and losing teaching time. The study also looked at the effect of these strategies on students’ on-task behavior, and again found that the proactive strategies fostered more on-task behavior. This is also useful to the teachers to keep students focused on their work and lessen the disruptions in the classroom. Reference Clunies-Ross, P. , Little, E. and Kienhuis, M. (2008) Self-reported and actual use of proactive and reactive classroom management strategies and their relationship with teacher stress and student behavior, Educational Psychology, 28:6,693  710
Friday, August 30, 2019
Case Analysis for Virgin Mobile Essay
VIRGIN MOBILE USA – ‘FIRST PRICE’ STRATEGY (An analysis of the Pricing Decision alternatives that Virgin has to undertake to create an alternate customer segment and monetize their buying power)VIRGIN XTRAS – OVERVIEWThe Virgin Mobile USA service involved content, features and entertainment, called â€Å"Virgin Xtras†.Collaboration with MTV networks as it was the most recognized youth brands in the country and unparalleled reach forthe under-30 market segment: Exclusive, multiyear content and marketing agreement. MTV network to deliver music, games and other MTV-, VH1-, and Nickelodeon based content to Virgin Mobile subscribers. Subscribers would have access to MTV- branded accessories and phones, graphics, ring tones, text alerts and voice mails. Promotional airtime on MTV’s channels and website. Virgin mobile subscribers to vote for their favorite videos on a few MTV shows.Other Virgin Mobile services that aimed to appeal to the youth market , generate additional usage and create loyaltywere: Text Messaging Online Real- Time Billing Rescue Ring Wake- Up Call Ring Tones Fun Clips The Hit List Music Messenger MoviesTraditional Channel Virgin’s ChannelServices sold at own proprietary retail outlets, kiosks in Services sold where youth shop especially consumermalls, high-end electronic stores, speciality stores etc. electronic goods in stores like Target, Sam Goody music stores, Best Buy. High-touch sales people who were paid high sales Products packaged in consumer electronics packaging, placedcommission to ensure hands-on service. on a bright red clamshell, which gave it visibility and no salesperson was required.Cost per handset from Nokia, Motorola, Samsung etc. – Cost per handset from Kyocera- $60-$100. Lesser subsidy$150-$300. Entailed substantial subsidy from the entailed by the company.handset makers, a component of acquisition cost.Distributors’ industry avg. Commission- $100/phone Distributors commission- $30/phone.The availability of the phones were not as segment Phones available at 3000 retail outlets in USA, and availabilityspecific as Virgin targeted included at retailers such as Sam Goody, Circuit City, Media Play, Virgin MegastoreBilling is monthly Billing is to be real-time and with online avenues PRICING DECISIONS:-CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVESThe company tried to distinguish itself from the competitors standpoint by playing on the fact that t he targeted segment‘did not trust the prevalent pricing points’ in the industry that hinged on the credit worthiness . The main practicesprevalent were:- 90% of all subscribers had contractual agreements for a period of 1 year-2 years Required rigorous credit check Plans established â€Å"buckets†of minutes, on extra usage users penalized heavily. Charged less for off-peak than on-peak minutes, but the off-peak period had shrunk. An additional fee was charged to add to the monthly bill, which included taxes, service charges. Per minute Charge (Y-axis, in cents) for the bucket of minutes contracted (X-axis) 180 160 140 120 100 80 Per minute Charge for the bucket of minutes andcontracted (X-axis) 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140The bold line represents the cost per minute charged for a valid contract (which is shown by the arrows). The higher costin the vent of under-utilization of the contract is due to the high fixed cost (like the subsidization of hand sets,, contractcharges etc.)The higher limit in the vent of exceeding the contract is due to penalizing.PRICING DECISIONS – COMPAN Y PERSPECTIVESVirgin Mobile USA had to fix all these problems prevalent in the industry while taking a pricing decision. The mainconstraints it faced was that the prices should be competitive and profitable without triggering of competitive reactions.There were 3 options available:OPTION 1- ‘Clone the Industry Prices’ The message would go to customers that they were priced competitively with few advantages like differentiated applications [MTV] and superior customer service. Better off-peak hours and fewer hidden fees would be the selling point but the total pricing structure would still depend on off-peak and peak categorization as well as contacted minutes. Easy to promote as this strategy of â€Å"buckets†was already prevalent in industry. But risks alienating the target base as they already did not make the required cut for the credit worthiness. OPTION 2- ‘Price below the Competition’ Similar pricing structure as rest of industry, with actual prices slightly below those of competition only within the highest frequency range. Better off-peak hours and fewer hidden fees could also be given.OPTION 3- ‘A Whole New Plan’ Entirely different pricing structure. Eliminate contracts and going for prepaid pricing structure. However the nature of the American cellular market with operator dedicated handsets ad prohibitive pricing followed by the competitors due to high churn rates Cost of Acquisition Subsidization of Advertisement Sales handsets . Break even analysis and Life time Value for cellular subscribers:- As already, stated in the current scenario, most mobile companies amass working capital by going for long term contracts. Compared to a US$ 100 acquisition cost for a prepaid connection, the equivalent historical cost of acquisition for a post paid consumer is US $ 370. Assuming that we stay with the post paid plan due to industry imperatives, we find that the average calling rate is around 10-30 cents per minute for a average bucket usage of 100-300 minutes (this is the target usage range that Virgin is aiming to target in the second option) Hence, average cost incurred by the company for a customer = US$ (0.1 x 300) =US$ 60 (The most promising aspect in the relevant range) Acquisition cost = handset subsidy given to hand set manufacturers (US$ 60 -100) + advertisement costs ( US$60 million budget spread over an estimated 1 million subscribers = US$60)+ sales overheads (US$100-150) = US$ 290-370 per user per month. Now, Breakeven point in terms of month is calculated as:- Total fixed cost = US$ 370 (acquisition cost for a post paid customer) = 28.46 months Revenue – Variable cost US$ 57 (avg. revenue per month from a user- ARPU) – US$30Hence it takes around 29 months for the customer to prove profitable for the company even in the most promisingscenario of the relevant range.But we will also have to induct the churn rate of around 2% per month into this optimistic consideration and try tocalculate the LTV. If the LTV is positive then the company should go ahead. The option that yields the largest LTV shouldbe chosen.LTV = ∑ (Ma).r(a-1) – Acquisition cost (1+i)a View slide Here, the margin remains relatively fixed across the periods which can be assumed as a modest 12%, r is the retentionrate which comes to around 72% (churn rate of 2% p.m. compounded monthly over a year = 1.02Ãâ€"1.02x†¦..till 12months ), i becoming interest rate assumed to be around 5%Margin in a month = (Average monthly phone bill ∞,=US$52)-(Cash cost per user =US$30) = US$22Now taking this value of n we have :- LTV = M/(1-r+i)Now calculating the LTV for every option available will give us a marker of how the pricing strategy should be used forusing various options considering the fact that the interest rate remains constant at 5%:-For option 1:-LTV = US$ {(22*12)/(1-0.72+0.05) } – 360= US$ 421For option 2:- Here the retention rate can be assumed to have been bettered by differential pricing in the 100-300minutes usage category , so we can assume a modest increase to 80%. But this is more or less offset by the increase incash cost to user which can be assumes to rise by 5% if the differential pricing is 5% below the average industrystandard. So the margin can be assumed to drop to US$19. Here, LTV = US$ {(19*12)/(1-0.8+0.05) } – 360= US$ 489Hence we can see that even with modest assumptions, the LTV is maximized for Option 2, henca the company shouldventure into differential pricing if at all it wants to deviate. But considering the high acquisition turnover time andrecovery time of almost 29 months, it is a risky strategy because of very high mobility in the targeted segment.Hence Virgin should focus on non price factors such as :- If the contracts are done away with, this will ensure more loyalty of the target segment as the majority of them are not credit worthy. The positioning of Virgin Mobile USA and its collaborations with partners like MTV will attract more customers which are loyal. The cost of acquisition of a customer comprises of advertisement, sales cost and subsidy given. Since these costs are much lower than the other competitors, they can price themselves lower than competitors. They can also be transparent in their cost structure, eliminating hidden costs .Hence, initially it should give non-price advantage to its customers and over a period of time can reduce costs to sustaingrowth and drive off competition virgin mobile Presentation Transcript We Answer To A Higher Calling Prepared By – Team 4 Pooja Gupta (P122033) Rohit Singh (P122038) Saurabh Singh (P122041) Varun Anand (P122049 Virgin Groupâ€Å"Virgin believes in making a difference. We stand for value for money, quality, innovation, fun and a sense of competitive challenge. We strive to achieve this by empowering our employees to continually deliver an unbeatable customer experience.†Virgin Mobile USA†¢ Commenced operations in June, 2002†¢ Led by founding CEO Dan Schulman†¢ Entered USA as a 50-50 joint venture between Virgin Group and Sprint Corporation. Virgin Mobile USA’s service would be hosted on Sprint’s PCS network†¢ Sprint was in process of updating its network and increasing its capacity. View slide Virgin Mobile USA†¢ Schulamn- â€Å"The nice thing about this model is that we don’t have to worry about huge fixed costs or the physical infrastructure. We can focus on what we do best-understanding and meeting customer needs.††¢ â€Å"We Answer To A Higher Calling††¢ Providing extra-ordinary services and experiences at a low price as $35 View slide Objective†¢ Create value and profitability in cell phone service industry†¢ Target market ages 15-29, opportunity for growth with this market segment†¢ 1 million subscribers by year 1, 3 million by year 4†¢ â€Å"By focusing on the youth market from the ground up, we’re putting ourselves in a position to serve these customers in a way they have never been served before†-Dan Schulman, CEO, Virgin Mobile USA 4P’s of Virgin Mobile USAWhy? Problem with Current Telecom Services†¢ Low penetration among consumers aged 15-29. Growth rate for this segment was projected to be robust for the next 5 years†¢ Target group had been undeserved by existing carriers and specific needs that haven’t been met†¢ Average monthly cell phone bill – $52 representing 417 minutes of use. Hence, cost to serve a customer – $30†¢ Carriers tended to be wary of acquiring low- value subscribers Target Group and Behavior†¢ Consumers aged 15-29†¢ Calling pattern is different from typical business person†¢ Open to new things: – Text messaging – Downloading information using cell phones – More likely to use: ringtones, faceplates and graphics †¢ It’s a fashion accessory and a personal style statement Mobile Penetration by Age Group Revenue from Mobile Entertainment Services Pricing Trend in US before Virgin†¢ Over 90% of all subscribers had contractual agreements for a period of 1-2 years with their cellular providers†¢ Customers would sign up for ‘buckets of minutes’†¢ If a user used more than allocated minutes, they would be charged with extremely high rates (eg: 40 cents / minute)†¢ If a user used less than allocated minutes, they were still charged the fixed monthly fee, which drove up their price per minute Calling Plans – Industry PricesPrice per minute Contract Commitment – Minutes Calling Plans – Industry PricesPrice per Minute Contract Commitment – Minutes Pricing Trend in US before Virgin†¢ Carriers charged less for off-peak than on-peak minutes†¢ Off-peak time changed from 6:00 PM to 7:00, 8:00 and then finally 9:00 PM†¢ Some carriers charged a monthly fee (appox. $7) to move the peak time back to one hour†¢ Carriers added additional fees to monthly bill (tax or other additional cost information was not communicated. So a $29 plan ended up being a $35 plan) What Virgin focused on?†¢ Customers couldn’t predict their usage and ended up choosing wrong plan pattern†¢ Customers think they use more minutes than they actually use†¢ Target segment actually used 100-300 mins/month but target predicted their usage is higher than that†¢ People tried picking up lower bucket plans to avoid high monthly fees but they ended up paying a lot more than that due to usage of minutes above the bucket†¢ On-peak and off-peak minutes weren’t in right mix 4P’s of Virgin Mobile USAWhat? What to provide them? VirginXtras†¢ Delivery of content, features and entertainment†¢ Signed a exclusive and multiyear, content & marketing agreement with MTV networks to deliver music, games and other MTV, VH1 and Nickelodeon based content to Virgin Mobile Subscribers†¢ Deal with MTV also ensured airtime on MTV’s channel and web site VirginXtras†¢ MTV-branded accessories and phones and contents (ringtones, text alerts and voice mails†¢ To vote for their favorite videos on MTV’s shows like â€Å"Total request Live††¢ Text messaging – No. of text msgs tends to skyrocket during school hours. Reason: Parents don’t see who they call, private form of communication VirginXtras†¢ Online Real-Time Billing – No call detail on monthly bills. Website will record individual calls on a real-time basis†¢ Rescue ring – Mobile subscriber will get a call at prearranged time to â€Å"escape†in case a date was not going well .†¢ Wake-up Call – Chance to wake up to original messages from a variety of cheeky celebrity VirginXtras†¢ Ring Tones – Customized ringtones would be available for subscribers to download†¢ Fun clips – News, tidbits, jokes, gossip, sports and more†¢ Hit List – Vote top 10 list of hit songs. Would be able to hear the %age of other subscribers who either â€Å"loved it†or â€Å"hated it†VirginXtras†¢ Music Messenger – Tap into 10 songs list & forward it to a friend allowing them to check out a hot new track†¢ Movies – Movie descriptions, show timings, and buy tickets in advance Handset: First 2 basic models named â€Å"Party Animal†and â€Å"Super Model†came with interchangeable faceplates decorated with eye-catching colors and patterns 4P’s of Virgin Mobile USAHow? Virgin’s Goal†¢ To make sure their prices are competitive†¢ To make sure they could make profit†¢ Don’t want to trigger off competitive reactions Options†¢ Clone the Industry Prices†¢ Price Below Competition†¢ Whole New Plan Clone the Industry Prices†¢ Use same prices as other competitors†¢ Communicate -â€Å"priced competitively with everyone else but with a few key advantages like differentiated applications (MTV) and superior customer service†– MTV Applications and features – Superior Customer service†¢ Offering better off-peak hours and fewer hidden fees†¢ Put on packaging so that even without a salesperson, consumers would get the message Price per minute Contract Commitment – Minutes Clone the Industry Prices Price Below the Competition†¢ Maintain buckets and volume discounts†¢ Set price per minute below the industry average for certain key buckets – Target young market 100-300 mins Price per minute Contract Commitment – Minutes Price Below the Competition A Whole New Plan†¢ Shorten or Eliminate Contracts – Contracts guarantee annuity stream – Contract allows 18 years or below to purchase the product – Churn rate was 2%, new plan could increase churn rate to 6%†¢ Prepaid service – 92% US subscribers had Post-paid – Pre-paid was used on occasional basis as rates per minute was high and no credit check was required – Has high churn rates. Company would never be able to recoup its customer acquisition costs – New mechanism or infrastructure was required for prepaid services A Whole New Plan†¢ Handset subsidies – Mobile carriers subsidized the cost of handset to end users to acquire customer cost†¢ Eliminate Hidden Fees and off-peak hours – ‘what you see is what you get’ – Rolling out hidden costs into pricing such that pricing feels competitive – off-peak should benefit the target group. Minute usage is very different from busines s class Price Below the Competition What they did?†¢ LTV Model – Life Time Value†¢ In marketing, customer lifetime value (CLV), lifetime customer value (LCV), or user lifetime value (LTV) is a prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer†¢ Simplified Model†¢ LTV = (M/(1-r+i)) – AC Factors influencing LTV†¢ ARPU: Avg Revenue Per User†¢ CCPU: Cash Cost per User = 45% of ARPU†¢ M: Monthly Margin = ARPU – CCPU†¢ r: Retention rate ( 1 – (12*6%)) = 0.28†¢ AC: Acquisition Cost ( = $120 for Virgin) – Sale commission – Advertising per gross add – Subsidy cost LTV Calculation†¢ LTV = (M/(1-r+i)) – AC†¢ => M = ARPU – CCPU = (1 – 45)% = 55%M on yearly basis, assuming that a customer talks for 200mins. M = (1-0.45) * 200 * 12 * p p -> can be 5 – 30 cents/min (As competitors are charging more than 30 cents/min LTV @ Different Price Points†¢ LTV(at 5 c ents)= (1-.45) (200*12*.05) /(1-.28 + .05) – 120 = -34.28†¢ LTV(at 7 cents)= (1-.45) (200*12*.07) /(1-.28 + .05) – Break-even120 = 0 point†¢ LTV(at 10 cents)= (1-.45) (200*12*.1) /(1-.28 + .05) – 120 = 51.42†¢ LTV(at 15 cents)= (1-.45) (200*12*.15) /(1-.28 + .05) – 120 = 137.14†¢ At 7 cents, the LTV =0 which tells that minimum of 7 cents should be charged by the virgin†¢ Virgin can charge any amount more than 7 cents LTV @ Different Price Points Price Point LTV5 cents / minute -34.287 cents / minute 010 cents / minute 51.4215 cents / minute 137.14 Break-even point Current Plans in Market Company Plan ValueAT&T Starting at $40/monthVirgin Mobile USA $35T-Mobile $34.99 (Only talk + text) other plans starting at $59.99 Providing a plan with music and other added features Virgin’s Service Offering†¢ Extra features: Music, Wallpapers, Videos, Live Video Request, Rescue ring, wake-up call facility†¢ New improved billing pattern and online real-time monthly bills†¢ Prepaid plan†¢ No contracts†¢ No hidden charges†¢ No peak off peak hours†¢ Very low handset subsidies†¢ No credit checks†¢ No Monthly bills†¢ Price: 25 cents per minute for the first 10 minutes; 10 cents/minute for the rest of the day†¢ No exact numbers, but churn rate lower than 6% Conclusion†¢ Virgin correctly identified service gaps in telecom industry and what customers needed.†¢ Virgin identify inflexibility in calling plans and in other plans.†¢ Provided extra services than current mobile carriers.†¢ Provided a medium of entertainment on go.†¢ Offered customized services at a relatively low cost. References†¢ HBR case study â€Å"Virgin Mobile USA: Pricing for the Very First Time††¢
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Do Scientists Have Any Special Moral Obligations? Essay
1. Topic: Consider the extent to which knowledge issues in ethics are similar to those in at least one other area of knowledge Do scientists have any ‘special’ moral obligations? Or should science seek to be free from any values and morals? This has been a popular topic that has been discussed throughout not only this century but also, centuries previous to us. While looking at natural sciences and ethics we can see that these two areas of knowledge are quite similar, specifically when looking at theories of ethics and how it can be implemented towards natural sciences. Using reason we can identify this and emotion in order to determine that scientist do not have a moral obligation and should not seek to be free from any values and morals. This will be proven by comparing scientist that have used moral obligations such as the Arabs during the Islamic Golden Age and this is proof that science can prosper when scientists have a moral obligation. But there are also different perspectives of this issue with some people arguing that we are in a different century when the backbone of society has shifted towards science and that we must give science freedom in order to prosper more in the future. This is evident in real life from an article in the Daily Mail, which stated that a scientist took a sapling from Norway, which was infected with a disease in order to accomplish a science experiment. The result was that the disease has spread throughout England killing around 200,000 trees in the process. This article is evident about the theory that scientists need to have a moral obligation such as everyone else in society has to oblige to. The reason being that if scientist get to avoid obligations then this will go against the ethical approach of Kant which states that no individual should be given preferential treatment. This is demonstrated in the given example by showing how a scientist got a sapling into a country with a disease in order to accomplish an experiment and did not care what would happen to other people in society. This demonstrates that to a certain extent ethics does relate to natural sciences because scientists must consider ethics when doing a science experiment. By using different approaches to ethics such as Kant and utilitarianism, which both agree on the fact that no person is above everyone else, which to a certain extent is evident from some scientists such as the one from the example above. The example about the scientist getting a disease for trees into England for an experiment may seem obvious that scientist should have a moral obligation to a certain extent. But the fact is that this data is from one scientist or organization and that the whole science community should not be judged for the mistake of one of its sectors. This goes with Kant’s approach to ethics to a certain extent because Kant theory states that the moral value of an act is determined by the motive and not the consequences of the act. This can relate to the article to a certain extent because the scientist may have been trying to find something that would benefit society more then it would impact it negatively. Another issue that would go against the belief that scientists need moral obligation is the fact that scientists believe they have the duty to explore the world and try to find answers to their questions. This works with the belief of duty ethics, which states that for a scientist, science is a matter of doing your duty and fulfilling your obligations. The only issue to this argument is that all of the scientists should not be blamed is the fact that this has given a bad image towards scientists to many people not only in England but the world. This illustrates that to a certain extent their should be a rule that will place a moral obligation over the heads of scientist all over the globe, like everyone else in society. Can science co exist when they are under moral obligations that relate to religion. Well many people in society would disagree with this theory, but when looking at history it is evident that religion and science have existed together and have prospered together in history. An example of this would be the Islamic Golden Age, where many important areas of science were studied quite meticulously, such as astronomy where Muslims used their moral obligation, which was the Quran in order to further their studies of astronomy and chemistry. This displays that despite popular claims science and religion can work together to a certain extent and this is displayed through scientists using a moral obligation or following their ethical beliefs before doing an experiment. This can relate to the example about the scientist who brought the diseased tree to England because that maybe if scientist were in forced to follow a moral obligation that is followed by people in society, he might have not brought that plant. The reasons being is the scientist might have considered the utilitarianism approach to ethics (which was also used by the Muslims during the Golden Age) and consider the fact that he might not believe that this decision would seek the greatest happiness of the greatest number. The only issue with this belief is that we are now in a new century where science unlike in the past is firmly the backbone of society. Because if this we must to a certain extent break the shackles of scientist and free them of values or morals. This is firmly stated in the ted video starring Michael Specter, who states that we are in current situation that has not been seen before in society. The reason being that we are able to do so much for society by using science, but the only issue is the fact that people do not want to believe the results obtained by scientist because it is morally wrong to alter food in order to have more of it. In the video Michael Specter argues that scientist should not have a moral obligation in order to do an experiment, which may help society more, than hurt it. Such as the use of genetically enhanced food which to some people would seem morally incorrect because this is altering natures food. But on the other hand if we continue with genetically enhancing food we could end world hunger in the next decade, since we would be able to send food to countries that could not grow a big amount of food like the countries in Africa. This would become ironic because if we do not believe this then we are going against the utilitarianism approach of ethics, which states that we must try to exert the most happiness from any given situation. For this situation it can be argued that Michael Specter is right to a certain extent that in some occasions maybe scientists should be allowed to ignore their moral obligations in order to pursue their goals in science. The significance of this argument is that scientists are holding a major hand in the future of society as we know it, and as we can see in many events in society we are already learning that maybe science needs to have a moral obligation like the rest of society. The reason why this would be true is that scientist could affect the world in a negative aspect such as the scientist in England who killed nearly 200,000 trees in order to accomplish a single experiment. This could lead to a problem that maybe science and religion cannot work together and one of them must conquer the other, but to me this is false because we have seen that throughout history we have used religion in order to accomplish science. This is evident in the Islamic Golden Age, which gives hope that people in this century do not need to fight which one is right, but work together in order to prosper in the future. But the other side of this argument would be the fact that scientist cannot have a moral obligation because if this occurs then they would not be able to do their experiment in order to benefit society. Also the fact that science is slowly becoming the backbone of our society and that in order to progress further in the future we must remove the chains off scientists and release them in to the wild in order to have the most success out of science. From the evidence presented in this essay we can see that this questions has many different perspectives that we must take into account. But the fact is that the major evidence in this essay states that science must have a moral obligation because it is evident that science can co exist with ethics, values and morals and that scientists even if they do not like it need to have a moral obligation in order to exert the most happiness in society.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Remedies and Restitution Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Remedies and Restitution Assignment - Essay Example In reviewing the tort of negligence and the alleged prevalence of the â€Å"blame culture†, it is important at the outset to consider the theoretical justification for fault based liability in tort, which has arguably extended the concepts of duty of care, which in turn has fuelled a blame culture. To this end Hassan El Menyawi propounds that such an evaluation is essential to a meaningful comparison of the arguments for and against a no fault scheme in the tort of negligence: â€Å"On a formalist account, a theory of justification stands for the idea that law is not merely a huge collection of separate and disparate norms, but a cohesive social arrangement, which is describable in the form of one or more several moral values†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. We adopt this methodology and account for tort law by exploring a variety of distinct justifications3†. This concept of â€Å"moral values†underpins the current fault based liability for negligence in the framework of a system of â€Å"corrective justice†. The fundamental difference between the corrective system and the no fault system of distributive justice relates to the legal approach to the structure of interactions. For example, corrective justice centres on the â€Å"transaction4†between two parties, whereas distributive justice is rooted in a distribution whereby compensation is awarded to members of a group. As such, Weinreb5 comments that: â€Å"To take a modern example, the legal regime of personal injuries can be organised either correctively or distributively. Correctively, my striking you is a tort committed by me against you, and my payment to you of damages will restore the equality disturbed by my wrong. Distributively, the same incident activates a compensation scheme that shifts resources among members of a pool of contributors and recipients in accordance with the distributive
RECOVERY OF PLATINUM GROUP METALS (PGMs) FROM SCRAPPED FUEL CELLS - Research Paper Example Fuel cell technologies are the most appealing options to oil reliability. Fuel cell releases no pollutants and in reality give off pure water as a result. Although engineers are focusing on creating hydrogen from sources such as natural gas for the short-haul, the hydrogen program has strategies to concentrate on renewable, ecologically harmless means of producing hydrogen in the future. Highly dependable power is fundamental to many enterprises as well as residential societies. The United States loses $29 billion years from computer glitches because of power blackouts. Information centers, banks, hospitals amid others all depend on persistent power that is available nearly 100 percent. Many Fuel Cells operate on hydrogen and all will persist to produce electricity as long as oil is supplied. Nevertheless, the source of the hydrogen does not matter in many fuel cells. Since fuel cells do require to be connected to the electrical cabal, they are a variety of disseminated production th at permits to shift away from depending on high voltage central power production, which is susceptible to attacks and natural calamities (Sorensen 22-45). A fuel cell functioning on unpolluted hydrogen releases zero emissions at the source. Various fixed fuel cells use organic gas or hydrocarbons as hydrogen feedstock. Nevertheless, these usages generate far lesser emissions than traditional power stations. Founded on computed information, a fixed fuel cell power plant produces little less than one scrap of populace per kilowatt-hours of energy generated. Traditional ignition producing technologies generated twenty-pounds of emissions for the same measure of energy. Pollutants from fuel cells are so minimum that various regions of the U.S. have given exception fuel cells from air permitting regulations. Fuels cells have a long-standing reputation that their minimize noise pollution. Because fuel cells do not depend on ignition and very few moving components, they are incredibly sile nt. The only sound they make reaches approximately 60 decibels, the volume of an archetypal conversation. Because noise emissions are all but eradicated, fuel cells can be located at home or out-of-doors without being interfering. Furthermore, fuel cell electric vehicles are the slightest of all cars kinds that use fuel directly, releasing zero pollutants during usage. On the other hand, fuel cells could be utilized as supplementary power units to power air conditioners accessories. Since fuel cells produce electricity electrochemically, and do not combust fuel, they are essentially more productive than ignition techniques. Fuel cell method currently accomplishes 40-50% fuel-to-energy productivity utilizing hydrocarbons fuels such as s natural gas. When a fuel cell is positioned adjacent the point of electricity utilization, like in some fixed applications, the waste heat cab be tapped for coproduction (Srinivasan, 13-46). A fuel cell is an electrochemical machine that mixes oxygen and hydrogen to generate electricity. Usually, water and heat are its by-product. In its simplest nature, a solitary fuel comprises of two electrodes, including an anode and a cathode with an electrolyte among them. Hydrogen on the other hand chemically reacts with a catalyst at the anode. It is through this chemical reaction that a patron passes through the electrolyte, whereas the electron moves via a circuit, generating a
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
This is a rewrite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
This is a rewrite - Essay Example After taking the course, certification is necessary to identify qualified nurses, and show their level of competence. This is useful in ensuring efficiency of their services are enhanced, which is beneficial to all stakeholders in the health sector. During the evaluation stage, each nurse is asked questions and the level of competency in answering the questions correctly indicates how knowledgeable s/he is. This process is necessary to identify slow and fast learners and the best method to be used in coaching each group to ensure that their skills are greatly improved. In United States of America, certification is a requirement during the recruitment of various health professionals to ensure that they are in a capacity to meet the need of the patients effectively and in a timely manner. This leads to higher level of confidence on the practitioners, which is very essential in undertaking challenging tasks. Theoretical knowledge background is very useful when undertaking practical acti vities as it reduces the probability of commission of errors as well as being in a position to make sound judgement when in critical situations. There are different theories that are used to address various situations we encounter, but the choice of the theory to be applied is dependent on its capacity to handle the situation at hand. In this case, the information presented during learning is in line with constructivism learning theory, which argues on the importance of experience in the development of knowledge; it derives its roots from cognitive psychology. In this regard, the teaching strategies to be implemented are aimed at having a long lasting impact on the learner, by ensuring that they will be better placed to use the knowledge in future. To ensure that they have gained from the learning process, evaluation is necessary and will be carried out in line with the class setting as well as the materials available. Practice test and verbal communication evaluation approaches wil l be used to evaluate the capability of learners presenting various concepts that were covered during the training as well as their capacity to apply the knowledge gained to the practical field. While undertaking the training, the level and type of interaction among the learners can be used to gauge their understanding of the concepts presented. Integration of the practical aspects and the theoretical aspect of learning is necessary in ensuring that the learners are well versed with the applicability of the theoretical concepts learnt. In this case, understanding the anatomy and the cycles in the body is indispensible. This approach brings forth conversation between the instructor and the learners, whereby the learners can pose various questions and get them answered by the instructor. Additionally, the presence of a physical specimen is thought provoking and thus useful to the learners’ intellectual development. Additionally, learners are able to work in teams and improve on their interpersonal interactions, which is necessary for their professional development The rationale to be used in the learning process is aimed at strengthening the current knowledge and using it for further professional development, which is in line with the constructivism learning theory. The communication exercise provides an effective platform for understanding the lung sounds. Through training, various challenges encountered in the medical field are addressed, and
Monday, August 26, 2019
International Environmental Analysis Assignment
International Environmental Analysis - Assignment Example The implication of internalization of the Tata Group on Europe has also been explained in this paper. The Tata Group The Tata Group is a multinational corporation from India with its headquarters being in Mumbai. In India, the Tata Group is among the biggest companies. This group has a large annual revenue and extensive market capitalization. The investment of the company includes the ICT sector, materials, energy, engineering, services, chemicals, and consumer products. According to Pandit (2005, p. 61), the multinational company has extended its arms across the world with its operations covering over 80 countries. The company is an active exporter of goods and services to many countries across the six continents of the world. This corporation has more than 144 subsidiaries and companies, which include Tata Steel, Tata Technologies, Tata Motors, Tata Tea, Titan Industries, Tata Sons and Tata Teleservices. Sen (2009, p 31) says that the Corporation is reputable in the world because i t has financed and established many institutions and funded research initiatives within India and across the world. The corporation gets more than two thirds of its revenue from countries outside India and therefore this demonstrates its international expansion. Tata Group SWOT Analysis The vision of the Tata Group is to improve the quality of life. The company’s strategies facilitate the achievement of its vision. Taylor (2011, p. 86) says that the strategies of the company are designed to enable the corporation overcome its weaknesses and make maximum utilization of the opportunities available within the local and international markets. Capabilities and resources are the main strengths of the Tata Group. The resources of the corporation are the capable employees and the raw materials, which give it its business capabilities. New markets, acquisitions, and exports are the business opportunities of the corporation. The weaknesses, which the corporation aims to overcome, inclu de the macro environment, innovation of its value chain and distribution. To allow the company serve the local and international market effectively with quality services and products, overcoming its weaknesses is inevitable. Furthermore, the Tata Group needs to provide goods and services at reasonable prices so that it will not lose its loyal customers. Sen (2009, p. 42) explains that the mergers of the corporation with global companies and its internationalization have led to local threats such as competition. However, the international strategy of the corporation is part of its strategic plan, which does not compromise the need to achieve its essential goals within the local market. Taylor (2011, p.91) asserts that as a way of expanding its business internationally, the Tata Group uses the corporate strategy of mergers and acquisitions. This is an opportunity in the international market, which the company utilizes to overcome its weaknesses. For example, the Tata Group acquires co mpanies in the steel industry so that it would get raw materials at lower prices to enable it serve the automobile industry with low steel prices. This will enable the group to provide its customers with value added and low price products as a way of overcoming the competition in the market. Through the mergers and acqui
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Employment law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3
Employment law - Essay Example Accordingly, the first step is to notify the employee of the allegations against him in writing and invite him for a meeting to discuss the matter. The employee has the right to be accompanied at the meeting and then employer shall notify the employee of the decision. If the employee wants to appeal, employer must hold an appeal meeting at which the employee has the right to be accompanied and then communicate the final decision to the employee. Failure to follow this procedure entitles the employee who is otherwise qualified to make a claim for unfair dismissal and the employment tribunal is competent to find it as an automatically unfair dismissal in which case compensation can be from 10 to 50 per cent depending on the severity of the treatment meted out to the employee.2. Qualifications for making an unfair dismissal claim is that the employee must have been in 2 years’ or 1 year’s continuous employment depending on the cut-off date of 6th April years requirement ca me into force. This is subject to certain exceptions. They are3 Further the ACAS Code 35 states that even if the employer wants to make a summary dismissal of the employee for gross misconduct, he will do well to establish facts before taking any action and it would be desirable to place the employee under short period of suspension. Code 46 states that an internal appeal preferred by the employee should be heard by a more senior manager not involved with the case. If no senior manager is available in small organizations, another manager or any other impartial person overseeing the case should be asked to hear the appeal. 4 Again, the dismissed employee must make an appeal within three months from the date of dismissal. In the instant case, subsequent police investigation reveals that Abe is innocent and his colleague Bruce alone is guilty. There is no indication whether the employer has revoked the dismissal upon the new discovery. Therefore,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Was Che Guevara a true hero Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Was Che Guevara a true hero - Coursework Example Although a Gemini according to the birth certificate, that predicted a grayish character for him and his life to be of an uneventful kind, Che was in reality a Taurian who a strong and decisive character 1. The trip on La Poderosa Ernesto Che Guevara lived a comfortable life in Alta Gracia in his growing up years2. He was a medical student at the Buenos Aires University and already had travel experiences to many places in South America. He had a keen interest in exploring the land where he lived and had made a six weeks long tour on a bicycle enhanced by a motor. During this tour he got the opportunity to meet the common people of Latin America. At Cordoba Ernesto met his friend Alberto Guevara, who was a biochemist. Along the way Ernesto closely saw the lives of the lepers, the hospital patients and the suffering men and women of the country. The realization dawned upon him that a very big gap existed between the affluent class and the people living on the margins. In January 1952, when Ernesto was in his last semester of his medical studies, he along with his friend Alberto set out on a motorcycle tour. It was a six month long tour that was planned across the continent of South America. They had traveled across â€Å"Argentina, Chile, Peru, Columbia and Venezuala†3. ... At one place in the book The Motorcycle Diaries by Ernesto Guevara the author mentions the worst crash that they faced in whole expedition: â€Å"Alberto came out unscathed, but the cylinder trapped my foot and scorched it, leaving an unpleasant souvenir for a long time because the wound didn't heal†4. The motorcycle soon broke down and they continued with their journey by hitchhiking or on foot. In some places they also traveled on boat. Ernesto at times faced health problems due to serious asthma attacks and at such times they halted for Ernesto to recover at some hospital. Besides the two young men ran out of their stock of money and faced difficulties on the road. Yet they continued traveling and depended mostly upon the hospitality of the people they met on their way. Both Ernesto and his friend maintained diaries. The account of the incidents taking place that Ernesto kept in his diary later became the phenomenal book by the name The Motorcycle Diaries. This book is far from being the diary of a revolutionary famous by the name Che Guevara. The records give accounts of the first-hand experiences of a twenty-three year old medical student and exuberant observant with an eye for detail in his six month long journey with a twenty nine years old friend across thousands of miles. The transformation of Ernesto Guevara Guevara was since childhood a jovial person. In spite of his illness due to asthma, as a child he was always quite cheerful and displayed leadership qualities on playground in school. In parts of the year when he did not suffer from the disease he used to engage himself in sports like â€Å"soccer, table tennis and golf†5. He also practiced riding horseback, swimming, shooting and occasionally rock fighting. He always
Friday, August 23, 2019
Comparative analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Comparative analysis - Research Paper Example While both paintings are inspired by biblical readings, Michelangelo’s painting is from a story in the beginning of biblical times while Giotto’s painting is a vision of the end. Both paintings are divided in the middle, depicting opposites of events on either side. In the Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden, the image is divided by the controversial Tree of Knowledge, with the left side showing Adam and Eve enjoying the bliss of paradise while the right side showing them being ousted by an angel from the garden to fend for themselves. In Giotto’s Last Judgment, the image is likewise divided on the lower half with a cross dividing the picture into visions of those called to heaven and those thrown to hell. Both paintings show visions of the enjoyment of God’s grace as well as the consequences of sin. Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) was placed under the tutelage of a number of gifted artists ever since he was a young boy. Critics believe his work was influenced by the masters, Leonardo, Giotto and Poliziano. They were impressed by the boy’s extreme sensitivity, and his combination of energy and talent. Michelangelo was commissioned to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel by the Pope himself for his own personal worship space ( The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden is just one of the panels devoted to Creation. The flow of the story of the image is from left to right. On the left side, a relaxed couple is shown enjoying the fruit from the forbidden tree while the background denotes lush and abundance. The serpent entwines itself to the tree while tempting Adam and Eve. It symbolically divides the image denoting its representation of man’s separation from God’s graces as the couple is ousted from the garden. The right side shows total desolation and the look of frustration and regret in the couple’s faces while an angel drives them away (Web Gallery of Art). Giotto di Bondon e (1266-1337) is another renowned Italian artist whose works have been influenced by Pietro Cavallini, Nicola and Giovanni Pisano. In 1304, he began a series of 38 frescoes in the Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel in Padua which mostly depict biblical images His works builds up a rhythm from solemn and slow-moving to supremely forceful drama but are filled with compassion (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia). He is also adept in the use of space, adding appropriate figures in the background culled from his own interpretation of the image making them powerful visions. In The Last Judgment, Giotto paints the top part to show heaven with Jesus in the middle and the apostles at both sides while the lower part shows the chosen that are blessed to enter the gates of heaven on the left side and the doomed that are sent to hell on the right side. Archangels Michael and Raphael are in the middle holding the cross ( Ladis suggests that Giotto’s wit and humor is evident in his work especially in his treatment of hell in the painting. Those subjected to eternal damnation are depicted trying their best to escape their judgment but none can hide, as everyone is owned by Satan (586). Both artists are expert in capturing the emotions of the subjects and in turn, evoking the emotions of their viewers. Michelangelo has been known to be a master in the human form, and this shows
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Philosophy of Education Essay Example for Free
Philosophy of Education Essay The word â€Å"teacher†does the profession no service. A teacher is really a combination of the most important professions in the world. Besides the parents, an educator is the biggest influence in a child’s life. The age span in which children are in school is the most impressionable years of their lives. A student’s educational experience can mold the events of his or her future. That is why I want to become a teacher. I want to be a mold for younger generations, and I hope for students to remember a knowledgeable and ethical teacher. Beliefs I feel the student should come to school willing to learn and the teacher should come ready to teach! The student’s role is just as important as the teachers; the student’s expectations of the teacher should be for her to teach and help them learn at all times. Teachers also play an important role in the classroom when it comes to the environment. If the teacher prepares a warm, happy environment, students are more likely to be happy. An environment set by the teacher can be either good or bad. If students feel the teacher is angry, students may react badly to that and therefore learning can be harder. I think teachers are responsible for the social behavior in their classrooms. This behavior is primarily a reflection of the teachers actions and the environment he/she sets. Metaphysics We are all here for a purpose and I believe that, that is to live for God and follow his way of life. It is hard to know what you are really on earth for until you find it through him! Some teachers will find it hard to keep the focus on the classroom do to all the other outside distractions but, I strongly believe that is you were meant to be a teacher then you will find a way to look past the bad and find the good. Why am I here? I think I am here to help children follow their dreams and make it through school easier than I did. When I become a teacher I want to be the best ever! I want to see that smile on the kids’ faces after I teach them something amazing. Progressivism I want to teach from some aspects of the progressivism style which focuses on respect for individuality, high regard for science, and learning from experience. I want to teach the children in my classroom to have respect for each other. This is a quality that will help them to be successful in society because if they respect others, then others will have respect for them. Having respect for others also shows that they have respect for themselves. I also want children to learn by hands-on activities. I will direct them from step to step and demonstrate how to do each step in the activities they perform. These activities make learning more interesting for the children because the children are able to get involved instead of just always watching the teacher do everything. Speaking of the children getting involved, they can really get involved when learning in a different atmosphere when on field trips. I feel taking children on field trips is an effective learning experience for them because it allows children to get out of the classroom setting and learn from a different perspective. In addition I want to focus on sciences because they are an important area in the knowledge of children. I think this growing area of our society should be focused on thoroughly because science advances and improves every day and I feel children should be aware of their changing world. Constructivism I feel like this is the main reason why I should teach and why I want to teach, I have learned so much though school and it has molded me to become who I am today. I learn a lot through experience and what I know will make me a better teacher it will help me relate to the ones that hate school or the ones that think they can’t do it. It’s all a process and the way you take the steps is how I think you will show others so you have to help them with their process and make sure that it doesn’t go bad or in the wrong direction. I plan to continue my education so that I may make teaching my profession. After graduation, I hope to find a position in an elementary school teaching in one of the first through sixth grade classes. I feel that elementary education is extremely important because it is here that children establish their foundation for the rest of the educational career. My goal and desires are to have the opportunity to touch a child’s life.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Order Qualifiers and Order Winners for Toyota Essay Example for Free
Order Qualifiers and Order Winners for Toyota Essay Order Qualifiers can be described as aspects of competitiveness where the operation’s performance has to be above a particular level to be considered by the customer. Order Qualifiers may not be the major competitive determinants of success but are important in another way. (Jones, Robinson 2007) Order Winning Factors are those things which directly and significantly contribute to wining business. They are regarded by customers as key reasons for purchasing the product or service. Raising performance in an order wining factor will either result in more business or improve the chances of gaining more business. For Automotive industry, major order qualifiers could be defined as price, quality and variety. Toyota, Ford and GM are leading companies within that sector, which manufacture correspondent cars with these order qualifying factors mostly. However, due to high level of competitiveness, companies are struggling to keep their sales high. Even little problems within car or company may impact company’s future sales dramatically. Toyota is one of example that experienced reliability and quality problem with its cars lately likely Ford and GM experienced before. As result of upcoming reliability issue, if we look over market share of Toyota within North America, which takes place of its most sales in comparison with other regions around world, has faced with a serious decline in market share within 2008-2009 . Ford and GM also try to improve their market share within North America, while Toyota loses customers during 2008-2009 . On the other hand, Order winners for Toyota are continuous innovation of Toyota and standardized quality. People, who choose Toyota, are mostly satisfied with innovative internal and external features of Toyota’s cars. Since, Toyota always spares huge amounts of money about research and innovation for car manufacturing as explained in deeper within Toyota and Innovation section below. For Example, Prius, first mass production hybrid car in the world, is clear indicator of innovative mindset of Toyota Motor Corp. In terms of quality and flexibility, Toyota Quality Management is one of well known systems in world for car manufacturing quality control, which is still functioning and reason to buy a Toyota.
Trends of Transnational Companies
Trends of Transnational Companies In our todays world transnational companies (TNCs) play a crucial role in global economy as they are one of the biggest economic institutions. In this essay, I will give an explanation of what transnational company actually is, describe the main trends of TNCs activity and express my own opinion about transnational companies future and compare it with the view of other views. To begin with, let me define the term of transnational company. It is important to give a correct definition of word, because there are different categories of companies, doing business in another country, such as multinational and international companies. So, TNC is a commercial enterprise with a very complex organization, that operates huge facilities, has a business more than in one country and whose external assets cover from 25 to 30 or even more percent of all volume of a company. There are more ways to explain the meaning of this term, but we will stop on this one. The history of transnational companies begins in 1118, when the Order of Knights Templars was founded. It was not actually TNC, but some kind of financial centre. In the year of 1135 they started to develop banking industry all over other countries. Officially, East India company is regarded as the very first transnational company, which was established in 1600. Now lets move on to identifying the main trends and role of transnational companies in our contemporary world. They act as a driving force of key processes of modern global economy. TNCs determine structure, dynamics, level of marketability of goods and services, controlling international capital flows and direct foreign investments. Because of its productive and financial possibilities, transnational companies maintain hold of high-tech industries, advancing technological growth of this sphere. They are becoming a significant force in a world economy, as their wide range of functions, starting from industrial processes and ending up to operations in investment, financial and trade policy, allows them to play a role of international regulator of production and distributor of goods and services. The biggest TNCs have even established supremacy over world trade market and in leading fields of economy. Moreover, transnational companies transform world economy into an international manuf acturing, providing boost of technological advance in all directions quality of goods, efficiency of production, improvement of forms of management and directing enterprises. Number of TNCs is rapidly growing: in 1970 there were about 7300 TNCs, whole turn-round was $626 million a year. At the beginning of 1990s, their amount grew to 37000 with turn-round of $7 billion a year. Finally, in 2012 there are 82000 transnational companies with $30 trillion turn-round.[1] Such a growth can be explained by bunch of reasons. For example, competition between companies, forcing to decrease charges and at the same time increasing scales of producing and introducing new technologies, searching for a cheap labour power and new markets. Importance of TNCs in international meaning is increasing. Core of global economic system consists of about 100 transnational companies, which are controlling almost unlimited economic power and capturing two-thirds of international capital flows. Practically all the biggest TNCs, if they will be divided by national implement apply for so called ternary three economic centers of our planet USA, EU and Japan. But for a last few years there is a tendency of less developed countries to develop their own transnational companies all over the world. Sectorial division of TNCs is very diverse: 60% of companies specialise in manufacturing sphere, 37% in tertiary sector and only 3% in extractive industry and agriculture. Also, there are 77 million employed people involved in TNCs sphere worldwide. Â In my opinion, transnational companies encourage growth of industry, change structure of national economy and improve position of states in international division of labour and global economic relations. There is misbelief, that as a result of international operations of TNCs, one country will gain a profit and other will lose. In real life it is possible, but there is a huge chance that both countries will be the winners of situation. One more advantage of transnational companies is that they speed-up research and development sphere, that is why TNCs have an immense financial resources. Moreover, they mainly control export of manufactured goods, which is usually concentrated by a few large TNCs. Such an export scheme is typical of household and electronic industry, pharmaceutic and chemical goods. However, there are a lot of opponents of transnational companies rule: anti-globalists, alter-globalists and ecologic organizations. Anti-globalists, despite of their unfriendliness to globalization, assume that TNCs monopolize national market and destroy state sovereignty. They label actions of transnational companies to occupy local markets as economic war against citizens. In many countries, such as Russia, China and Canada there is a law, restricting actions of TNCs. Alter-globalists are actually not against economic globalization and transnational companies as well, but until they reach a power, which can be compared with power of states. Finally, last but not the least, economic organizations. I can provide you with example: Greenpeace. TNCs have so huge productive assets, that they can endanger local ecologic situation. That is why a lot of producing units are being transported to Third World countries. Drawing up a conclusion, transnational companies showed their ability to break isolation of national economies, involving them into single process with world economic society. They serve as a source of transferring new technologies, spreading information about new products and as a result, change of social preferences occurs. References: A Brief History of Transnational corporations [1]
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
An Insightful Analysis of A Disgraceful Affair Essays -- Short Stories
Periodically, a relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat can be a clouded perception, only due to the fact the proletariat will not be given the chance to speak from their point of view. This such thing is not true when it comes to the short story, â€Å"A Disgraceful Affair.†The story is based around the Russian interpretation of Marxism, shown in the forethought to the opening paragraph, in which it speaks â€Å"Our beloved motherland was experiencing a renaissance; her brave sons, fired with impulses at once touching and naà ¯ve, were seeking with an uncontrollable yearning for new destinies and hopes.†The thing that determines what they do is their social class and economic position, which in turn, affects what happens to them. The two men used to elaborate the idea are the bourgeoisie Mr. Ivan Ilyitch Pralinski, and proletariat Mr. Porfiry Petrov Pseldonymov. â€Å"Your Excellency,†Ivan Ilyitch had only been known as such for a few short weeks, but with his statue of mind and manner, it seemed like years. He was, in his own mind, always right and if someone did not understand what he was doing or saying, they were idiotic. â€Å"And how could he fail to understand? It was more difficult not to understand than understand,†is not even a statement against a drone, but rather against another even more credible bourgeoisie than himself. To his due, he is a very brilliant man, but he lacks common respect and tries to use his position in authority to gain popularity amongst the proletariat culture. Due to his economic stature, and his social class, he believed he could do anything he pleased; which he showed by walking in on a fellow colleague’s wedding party. Under no circumstance did he know or relate to Mr. Pseldonymov, but only ... ...e with humour, and with shortcomings, the idea of Marxism. Not only did he show two separate and very different views, but he also showed how the Marxist idea is too readily evident in everyday life. Ivan Ilyitch is not a typical bourgeoisie, but none the less he is one, so he fails to comprehend the proletariats correctly. He tries, and wants to because of his idealism, but his view of the events at the wedding party are completely opposite to those of Pseldonymov. What Ilyitch thought was not at all what Pseldymov went through, because he has never experienced it. Through the authentic proletariat voice, we can conclude that what happens to a bourgeoisie differs greatly in comparison to what happens to a proletariat. Even as much as one wants to understand the other, or be the other, society holds the barrier and even the smart well-hearted can not break through.
Monday, August 19, 2019
San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) :: Informative Essay
San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) is a free information and referral switchboard providing anonymous, accurate, non-judgmental information about sex. If you have a question about sex, we'll either answer it or refer you to someone who can! We answer sex questions and offer referrals to resources like books, support groups, organizations, doctors, therapists, Web sites, and more. Ask questions by e-mail or by phone on our phone switchboard. Our volunteers undergo extensive training in all aspects of human sexuality, including reproduction, birth control, safer sex practices, HIV, sexual identity, and gender identity. Would you like to learn more about us? San Francisco Sex Information is a California certified provider of continuing education for psychotherapists and social workers (PCE # 3387). The Sex Educator Training meets the qualifications for 36 hours of continuing education credit for MFTs and LCSWs as required by the Board of Behavioral Sciences. Arrangements for CE credit must be made in advance by contacting the Training Coordinator: SFSI does not provide refunds for non-attendance. The Sex Educator Training also fulfills the 10-hour human sexuality pre-licensure coursework requirement for marriage & family therapy interns and clinical social work interns. Sex Educator Training Spring 2005 Learn basic sex information, communication, and education skills, plus gain personal insight. Topics include: * Sex, gender, and orientation. * Listening effectively. * Identifying your judgments and assumptions. * Now accepting applications for Spring, 2005. Interviews are in March and classes are in April and May. * Class dates have been announced. --> Learn about training Local Events Quick Look at events: Saturday March, 19th at 9pm - 3rd Annual "Catholic School Karaoke Party/Prom" at The 540 Club --> Learn about SFSI events Contact SFSI --> Ask questions by phone --> Ask questions by e-mail --> Offer Web site feedback --> Ask questions about SFSI itself How You Can Help SFSI --> Tell teachers about SFSI --> Tell doctors about SFSI --> Tell journalists about SFSI --> Tell friends about SFSI --> Request SFSI flyers & cards to distribute --> Volunteer with SFSI --> Donate to SFSI online Learn About Sex! You may find your answers on our frequently asked questions pages, by searching for a topic in the search box at the top of every page, or just ask us by phone or e-mail. Ask SFSI by phone! Ask by Phone (415) 989-SFSI  Please help support our organization provide this service. Our hours are Monday-Thursday 3-9pm, Friday 3-7pm, and Saturday 2-6pm, Pacific time. We are not open holidays or holiday weekends. For east coast people, note that our hours are Monday-Thursday 6pm-midnight, Friday 6-10pm, and Saturday 5-9pm, Eastern time. San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) :: Informative Essay San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) is a free information and referral switchboard providing anonymous, accurate, non-judgmental information about sex. If you have a question about sex, we'll either answer it or refer you to someone who can! We answer sex questions and offer referrals to resources like books, support groups, organizations, doctors, therapists, Web sites, and more. Ask questions by e-mail or by phone on our phone switchboard. Our volunteers undergo extensive training in all aspects of human sexuality, including reproduction, birth control, safer sex practices, HIV, sexual identity, and gender identity. Would you like to learn more about us? San Francisco Sex Information is a California certified provider of continuing education for psychotherapists and social workers (PCE # 3387). The Sex Educator Training meets the qualifications for 36 hours of continuing education credit for MFTs and LCSWs as required by the Board of Behavioral Sciences. Arrangements for CE credit must be made in advance by contacting the Training Coordinator: SFSI does not provide refunds for non-attendance. The Sex Educator Training also fulfills the 10-hour human sexuality pre-licensure coursework requirement for marriage & family therapy interns and clinical social work interns. Sex Educator Training Spring 2005 Learn basic sex information, communication, and education skills, plus gain personal insight. Topics include: * Sex, gender, and orientation. * Listening effectively. * Identifying your judgments and assumptions. * Now accepting applications for Spring, 2005. Interviews are in March and classes are in April and May. * Class dates have been announced. --> Learn about training Local Events Quick Look at events: Saturday March, 19th at 9pm - 3rd Annual "Catholic School Karaoke Party/Prom" at The 540 Club --> Learn about SFSI events Contact SFSI --> Ask questions by phone --> Ask questions by e-mail --> Offer Web site feedback --> Ask questions about SFSI itself How You Can Help SFSI --> Tell teachers about SFSI --> Tell doctors about SFSI --> Tell journalists about SFSI --> Tell friends about SFSI --> Request SFSI flyers & cards to distribute --> Volunteer with SFSI --> Donate to SFSI online Learn About Sex! You may find your answers on our frequently asked questions pages, by searching for a topic in the search box at the top of every page, or just ask us by phone or e-mail. Ask SFSI by phone! Ask by Phone (415) 989-SFSI  Please help support our organization provide this service. Our hours are Monday-Thursday 3-9pm, Friday 3-7pm, and Saturday 2-6pm, Pacific time. We are not open holidays or holiday weekends. For east coast people, note that our hours are Monday-Thursday 6pm-midnight, Friday 6-10pm, and Saturday 5-9pm, Eastern time.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Is Religion Wrong? Essay -- essays research papers
Is Religion Wrong? Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx both seemed to believe that religion is a Drug. In which it helps people feel better about the unknown. Let’s face it humans’ fear the uncertain and we don’t like to be scared. So what does our human instinct do? â€Å"Know Everything†. But what happens when it is impossible to know the â€Å"ultimate concern†? I may seem atheist to you but I’m not I just don’t like to have my beliefs spoon fed to me. I like to challenge and question everything. I believe in general people will make up â€Å"bedtime†stories to help them and there kids to sleep better at night, and to explain the un-explainable. Some stories sound real convincing and they stick around and grow in to religions. People who have no explanation for natural forces believe that a higher po...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Narrative Essay Writing
Life to some people is a long learning lesson and process. Everyday is a learning experience and a novel opportunity to expand our knowledge and information bank, we stock piles our minds with both vital and non crucial information, hoping to utilize it as time goes by. This is a philosophy that reluctantly I have come to ascribe to. Looking back at my life, no matter how short it has been, reveals a rather extensive period of learning. I am a 23 years old girl, born in Korea and just immigrated to the U.S.A two years ago in a bid to better my life and pursue my dream career. Growing back in the suburbs of Seoul from my childhood days, through to my adulthood, is itself a thrilling experience. Although lacking in some luxuries and carefree attitude available in many American cities, I cherish the sweet memories of the good times I have gone through in Korea. I was born and brought up by my two staunch parents, who partook their parenting duties with the strictness and seriousness it deserves. To them, bringing out the best in me, as their only child, was their sole calling. No resource would be spared in ensuring that their only daughter got the best that life could offer and emerge triumphantly. Whether or not I have come out successfully is another story altogether. Many will agree with me that their childhood days though full of bliss and joyous moments, was not always a bed of roses, especially if you had an uncompromising mother or a nanny watching behind your back in every move you made. I came to agree that they meant well but our naivety and simple minds could not fathom the reason why we could not be allowed to do what we wanted. I take a look at my life and appreciate that I have come from far. Importantly though, is that the best that I am today, I owe it to my adorable parents. It is said that, cleanliness is second to godliness-that I have come to see is true. I have received compliments and encouraging words regarding how organized and neat I am, from my teachers, friends and even strangers. Many however do not know that this has not always been the case, as my parents can attest. My young urchin life is a complete opposite of the tidiness and smartness I exhibit today. I grew up in a neighborhood inhabited by diverse people and hence diverse characters. My immediate neighbors were two boys whose sweet memories I still cherish, however, the care-free attitude they had instilled in me than is a trait I would not have wanted to acquire. It is a known fact that kids can be extremely naughty especially in the wrong environment. My mother had always been trying to emphasize the importance of neatness especially in girls, trying to buy me bright colored dresses to ensure that I looked my best. I could not hear anything of it and was always in crumpled clothing and uncombed hair. By the age of 12, my mother had given up. Not even my father’s smart and stern look could change me. I used to be extremely untidy both at home and in school. My homework was not being delivered in time and when delivered it was just a bunch of illegible scribbling. My parents had a perfectionist attitude towards life, but that too could not change me. Every road has a turning point and every night a daybreak. My annoying habits too had to come to an end. This came at the night of my 15th birthday. Since the tender age of three years, it had been a tradition in our house to hold my birthday party where I would invite my friends for a day full of celebrations. I had wished to see a different thing happen this 15th birthday. At my age, it was considered trendy to hold a birthday party at night and let your friends enjoy an orgy till day break. I conferred with my parents and they had no problem with that. However, it was on a condition that our house nanny would not play a role in tidying up the house before or after the party. I had to somehow find a way of cleaning the place. How I tidied up my room is a story for another day but I did it altogether, and the results were quite impressive. My friends had always thought of me as a disorganized person with no cleanliness ambitions; it amazed them that I could be that tidy. My parents were quite impressed and I could see a sense of renewed affection in them. I was hoping to maintain this and made it may birthday resolution; since then I have never looked back. I can tell when my parents are relieved and happy. After my tidying up I could tell they had renewed their hope in me. Their next concern was to be in academics where I had been recording a dismal performance over a long time, a performance that had emanated from the fact that I disliked studies. I found the idea of devoting my precious time in abstracts a laborious task. This had to change somehow. My dad is not only smart in terms of dressing, but it also very knowledgeable. This was a trait he had all along wished to instill in me. He started by buying me short story books to try and arouse more interest in me. This is what eventually would see me develop an unquenchable interest in reading and digging for knowledge in topics ranging from almost every aspect of life. I have come to like reading both fictional and scholarly materials especially those authored by famous people. It is in reading widely that one gets to know more about the world. I have come to appreciate the role my parents have played in my life. They have taught me the essence of grooming well and proper self-organization as a key ingredient to succeed in life. My academic life has improved greatly as a result of the important tips accorded to me by father. Now it is to my discretion to either squander the useful information and experience I have gathered in life or see it go to waste altogether. Reference: James L. Kinneavy and John E. Wcoriner, 1998. Elements of Writing. Orlando. Florida. Harcourt        Brace and Company
Friday, August 16, 2019
Ancient civilization Essay
Ancient civilization was characterized with a culture that was rich in content, and embraced all aspects of human life. Religion for instance was so much emphasized as the basic support to human life. Assyrian winged protective deities were Egyptian religious figures. The chapel of Sekhem-ank-ptah is another unique aspect of history and has its weight on the wall hangings which had various writing inscribed on them. Lamassu, which is also known as lama is one of the Assyrian deities which had an obligation of protecting the people. This religious power existed between C883-613 in the Assyrian territory. The religious wall hangings found in the chapel of sekhen-ank-ptah has close similarity to Lama. All of them existed to in the ancient days with the wall hangings dating back to 2450 to 2350 BC. The region of existence of the wall hangings was however Sakkara in the late dynasty 5 (Tomasi, M. 2006). The two unique powers had varying representations. Lama was displayed as a large bull with horns and was always placed as a monument at the entrance of palaces. The gender of Lama was of the form of human males. Great artists always confirmed that the Assyrian deities with wings were actually apotropaic figures. Wall hangings on the other hands were made using thick papyrus which was obtained from swamps, lots of drawings were posted on the wall hangings and these drawings had various interpretations of divine nature. One similarity however is the material used to make them. All were made using sacred items. Lamassa represented a standing figure and served as a servant to a superior god. This meant that all visitors of the superior god were welcomed by the lame. Lama also had one great duty of protecting people against evil forces. The wall hangings on the other hands acted as a reminder of the baths to be taken in life. Some parts of the wall; hanging represented the process of giving offerings in church. The pictures had diagrams of animals in motion. Al these had interpretation. For example, the wall hanging on butchers at work and that showing plants in the field had an interpretation that the people were mainly farmers. Generosity in terms of giving food is also an output obtained form this diagram. The ancient Assyrian people believed in these symbols of deity and followed the beliefs carefully. Any violation of the precepts was believed to bring curses both then and the generation that followed
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Reality TV a Poblem Essay
The Pop Culture phenomenon that is reality television has been expanding since its arrival in the early 1990’s. Reality TV is the newest television genre but not the weakest by far. After MTV launched the hit show Real World it was clear that realty TV is here to stay. Today reality television is bigger than ever any time of the day you can be sure that some sort of reality program is being aired on a network. Reality television has become so big that it has created whole television networks based around reality programing, networks such as Tru TV and E! Entertainment which is the mother network for hit shows such as Keeping up with the Kardashians and Girls Next Door. Despite the fact reality TV is very popular it can have negative effects on its viewers. Many media analysts believe although reality programing is entertaining it holds almost no redeeming social value whatsoever. When it comes to values of reality TV programs the only values that it seems to give people are su perficial or for profit. Reality TV’s foundation is their sense of vanity, even in shows like duck dynasty which is about a incredibly rich rural family living on a farm. Even though the show is about a red neck life style it doesn’t fail to show the wealth possessed by the family. Reality TV can often make an average person feel un average. When that average Joe tunes in to see three men in ugly beards (Duck Dynasty) spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on useless comities it can make him or her feel like their life isn’t good enough and that they too should be living like the people depicted on television. In the article Is reality T.V. so bad it’s good or just plain bad? By Sabrina Giancioppi she states â€Å"At face value, reality television is easily a reflection of everything that is wrong with society. The only thing worse than the housewives, bachelors, idols, kids from the shore, teen moms and toddlers, might just be those who tune in to watch these shows every week, fuelling our society’s great appetite for idiotism and humiliation (Giancioppi)†this shows that the possible reason for American’s over indulgent us as Americans are so blinded by material objects and vanity that we often fail to acknowledge the great things our country has such has freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Many American’s have a mentality that is never satisfied we as a country seem to have a universal belief that nothing is ever good enough and reality television can be somewhat to blame. On reality TV we see rich house wives living a life of luxury and viewers think that if they are not doing these fabulous things like flying in private jets or going shopping for Bentley’s than we are not truly successful when success is based on one’s own perception n ot the perception of pop culture. Reality TV’s big demographic that it reaches out to is the teenager, because they are the ones usually watching the most television in the home ergo they are the best to appeal to. When a young mind of a teenager is exposed to unreal reality and scenarios depicted on reality programs such as Jersey Shore where a household of seven adults spend a summer on the New Jersey beach. The Show consists of drinking, partying, and copulation and was aired for over four years. Shows like Jersey Shore are bad for an older demographic let alone teens. When teens see shows like Jersey Shore it leaves an impression in their mind that this is what it is like to be an adult and they usually believe that because it is the only example they have seen. The problem with so many teenagers being engaged in reality TV programming is that it give false sense of life. When teens watch reality TV it more often than not makes them feel like they have a dull life. The show Laguna Beach: the real Orange County on MTV is about a local high school girl named Lauren Conrad and her clique of wealthy teen friends that live in Laguna Hills. In the show these kids have more problems and things going on than most adults. This is a prime example of how reality television can make a teens life seem awfully dull compared to the people’s on TV like Lauren Conrad who is constantly going to extravagant place and driving a sports car provided by her wealthy parents. Shows like Laguna Beach that are blatantly aimed to a younger audience should be showing kids and teens a role model and teach lessons that will help them in real scenarios rather than showing them a teenager and her friends alluring life filled with glamour that show lack of positive messages and no role models. Although reality shows can be bad examples for kids and teens James Poniewozik of Time Magazine writes in his article titled â€Å"Why I Watch Reality TV With My Kids†he believes it is good to watch reality television with children and teens because it is the last type of family programming there is. In the article Poniewozik states â€Å"It’s no accident that many of the series I’ve mentioned are competition shows: like sports, it’s a genre that can appeal to kid and adult interests without denying either one. Most of these series are made for adults without any particular goal of being all-ages entertainment. But on their own terms, they reflect things that kids are interested in: competition, creation, performance. Maybe more important, they’re also a kind of structured introduction to the grownup world (Poniewozik)†the claim made by James reveals that there can be positive effects for kids and teens from watching reality shows if they choose to watch a particular show and watch it with their family, but this is not often the case. Usually the child or teen who is watching reality shows are watching with no parental guidance and choose to watch programs that are outrageous or most â€Å"grown up†show, they are not looking for the shows with least values not with the most. Being a teen that has gotten to see reality programming evolve to what it is now has shown me firsthand the lack of value the shows contain. In the Journal of Advertising Research authors Anthony Patino, Veltichka D. Kaltcheva and, Michael F. Smith write about the appeal of reality TV towards teenagers and preteens in the passage the authors state â€Å"With the number of hours spent in front of the television set increasing 6 percent annually (Nielsen Media Research, 2009) and the reality programming genre steadily growing, preteens and teens are more likely to be viewing reality programs. More important, there is evidence that young people emulate the behavior of reality stars (Patino, Kaltcheva, and Smith)†. This statement shows that teenagers are spending more time watching television and reality shows more and more. With the rise of teenage viewers in reality television it no wonder on why our youth seems to be growing up faster and faster. Now a days teenagers no longer want to stay kids for long they see these people on reality TV living an exciting life and they too want their life to be extravagant and exciting and they accomplish this by holding a semblance that depicts that of a reality TV star and doing things like holding themselves to a higher caliber socially or do things they wouldn’t usually take part of like drinking or smoking but because they see these reality TV stars doing these things and thriving they too want that fame and success. Kids now a days are exposed to so much more grown up content mainly due to all the reality television that is going around. When my sister was younger probably in middle school she couldn’t get enough of MTV and VH1 reality shows from Jersey Shore to VH1’s competition shows like Flavor of Love and Bret Michaels Rock of Love. These type of shows were truly the definition of â€Å"Trash TV†; the shows consisted of a roller coaster of problems t hat at the times seemed enthralling. Shows like the ones my sister would watch made me feel like I was losing brain cells just by watching them, the shows had no plot, no good ideas, no good actors, no nothing. Now I don’t often watch reality television for multiple reasons the biggest simply being there is much better content on television. I would rather watch a such as Breaking Bad or Boardwalk Empire which contains a deep plot that calls for an engaged viewer and shows artistic traits such as cinematography, scoring and set design. Programs with a sense of meaning or artistic value seem more attractive than watching a group of people argue and stress over irrelevant situations. No matter who is watching reality TV or who isn’t they continue rise in popularity and spring out of nowhere by the masses. What makes these shows so attractive to all these viewers? Maybe it’s the enjoyment of seeing a stranger’s life play out in front of your eyes, or the convince of always being able to tune in and watch whether or not one saw last week’s episode. The best way to find out why audiences of reality TV get so enthralled with the programming is to interview with a fan of reality television shows. A super fan of reality shows that I know of is my sister Desirae Duran she is twenty-two years old, a junior in college, and has been watching reality television for as long as she can remember. The first questioned asked to Desirae was why do you like reality programs? Desirae said what she enjoys about reality shows is how they involve little effort from the viewer, when she watches reality shows she can be texting or on the internet on the same time and still understand what is happening in the episode unlike when she watches shows like CSI or Game of Thrones that require h er full attention. I then asked Desirae if she thinks reality television has redeeming value in society. Her response to my question was rather surprising, she said that reality shows provide entertainment to people, that alone is enough for something to have redeeming value. Desirae then made a comparison to Game of Thrones and The Bachelor saying they both entertain her and fill her crave for good television. What my sister said about how entertainment is valuable is obvious and something I failed to realize and account for. I then asked Desirae a last question on why she thinks other people are so fascinated by reality TV and she gave me a short answer she said â€Å"people want what they can’t have and reality shows give them a taste of what they can’t have†This may be a key reason of why so many people enjoy watching shows about the rich and famous or maybe people just enjoy the entertainment aspect of the shows whatever it may be that attracts a viewers to reality televis ion the networks have no problem with it. It seems as if the only value that comes from reality television is the profit it provides television networks. One of the reasons why cable is flooded with reality programs is because they are so cheap for studios to make. If there is one thing television networks like ABC or NBC love more than a hit show it’s a hit show for the fraction of the price. In an article about the cost of reality television versus scripted television author Laura Jerpi of South University pulls information about reality programming from Scott Manville founder and president of TV Writers Vault in the article it states â€Å"An episode for a scripted series can be anywhere between a half-million and millions of dollars depending on the network and content involved,†in the article Manville also writes â€Å"budgets for reality shows can range from $100,000 to more than $500,000 per episode [depending on the network and content]†. With the amount of money being saved per episode it is no wonder why television is infested with reality shows. The dramatic drop in production cost in reality shows is due to an array of reasons. Reality TV often consist of one to no production sets, mediocre writers, a less than satisfactory director probably fresh out of film school and actors that work for less than an employee at Starbucks. Because of the low cost that goes into producing a reality show and the high profitability rate networks don’t mind having a surplus of them. The Failure of a reality has far less risk than a failure of a Sit-com or prime time Drama because of the small cost and the large amount programs available so this lets studios and networks experiment with bizarre idea’s and unorthodox content. Reality TV is often called â€Å"Trash TV†mainly because of the lack of values it provides to the general audience. Reality shows fill a viewer’s head up with garbage content. Now a days when one channel surfs the overwhelming wave is the reality wave, reality programs have seemed to have gone to the point of no return. Shows like Jersey Shore and Laguna Beach will continue to thrive as long as people tune in to be passive and not active. It seems as if there are not enough hours in the day for reality television. Television use to be informative and artistic now all of those types of programs are being taken out to make room for reality shows aka â€Å"Trash TV†. If entertainment is considered a valuable commodity then I guess opium is John D Rockefeller. Work Cited Web articles -Giancioppi, Sabrina. â€Å"Pros and Cons: Reality Television | The Concordian.†The Concordian RSS. N.p., 09 Oct. 2012. Web. 02 Dec. 2013. . -Jerpi, Laura. â€Å"Reality TV – Low Cost Programming That Produces High Ratings.†Reality TV – Low Cost Programming That Produces High Ratings. South University, Jan. 2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2013. Television shows – â€Å"A Black & White affair†Laguna Beach. MTV. KBXV. Orange County. 28 Sep. 2004. Television -â€Å"A New Family†Jersey Shore. MTV.KBXV. New Jersey. 03 Dec. 2009. Television Interview -Duran, Desirae. Personal interview. 2 December. 2013. Magazine article -Poniewozik, James. â€Å"Why I Watch Reality TV With My Kids.†Time 181.23 (2013): 54. Business Source Elite. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. Academic Journal -PATINO, ANTHONY, VELITCHKA D. KALTCHEVA, and MICHAEL F. SMITH. â€Å"The Appeal Of Reality Television For Teen And Pre-Teen Audiences.†Journal Of Advertising Research 51.1 (2011): 288-297. Business Source Elite. Web. 2 Dec. 2013.
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