Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Biography of Zheng He, Chinese Admiral
Memoir of Zheng He, Chinese Admiral Zheng He (1371â€1433 or 1435) was a Chinese naval commander and pioneer who drove a few journeys around the Indian Ocean. Researchers have frequently considered how history may have been extraordinary if the principal Portuguese voyagers to adjust the tip of Africa and move into the Indian Ocean had gotten together with the naval commanders gigantic Chinese armada. Today, Zheng He is viewed as something of a society saint, with sanctuaries in his respect all through Southeast Asia. Quick Facts: Zheng He Known For: Zheng He was a ground-breaking Chinese chief naval officer who drove a few campaigns around the Indian Ocean.Also Known As: Ma HeBorn: 1371 in Jinning, ChinaDied: 1433 or 1435 Early Life Zheng He was conceived in 1371 in the city currently called Jinning in Yunnan Province. His given name was Ma He, demonstrative of his familys Hui Muslim starting points since Ma is the Chinese adaptation of Mohammad. Zheng Hes extraordinary incredible extraordinary granddad Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-Din Omar was a Persian legislative leader of the territory under the Mongolian Emperor Kublai Khan, organizer of the Yuan Dynasty that governed China from 1279 to 1368. Mama Hes father and granddad were both known as Hajji, the honorific title gave to Muslim men who make the hajj, orâ pilgrimage, to Mecca. Mama Hes father stayed faithful to the Yuan Dynasty even as the dissident powers of what might turn into the Ming Dynasty vanquished bigger and bigger wraps of China. In 1381, the Ming armed force murdered Ma Hes father and caught the kid. At only 10 years of age, he was made into an eunuch and sent to Beiping (presently Beijing) to serve in the family unit of 21-year-old Zhu Di, the Prince of Yan who later turned into the Yongle Emperor. Mama He developed to be seven Chinese feet tall (presumably around 6-foot-6), with a voice as uproarious as a tremendous ringer. He exceeded expectations at battling and military strategies, considered crafted by Confucius and Mencius, and before long got one of the sovereigns nearest partners. During the 1390s, the Prince of Yan propelled a progression of assaults against the resurgent Mongols, were based only north of his fiefdom. Zheng Hes Patron Takes the Throne The primary head of the Ming Dynasty, Prince Zhu Dis oldest sibling, kicked the bucket in 1398 in the wake of naming his grandson Zhu Yunwen as his replacement. Zhu Di didn't warmly embrace his nephews rise to the seat and drove a military against him in 1399. Mama He was one of his leaders. By 1402, Zhu Di had caught the Ming capital at Nanjing and vanquished his nephews powers. He had himself delegated as the Yongle Emperor. Zhu Yunwen most likely passed on in his consuming royal residence, despite the fact that gossipy tidbits continued that he had gotten away and turn into a Buddhist priest. Because of Ma Hes key job in the upset, the new sovereign granted him a chateau in Nanjing just as the honorific name Zheng He. The new Yongle Emperor confronted genuine authenticity issues because of his seizure of the seat and the conceivable homicide of his nephew. As indicated by Confucian custom, the primary child and his relatives ought to consistently acquire, however the Yongle Emperor was the fourth child. Along these lines, the courts Confucian researchers would not bolster him and he came to depend as a rule upon his corps of eunuchs, Zheng He the vast majority of all. The Treasure Fleet Sets Sail Zheng Hes most significant job in his lords administration was being the president of the new fortune armada, which would fill in as the heads head emissary to the people groups of the Indian Ocean bowl. The Yongle Emperor delegated him to head the enormous armada of 317 trashes ran by more than 27,000 men that set out from Nanjing in the fall of 1405. At 35 years old, Zheng He had accomplished the most elevated position ever for an eunuch in Chinese history. With an order to gather tribute and set up attaches with rulers all around the Indian Ocean, Zheng He and his naval force set out for Calicut on Indias western coast. It would be the first of seven complete journeys of the fortune armada, all instructed by Zheng He, somewhere in the range of 1405 and 1432. During his vocation as a maritime administrator, Zheng He arranged tradeâ pacts, battled privateers, introduced manikin rulers, and brought back tribute for the Yongle Emperor as gems, drugs, and intriguing creatures. He and his team voyaged and exchanged not just with the city-conditions of what are currently Indonesia, Malaysia, Siam, and India, yet in addition with the Arabian ports of advanced Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Despite the fact that Zheng He was raised Muslimâ and visited the places of worship of Islamic blessed men in Fujian Province and somewhere else, he likewise loved Tianfei, the Celestial Consort and defender of mariners. Tianfei had been a human lady living during the 900s who accomplished illumination as a young person. Skilled with foreknowledge, she had the option to caution her sibling of a moving toward storm adrift, sparing his life. Last Voyages In 1424, the Yongle Emperor died. Zheng He had made six journeys in his name and brought back endless emissaries from outside grounds to bow before him, yet the expense of these trips weighed vigorously on the Chinese treasury. Furthermore, the Mongols and other traveling people groups were a consistent military danger along Chinas northern and western fringes. The Yongle Emperors wary and academic senior child, Zhu Gaozhi, turned into the Hongxi Emperor. During his nine-month rule, Zhu Gaozhi requested a conclusion to all cherish armada development and fixes. A Confucianist, he accepted that the journeys emptied an excessive amount of cash out of the nation. He wanted to spend on battling off the Mongols and taking care of individuals in starvation desolated areas. At the point when the Hongxi Emperor passed on not exactly a year into his reign in 1426, his 26-year-old child turned into the Xuande Emperor. A fair compromise between his glad, inconsistent granddad and his wary, insightful dad, the Xuande Emperor chose to send Zheng He and the fortune armada out once more. Demise In 1432, the 61-year-old Zheng He set out with his biggest armada ever for one last excursion around the Indian Ocean, cruising right to Malindi on Kenyas east coast and halting at exchanging ports en route. On the arrival journey, as the armada cruised east from Calicut, Zheng He kicked the bucket. He was covered adrift, despite the fact that legend says that the team restored a twist of his hair and his shoes to Nanjing for internment. Inheritance In spite of the fact that Zheng He lingers as an overwhelming figure in present day eyes both in China and abroad, Confucian researchers made genuine endeavors to erase the memory of the incredible eunuch naval commander and his journeys from history in the decades following his passing. They dreaded an arrival to the inefficient spending on such endeavors. In 1477, for instance, a court eunuch mentioned the records of Zheng Hes journeys with the goal of restarting the program, yet the researcher accountable for the records disclosed to him that the archives had been lost. Zheng Hes story endure, in any case, in the records of team individuals including Fei Xin, Gong Zhen, and Ma Huan, who went on a few of the later journeys. The fortune armada likewise left stone markers at the spots they visited. Today, regardless of whether individuals see Zheng He as an insignia of Chinese tact and delicate force or as an image of the countrys forceful abroad extension, all concur that the chief of naval operations and his armada remain among the incredible miracles of the antiquated world. Sources Bit, Frederick W. Imperial China 900-1800. Harvard University Press, 2003.Yamashita, Michael S., and Gianni Guadalupi. Zheng He: Tracing the Epic Voyages of Chinas Greatest Explorer. White Star Publishers, 2006.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Leadership styles (research paper) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Administration styles (explore paper) - Essay Example The styles we assessed were: Transformational administration Transactional authority Charismatic initiative Democratic/Participative administration Lazier-admission administration Bureaucratic initiative Autocratic authority Task-arranged initiative The essential research comprised of me scouring for good assets and studies that would permit you all to have the option to settle on a decent choice on what kind of organization you need to encourage. Initiative styles influence far beyond exactly how we lead yet additionally how our representatives are created and where we pick the executives from. At the point when we take a gander at it along these lines we can see that initiative style is one of the most significant pieces of the executives. I would be happy to talk about this report at your recreation. I value the chance to have the option to give you such an assistance and expectation, that it was as useful as I needed it to be. Regard, Research IAA:mef Contents Momo of Transmittal I Contents 0 Introduction/Problem 2 Findings/Leadership styles 2 Transformational authority 3 Transactional initiative 3 Charismatic authority 4 Democratic/participative administration 4 Lazier-passage/Delegative administration 4 Autocratic authority 5 Bureaucratic authority 5 Task-situated administration 6 Conclusion 6 Recommendation 6 Index 8 Introduction/Problem The exhibition and choices made by staff in an association are in part dictated by the attributes of initiative or the individuals who take part in organization. Various investigations have demonstrated that the initiative style embraced in an association influences bunch work forms, the social atmosphere and the ideal final product inside the association. From this point of view, the style of administration received in an association influences the atmosphere and the atmosphere influences profitability and imagination (Mills, 2007). Sometimes, administration influences profitability legitimately. This clarifies the way that initiative style is basic to all associations given that it influences their exhibition and viability. This report quickly assesses different sorts of initiative styles depicted by various researchers. The report suggests that transformational type of administration is the best while working with a different populace. Discoveries/Leadership styles Different researchers have recognized different types of initiative that are basic in associations. This paper inspects the accompanying initiative styles: Transformational administration Transactional authority Charismatic initiative Democratic/Participative authority Lazier-admission authority Bureaucratic initiative Autocratic administration Task-arranged authority Fig 1: Leadership Styles (Source: Johannsen, 2012) Transformational administration Transformational initiative is an initiative procedure in which pioneers widen and hoist the interests of their subordinates, they animate the subordinates to look past their own personal circumstance to benefit an association and produce mindfulness and acknowledgment of the strategic reason for an association (Mills, 2007). This sort of authority assists with limiting employees’ turnover rate and thus, this spare costs identified with high turnover rate in an association. Second, it enables workers in an association to understand their maximum capacity and to demonstrate higher duties to hierarchical objectives; it tends to be arranged under participative and delagative initiative as appeared in fig 1. Third, this style is useful in cultivating hierarchical
Friday, August 14, 2020
Happy New Year, Illini!
Happy New Year, Illini! Happy New Year! I feel rejuvenated after spending the holidays with family and friends, and of course surrounded by fluffy pets wearing cute holiday sweaters. Its great to have that time to be with loved ones and to get that mental break from all sorts of work. While some of you might not be fans of resolutions, it can serve as great motivation to reinvent yourself on a clean slate. Personally, Im a huge fan of them. So, this next semester will be my last semester as an undergrad, but before I can join the full-time work space or attend grad school, I need to rethink some of my bad habits in 2015. I thought Id outline a few of my resolutions to be a better Illinois college student in 2016. Avoid the snooze button. Expectations: Photobucket Reality: The Odyssey Online In 2015, I remained a morning person (weird, I know), but I am also guilty of rolling over to hit the snooze button in the afternoons or even well into the evening for a whopping four-hour nap. A nap shouldnt last four hours. You should be getting your sleep at night, and perhaps take a 30 min to an hour nap during the day. This compromises time spent with friends and on homework, which only leads to stress crying and all-nighters (1 star, would not recommend). In 2016, Ill go to bed early. Ive always been a work hard, play later type of person, but Ive lost touch of that by napping during my free time. Sure, its nice to take a nap after a long day, but I went too far and made that a routine that only guaranteed insomnia and solitude during the week days. Create a daily and weekly checklist. Expectations: Tumblr Reality: Tumblr In 2015, I made vague checklists and totally forgot about them. I wrote them on my iPad between classes or during lecture. They were quite bold, and it was clear I was in a good mood that day for radical change. Eat more greens. Stop drinking coffee. Go to the gym. Either way, these were lists that were created with the sole intent of running in the other direction. They were too big for me to turn into routine. I lost sight of these goals and spent even more money coping with caffeine withdrawal, and eventually, I resorted back to my caffeine addiction through afternoon coffee runs. In 2016, Ill be a bit more specific on how Ill tackle these goals. You need a game plan to make things happen. Ill be more specific on what eat more greens will entail in my packed lunches. Ill be open to compromise with myself, understanding that there will be productive days and slip up days. Its inevitable with a tight college student budget, time constraints, and other student obligations, but its worth a try! Set aside time for your side projects. Expectations: Tumblr Reality: Giphy In 2015, I opened a word document and played Spotify on the background as I wrote my stories, essays, business papers, etc. for all my classes. Sure, I got all my work done days before the deadline, but I didnt really feel engaged with what I was doing half the time. I was multitasking and distracted. I didnt seem to make time for revisions, either. In 2016, I plan on writing 250+ words every day. That doesnt quite consider time as much, but its flexible enough for me to make it work during a busy semester schedule. Finding time to write has always been the internal struggle for most of my creative writing friends and for myself. If youre a structured person, maybe you set aside time to read or time to get your side projects done. For me, time has always been an issue. So, now Im strictly breaking my side project apart by focusing on the word count. Start on job applications and be confident about your accomplishments. Expectations: Tumblr Reality: Tumblr Second semester is when students typically rush to the Career Center to practice their interview spiel on others. As a senior now, this is when I need to pluck up enough courage and begin those job applications. In 2015, I wasnt confident to share my work with others just yet. As a perfectionist, this can be a let down. There were days I didnt want to submit my completed application to grad schools because I was feeling anxious. While I had experience in business technical writing, I convinced myself I wasnt pursuing anything worthwhile and that I wasnt marketable at all. This is all pretty ridiculous, but it happens. In 2016, Ill be ready to share my work with professors and colleagues. Im going to embrace the feedback and revision process further by actually taking time to look back at the written feedback on my work. Im also going to outline my successes in the Creative Writing field. I have received a few undergraduate awards and publications during my time here, and I should include them on my resume and cover letters with pride! Have any resolutions for this upcoming semester? Feel free to share them with me, too! ?? Jenny Class of 2016 I'm majoring in Creative Writing in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I'm from the north side of Chicago, an artsy neighborhood along the lakefront called Andersonville. I plan to pursue a low-residency MFA program in Fiction Writing with the hope of becoming a published author.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Risk and Return Analysis of the Capital Market - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1949 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? A financial market is a market in which the financial assets are created or transferred. A real transaction involves an exchange of money for real goods or services, whereas a financial transaction involves creation or transfer of financial asset. Financial assets or financial transactions represent the claim to a payment of a sum of money in future or periodic payment in the form of interest or dividend. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Risk and Return Analysis of the Capital Market" essay for you Create order Indian financial sector can be divided into two major segments: Organized and un-organized. Organized sector includes banks, financial institutions, insurance companies and non-banking FI such as unit trusts, mutual funds etc. Unorganized sector consists of indigenous banks, money lenders, chit funds etc. Various financial markets are as follows: Money Market wholesale debt market for low-risk investment Credit Market banks and other financial institutions giving short, medium and long term loans to corporations Forex Market deals with multi-currency requirements Capital Market long-term finance instrument to corporations and government Capital market has two broad segments: primary and secondary market. Primary market helps in raising funds by issuing securities, government and corporations can both participate. Secondary market is where the previously issued securities and financial instruments are transacted by traders. Risk Risk is defined as probability that the return from a security will not match the expectations. Every investment has inherent uncertainties. Uncertainties can be due to economic, social, political or industrial factors. These uncertainties result in making the future returns in this investment risk prone. Total Risk = Market Risk + Issuer Risk The risk in any investment will be either of the following: Systematic risk (Market Risk) Unsystematic risk (Issuer Risk) Systematic risk is a risk which is present to the whole market. It is the change in the security or its variability in terms of overall return which is directly associated with the overall movements in the market. In practical scenario all the securities will have systematic risk in it irrespective of the level of diversification of funds. In contrast, unsystematic risk is specific to an industry or a company. It is the change in the security in term of overall return which is not present on the moveme nts in the existing market. As is apparent, this risk is generally associated to a unique security or a set of similar securities. There are various types of systematic and unsystematic risks to which any security is exposed to, some of them are listed below: Market Risk Interest Rate Risk Purchasing Power Risk Regulation Risk Business Risk Re-investment Risk Bull bear market Risk Management Risk International Risk Default Risk Exchange Rate Risk Country Risk Liquidity Risk Political Risk Industry Risk Measurement of Risk Since, risk will always be present in the securities, quantifying these risks becomes an important issue. In order to quantify first some factors must be standardised on which these risks will be analyses. The most widely accepted factors are as follows: Volatility Risk basically is the deviation of a stock from its anticipated or expected value. The deviation can be in both positive as well as negative direction. Generally, it is being used to focus in the direction of the potential harm. This range of fluctuation from the expected level of return is termed as volatility. The more a security moves up and down in in price, the more volatile will be the security. As it is apparent, more the volatility higher will be the uncertainty in a stock. Hence, increased volatility leads to increased risks. Standard Deviation It is a widely used instrument to measure the risk present in a stock or portfolio. It is similar to volatility, and is used to measure the absolute variation of a stock from its expected price or value. Beta It is the systematic risk inherent in a stock which cannot be cannot be avoided by diversifying. Beta is a relative indicator of the risk of an individual security as against the market portfolio of the securities. It is important to observe that the measure of fluctuation of beta is from the set benchmarks (portfolio of stocks). Beta is a useful instrument to perform comparative analysis of risks prevalent in various set of stocks. This instrument is a direct measure of the riskiness. Most of the times the stocks are ranked in the market based on their beta values. High beta values result in high risk securities. Expected Return Any investment decision is hinged on two important criterions: risk and expected return. Another important factor is the rate of return (ROR). ROR depends upon the capital appreciation and the yield. The key determinants of ROR from the investor perspective are as follows: Expected Rate of Inflation Risk associated with investment unique to the investment Time preference risk free real estate Therefore, ROR = Risk free real estate + Inflation Premium + Risk Premium The rate of return can be calculated as: EQUATION Risk and Return Relationship The fundamental principle of this seminar paper is that there is trade-off between risk and return. The connection between the risk and return demands that as the returns increase there is an increase in risk. Low levels of risk are associated with low potential returns and vice-versa. The risk and return relationship is the desire to be exposed to minimum possible risk and highest possible returns. The following figure represents the risk-return relationship: DIAGRAM The slope in the above figure is the measure of return per unit of risk. High risk prone investments will have steeper line. Generally, higher yield compared to the rest of the market indicates an above average risk. The following figure illustrates that: DIAGRAM Risk-Return Relationship of Different Stocks In most of the practical scenarios, various lines of securities in the market exist. An investor would like to choose options which are consistent with his/her risk preferences. It might be a low risk or a high risk option. There is an important myth that higher risk leads to better returns. The trade- off tells us that higher risk leads to possibility of better returns. Thus, it can also result in potential losses. The risk tolerance differs from person to person. It depends on the income, goals, standard of living, and variety of other issues. On the lower scale of risk-free ROR is treasury bills provided by the government. These bills are virtually risk free as they are backed up by the Indian government. Portfolio Security Returns A portfolio is a collection of securities. Investors rarely put their entire funds of an individual or an institution in a single stock. Thus, It becomes essential to view a security in portfolio context. Expected return from a portfolio will depend on the expected return of each security in the portfolio. Return of portfolio (Two assets) The expected return from a portfolio of two securities is equivalent to the weighted average of the expected returns from them. DIAGRAM Risk of Portfolio (Two assets) The risk will be measured in terms of the various measurement parameters as discussed in the previously in the paper. The risk will not simply be the weighted average risk of the variance of the returns of securities from expected value. These securities will be inter-linked as they belong to the same portfolio. In this case, the portfolio risk also needs to be taken into account. It will consider the co-variance (it is a measure of co-movement) of the two securities and will provide the degree to which these securities vary together. The standard deviation in such a scenario will be calculated by: EQUATION The co-variance of security A and security B can be expressed as: EQUATION The unsystematic risk diversification of the two securities portfolio will depend on the degree of co-relation which exists between the return of these securities. Co-relation varies from -1 to +1. The different values will imply following: Co-relation co-efficient (r) = -+1; No unsys tematic risk can be diversified Co-relation co-efficient (r) = -1; All unsystematic risk can be diversified Co-relation co-efficient (r) = 0; No co-relation It is important to note that ideally, as an investor, assets with low or negative correlations should exist in the portfolio. When one or more of the holdings depreciate in value, the other holdings should pick up the slack. Risk and Return of Portfolio (Three assets) The risk of the portfolio consisting of three securities can be calculated as follows: EQUATION Optimal Portfolio (Two assets) The objective of an investor is minimizing the risk of the portfolio. The tools which are used to achieve this are: risk avoidance and risk minimisation. These tools are integral part part of portfolio management. A portfolio will contain various securities; by combining the weights of these securities expected return can be calculated. An optimal portfolio will minimize the risk to the greatest extend. The minimum risk portfolio of two assets is calculated as follows: EQUATION Portfolio diversification and Risk The fundamental principle of portfolio diversification is not-to hold-all-eggs-in-one-basket. Co-relation is the underlying principle of any diversified portfolio. Ideally in order to diversify project risk and thereby reducing the firms overall risk; the projects which should be added in the portfolio are those which are negatively co-related with the existing projects. By adding such stocks the overall variability of the returns/risks can be reduced to an extent. The following figure shows reducing risks through diversification: DIAGRAM As is clearly visible from the above diagram that project A and B are negatively co-related. The securities have same expected return E under similar market situation. The combination of the two projects also has return E but with less risk and variability. Such, a risk is known as the alpha or diversifiable risk. The combination of two perfectly positively correlated stocks does not reduce the risk of the overall project below the lea st risk level. In contrast, two stocks with perfectly negative co-relation will reduce the risk component of the overall project below the risk of either stocks or in certain situation in can touch 0 also. Modern Portfolio Theory Modern portfolio theory (MPT) is an investment theory which attempts to maximize the portfolios expected return for a given amount of portfolio risk, or to minimize the risk for a level of expected return, by selecting the amounts of various assets. One of the most important models of modern portfolio theory is listed below. Markowitz Model of Risk-Return Optimization Harry Markowitz proposed the portfolio theory. The model proposed in 1952, tries to optimize the trade-off between the risk and expected return of a portfolio. The underlying assumption of the theory is that individual assets do not matter to the investor but its the contribution in the total risk of the portfolio is critical. Utility function and Risk Taking Common investors will have three possible attitudes to undertake risky course of action: An Aversion to risk A Desire to take risk An Indifference to Risk This behaviour can best be understood with the help of an example. There are two stock options A and B with expected return of 100 each in normal economy. In a booming economy the return will be 110 and 200 units for stocks A and B respectively. The risk seeker or the person, who desires to take risk, will in such a scenario prefer the riskier stock option B. A risk indifferent (risk neutral) will be unresponsive to both the options A and B as they have same expected returns. Utility in economic terms is defined as the indicator of relative satisfaction. Generally, money is considered as a desirable commodity and large sum of money has a greater utility than smaller sum. The utility function is expressed in the following figure: DIAGRAM The figure clearly implies that the risk preferring decision maker maximi ses the expected utility by increasing the expected monetary value to maximum.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay about Persuasive Speech We Must Fight Homelessness
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to help fight homelessness Central Idea: With more help for the homeless we can make America better for everyone Attention I. Imagine for a moment that youre not in this classroom. A. Instead your outside, but you not walking to class or your dorm, your living there. B. Imagine for a moment that you yourself are homeless. 1. You have no shelter 2. When it rains your wet 3. When its cold your freezing 4. You have no money C. This is what life is like for many Americans each day D. Today I would like to encourage you to donate your time or money to†¦show more content†¦C. Declining wages have put housing out of reach for many workers. 1. In every state, more than minimum wage is needed to afford a one or two bedroom apartment. 2. According to a study by the U.S. Conference of Mayors in 1998, a minimum wage worker would have to work 87 hours a week to afford a two bedroom apartment. 3. This insufficient income leaves many people homeless. D. Another contribution to homelessness is serious health problems. 1. Over 41 million Americans have no health care insurance according to the U.S. Bureau of Census. 2. Homelessness severely impacts health and well being a. With the exception of obesity, strokes, and cancer, homeless people are far more likely to suffer from every category of severe health problem. b. Conditions which require regular, uninterrupted treatment, such as HIV/AIDS, addictive disorders, and mental disorders are extremely difficult to treat or control among those without adequate housing. c. Housing is the first from of treatment for homeless people with medical problems. (Transition: It should be clear by now that the homeless epidemic in the U.S. is a problem, so let’s look at some ways we can help.) Satisfaction I. Homelessness is not a problem that will just go away, but we can help fight the problem A. One way to help is to volunteer your time. 1. Working at soup kitchens not only benefit the homeless, but alsoShow MoreRelated Animal Farm and A Modest Proposal Essay2687 Words  | 11 Pagessituation of homelessness in Ireland. Also, both of the pieces are satirical. Animal Farm ridicules the ordinary Russian people for being gullible, and A Modest Proposal mocks politicians who ignore sensible suggestions and come up with extreme ones. In the build up to his speech, Old Major first clears his throat, to gain all of the animals attention. The fact that all he has to do is clear his throat to do this, gives the impression that he is authoritative, and in control. We are given theRead More Criminalization of Poverty in Capitalist America Essay3029 Words  | 13 Pagesbelieve we all will agree that the United States is a nation of criminals. From its inception as a settler nation, exiled British criminals stole the land and lives from Native Americans and Africans. They justified their actions with making and defining the law of the land, for example defining Africans as 3/5 of a man during slavery. Hence the power to define is an awesome power. It is the power of propaganda. It is the ability to manipulate our ideas, to limit our agenda, to mold how we see, andRead MoreWe Need Talk About Kevin8189 Words  | 33 PagesText Title – We Need Talk About Kevin Text Type - Visual Author – Lynne Ramsay The movie is shoot in the past and present going back and forth, where Tilda is experiencing the aftermath of her family’s death, and the past, delving deeper into the way her son treated her. We need to talk about Kevin tells us the story about a fractious relationship between a mother and her son. Tilda goes through intense grief and violence after a homicidal massacre where Kevin had killed 15 people with this bowRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesWorksheet 661 APPENDIX I GLOSSARY 673 683 APPENDIX II REFERENCES NAME INDEX 705 709 713 SUBJECT INDEX COMBINED INDEX xvi CONTENTS P R E FA C E What’s New in This Edition? Based on suggestions from reviewers, instructors, and students we have made a number of changes in the eighth edition of Developing Management Skills. †¢ Added new skill assessments in Chapter 1 and a new case in Chapter 3. †¢ Revised parts of the book to reflect suggestions and feedback from instructors and students
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Great Gatsby Chapter Journals Free Essays
Daisy says these words as she describes to Nick and Jordan her hopes for her young daughter. Daisy is not a fool herself but because of her surroundings intelligent women are not viewed as valuable. Opposite of the older generation, the younger generation enjoys the thoughtless minds of the young and vulnerable women only seeking pleasure and not those that cater to their needs. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Gatsby Chapter Journals or any similar topic only for you Order Now Daisy’s remark is somewhat cynical: while she addresses the social values of her era, she does not seem to mind them. Rather, she describes that she is bored with life and it seems like she implies that a girl can have more fun if she is beautiful and simplistic. Daisy often conforms to the social expectation of the American woman in order to avoid issues. â€Å"He had one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced, or seemed to face, the whole external world for an instant and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself. As a part of Nick’s first close examination of Gatsby’s character and appearance he describes that Gatsby’s smile captures both the theatrical quality of Gatsby’s character and his personality. Additionally, it captures the manner in which Gatsby appears to everyone in the outside world. His smile seems to be both an important part of the role in the character. Here, Nick describes Gatsby’s rare focusâ€â€he has the ability to make anyone he smiles at feel as though he has chosen that person out of â€Å"the whole external world. †â€Å"With an effort I managed to restrain my incredulous laughter. This is when Gatsby is telling Nick about his life. Nick is trying to restrain himself from laughter because he knows that there is something wrong with what Gatsby is saying. As he continues, Jordan looks like she knows he is lying so when Nick looks at her he feels that it’s all bogus. From what Nick believes, what Gatsby is saying is so in the moment because there isn’t a lot of detail in his story to go on and see if it’s true or not. Gatsby is saying that he lived so well after his family had all died and that he travelled a lot and tha t he had his life pretty much made for him. If that was all true why would he be living in a place like west egg? â€Å"The truth was that Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of Godâ€â€a phrase which, if it means anything, means just thatâ€â€and he must be about His Father’s business, the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty. So he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen year old boy would be likely to invent, and to this conception he was faithful to the end. †When Nick is describing Gatsby he uses this bold comparison between Gatsby and Jesus Christ to illuminate what Gatsby has created himself to be. Jesus is described to be â€Å"faithful to his self-created dream but scornful of the factual truth that finally crushes him and his dream†â€â€an appropriate description of Gatsby. Though the comparison between Gatsby and Jesus is not an important event in The Great Gatsby, it is nonetheless a suggestive comparison, as Gatsby transforms himself into the image that he envisioned for himself as a youngster and remains committed to that idea, despite the obstacles that society presents to the fulfillment of his dream. â€Å"’God sees everything,’ repeated Wilson. These were the last words that George Wilson had said before he murdered Gatsby in the end of the chapter. It is showing the madness that came from his realization of the affair and the death of his wife, but maybe this could be indicating that he was the only sane one of all the characters in the end. With the rough life that George had, he did not experience the immorality of society in the 1920s. Th e abuse of money, the new crimes developed, and the other aspects of life were not able to corrupt his lifetyle in the Valley of Ashes. Being a poor man, it was his dream to be rich and make a life for himself and his wife in New York City, but living, isolated, in the Valley of Ashes kept his morals. All of the characters seemed to be blinded by the lifestyle that surrounded them. They were rich, or wanted to be in George’s case, and were blinded by the corruption of society. They could not see what harm they were doing to each other and themselves and started keeping secrets, having affairs and causing unneeded destruction. God was the only one that could see their flaws and lies; he could look past their secrets and see the real people on the inside – the bad people they had become. â€Å"Tom and Gatsby, Daisy and Jordan, and I, were all Westeners, and perhaps we possessed some deficiency in common which made us subtly inadaptable to Eastern life. †Gatsby had the dream of coming back with Daisy. He got money just to achieve his dream, and try to make it work, but it did not work. Gatsby tried to put the values into the wrong place. Gatsby also cared too much about people’s feelings and he made friends to easily. How to cite Great Gatsby Chapter Journals, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Capital Punishment Essay Introduction Example For Students
Capital Punishment Essay Introduction Good Afternoon, I am honored to be here, and I thank you for having me. Today I would like to speak to you about a very controversial issue-capital punishment. What do those two words mean to you? To mostpeople they mean a murder victims family receiving justice for theirdeceased. Let me see a show of hands. How many people in the audiencebelieve in the death penalty? I conducted a weeklong survey of twohundred people of all ages. The purpose was to see how many peoplebelieved in the death penalty and how many opposed it. My results areshown on this overhead. As you can clearly see, 98% believe in the death penalty. 57% believethat the death penalty is a deterrent for murder. A high of 97% of thepeople favor capital punishment, where 1% think that our justice systemshould not be more lenient on death row inmates. Only 89% think thatonce convicted of murder, an inmate should be sentenced to deathimmediately. I would like to take this time to tell you a story. On August 15,1997, the Reverend John Miller preached a sermon at the Martha VineyardsTabernacle in New Hampshire. He told his congregation, which includedthe vacationing President Clinton and his wife, that capital punishmentis wrong. I invite you to look at a picture of Timothy McVeigh and toforgive him, said Miller. If we profess to be Christians, then we arecalled to love and forgive. Once the sermon ended, Rev. Miller,Clinton, and their wives got together for brunch at the Sweet Life Cafi. What the Rev. did not know was that 24-year-old Jeremy T Charron; anEpsom New Hampshire police officer was gunned down in cold blood justhours before Millers sermon on forgiving murderers. That Sunday markedCharrons 44th day as a full time police officer, the job he dreamed ofsince he was 6 years old. Jeremy Charron leaves behind his parents, two sets of grandparents, twosisters, two brothers, a wide circle of friends, and a girlfriend whoseengagement ring he had begun to shop for. Maybe the Reverend Millerwould advise those grieving for Charron to look at pictures of GordonPerry, the robber accused of pumping the bullets into Charrons heart,and 18 year old Kevin Paul, the accomplice, and forgive. The state of New Hampshire has opted not to forgive, but to prosecute. Perry has been charged with capital murder. If he is convicted, thestate will seek the death penalty for the first time since 1939. Jeanne Shepard, the democratic governor, says a capital murderprosecution will put criminals On notice that if they kill a policeofficer in New Hampshire, they will face the death penalty. What ifthey kill someone other than a cop? Should criminals not be put onnotice that they will face the death penalty if they kill a cashier incold blood? A farmer, or a schoolteacher? They should- but the lawsays otherwise. In New Hampshire as in all states with the deathpenalty, murder can be punished with execution only in specificcircumstances. The murder of an officer in the line of duty is one ofthem. Among others are murder combined with rape, murder for higher,and murder in the course of kidnapping. First degree murder is notpunishable by death. One who willfully murders a cashier is no lessevil then the murderer of a police officer. Both have committed theworst crime. Both should be subjected to the worst possiblepunishment. That is justice. Standing in the way of that justice, however, are the likes of Rev. Miller, who brim with such pity for criminals that they have none leftover for the victims. Forgive Timothy McVeigh, he says, as if we havethat right. Absolve the man who slaughtered 168 innocent men, women,and children in Oklahoma City. Pardon the killer of Officer Charron. Nothing could be more sinful and indecent. How sad that Miller,enjoying his brunch with the president at the Sweet Life Cafi, shouldlack compassion for the sweet life of others. Executions at U.S. prisons reached a 40- year high last year. There aregoing to be more executions in the future as these cases are speeded up,as a result of federal and state laws shortening the appeal process. Iwould now like to direct your attention to the overhead. Examination of the slave experience EssayA heinous crime occurs and most people ask the inevitable question: Whoare these people capable of such inhuman acts? According to Gilligan,they generally are ordinary people who often describe themselves asrobots, zombies, nonentities, and even vampires. In a 1977 courtroom,convicted serial killer Ted Bundy said many things about himself. Amongthose descriptions were; Sometimes I feel like a vampire, and Im themost cold blooded son of a bitch youll ever meet. Murderersfrequently mutilate themselves in prison, cutting their arms, swallowingrazor blades, blinding or castrating themselves- because feelingsomething, even pain, is better than feeling nothing. People who windup committing murder are often the survivors of attempted murderthemselves, or of a child abuse that is so severe, that if they were notstrong, they would not have survived. David Berkowitz was the Son ofSam serial killer. The press at one time asked him why he killed somany people. He replied, I always had a certain fetish for murder anddeath. Berkowitz was jolted to kill when he found out a familysecret. He was an accident, a mistake, never meant to be born. He hadalways been told that his birth mother had been killed during labor. What he found out was it was just a lie to cover up the fact that hisreal mother did not even care about him. Once he discovered the truth,he vowed to find the woman that cast him aside. When asked by a friendwhat he would do when he found her, he said, Im not going to rob her. Im not going to touch her or rape her. All I want to do is kill her. Gilligans hypothesis is that the common underlying cause of violenceis shame. Violent behavior only results when three other conditionsoccur: 1) The individual does not see himself as having any nonviolentmeans to gain respect or find justice. 2) The shame and humiliation areso overwhelming they threaten to destroy the persons sense of self. 3)The violent impulses stimulated in all of us by feelings of humiliationare not inhibited by guilt, remorse, empathy, or love. The characterHannible Lechter, as shown in this clip from the movie Silence of theLambs explains it best. Rather than punishment, Gilligan said, one proven approach to reducingviolence is education, especially a college degree. Several years ago,Gilligan conducted a study in the Massachusetts Prison system in whichmore than two hundred inmates, including those that were convictedmurderers, earned degrees and were released from prison. So far, notone repeat offender has been found. Gilligan said We know that the single most effective factor whichreduces the rate of recidivism in the prison population is education,and yet education in the prisons is the first item to be cut when anadministration gets tough on crime. If our goal is to reduce crimeand violence, we would benefit all law abiding members of society if wemade college education available in the prisons. Gilligan said he isamazed by how inarticulate and incoherent many violent prisoners are. They have never learned to express themselves. They have never hadanyone to listen to them and take their thoughts seriously. If we canget them to talk about their life experiences, we immediately give theman alternative. If we can provide these men with an alternative toviolent behavior, they will use it. The best way to get people to actlike human beings is to treat them like human beings. Gilligan acknowledges that some violent criminals are so severelydamaged and dangerous they simply can never live out in society again. But the emphasis, he said, must be on restraining and quarantining,rather than punishment. Over time, even the most deeply damaged peoplecan recover a great deal of the humanity that they have lost; even thedeadest could be restored to some semblance of humanity if given ahumane enough environment, said Gilligan. I now leave the decision up to you. I have given you both the pros andcons on the issue of capital punishment. If you choose to remember onlyone point of my speech tonight let it be this quote of human beings byHenry Ford. None are good but all are scared. Even the mosthorrendous criminal is a human being with a soul, and that soul isscared.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Tourism and Environmental Conflict
Introduction Tourism is the activity of people travelling from their home or usual environment to other places where they stay for a period of not more than a year primarily having fun with the new environment. The purpose of the travel varies from group to group. It may include travelling for leisure, for business purposes, for educational purposes, and for work purposes.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Tourism and Environmental Conflict specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are two types of tourism, outbound tourism and inbound tourism. Out bound tourism is when residents of a given area travel to areas outside their home areas whether as local tourists or as international tourists. In bound tourism is when people, local or international, come in to visit a local area. As the paper reveals, tourism and the environment within which it takes place are ever conflicting. How The Routledge Handbook of Tour ism and the Environment by Holden and Fennel is a popular source that addresses the issue of tourism and the environment. According to Holden and Fennel, the two issues cannot be separated when one is discussing the issue of tourism because tourism affects the environment both positively and negatively with the later taking precedence in most discussions (23). Whenever there is tourism, there is always environmental conflict at a certain point of the tourism activity because the movement of people from one area in to the other area always upsets the balance of the destination environment no matter what the precaution that might be taken. The environment in this case can be described as something real with a life of its own. It can be something perceived in the minds of people having its own natural existence. Negative tourism impacts can be categorized into three major categories as follows: natural resource usage, pollution, and behavioral considerations. Natural resources are usua lly limited in nature. As an example to support the thesis, as pointed out by Nygard in his article, when an area is a tourist attraction point, it becomes an interest to people from outside who, in their pursuits of satisfying their interests of visiting an area, will also have to share in some of the resources like clean water (387). Some of these resources are common pool resources. Therefore, additional users might cause a strain in their availability to all other people in particular those the resources ought to be benefiting the most. This argument is informed by reason that most attraction areas usually attract tourists in droves at a particular time of the year.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More If tourists in some of these areas were distributed all year round with consideration for the existence of these resources, the resources would be easily manageable. This has so far been difficult to achieve because tourism is a profit-oriented business. As a result, players in the industry tend to pull so much towards their own interests to the extent of influencing policy issues so that they can have their way. The need to accommodate tourism leads to the destruction of some ecosystems for building resorts and other facilities that are to be used by the tourists. Accommodation of tourism comes with an opportunity cost towards the available resources. Local people may be denied the use of their own resources so that they are made available for tourism use. Thus, other sectors of the economy might stagnate because of this provision. An example of this case is when the local people in an area are moved away to give some space for constructing a facility like an airport. It also happens when beaches in some areas are closed from locals so that they act as preserves for tourists, in Goa India, for instance, where there has been a lowering of the l ocal level of water wells due to a strain on them. Human behavior by the tourists towards the environment of their destinations is also a source of environmental conflict. Most items that tourists use are usually the disposable type, which come in disposable packaging, which is more often not the eco-friendly type. Most tourists usually discard these packages to the environment without care. In support of the claim made about tourism and the environment, Buckley points out the impact of tourism on flora and fauna. He says, when tourists visit the natural habitats of wildlife to see wildlife in its natural settings, they tend to disrupt the wildlife patterns like their eating and breeding habits (404). Some species of wildlife tend to be extremely sensitive to foreign invasion. Thus, when their breeding is interfered with, it tends to subject them to the endangerment of extinction. Most natural settings that are an attraction to tourism are often introduced to pollution when tourist trucks and other vehicles drive into the expansive natural settings. Therefore, their exhaust emissions normally contaminate plants and other fauna. Tourist activities lead to both direct and indirect pollution of the environment. The mass movement of tourists during tourism seasons leads to air pollution due to the use of planes as a mode of transport.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Tourism and Environmental Conflict specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Planes emit fumes that are left in the air. The fumes contain lots of carbon dioxide, which is a major contributing factor to the degradation of the ozone layer. Therefore, the degradation of the ozone leads to climatic change, as pointed out in the BBC article by North, which adversely affects life on the earth surface (Para. 6). Therefore, tourism directly or indirectly contributes to environmental pollution and degradation in this case. Noise pollution happens in areas like the Serengeti Plain in Tanzania where tourists use hot air balloons to fly and see wildlife. This disturbs the peace and tranquility that animals are supposed to enjoy. As a result, some of these animals tend to move away in search of peaceful places. This therefore directly leads to an upset of the natural environmental settings and the interrelationship between flora and fauna. Another risk caused to the environment through tourism is the use of luxury cruise ships for voyage. Most of these ships are fossil fuel propelled, which produce much fumes that are discharged in the air. They also pose a risk of spilling fuel into the sea in case of an accident. When this happens, it is usually a major environmental disaster because the ships are usually loaded with tones of fuel for their propulsion. Although there are measures in such cruise ships on waste management, there is no guarantee that the crew of ships or the passengers will keep the required standards of waste management. They may thus be tempted to dump wastes into the sea. Game hunting, as a form of sport, is also detrimental to the environment. This is usually a tourist activity (Nygard 384). Hunting game for fun depletes the game in their environment. In some cases, it has led to the near extinction of some species thus altering the environmental set up. On the other hand, tourism is as important as the environment. It has also led to the conservation of the environment by funding this purpose. Therefore, tourism is important to the environment, as well as to the economy of nations as an economic earner.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Refuting the afore-made thesis in his article, Korstanje says that too much emphasis on the protection of the environment tends to slow down tourism thus stifling the income of a nation (94). He points out how tourism leads to infrastructural development of nations thus opening up most countries’ economies to the greater world (95). With the income from tourism, they are able to trade with other countries economically. A strong balance of trade, as well as a strong balance of income, will always boost a country’s economy against issues such as inflation. Some countries of the world, especially most third world countries, are not as industrialized as the first world countries. Therefore, they cannot compete on the industrialization platform with them. The only way for them to earn foreign exchange is through their environment, which is unique in its natural setting. Therefore, if environmentalists are left to have their way, some of these economies will die. The people of these countries will also suffer more than the environment the environmentalists are trying to save. Thus, it will be illogical to save the environment and sacrifice humanity in exchange. If people compare the amount of pollution caused by the industries through massive emissions and the pollution caused by tourism, they find that the pollution by tourism does not generate any reasonable threshold of environmental pollution when put to scale as the industries do. Therefore, it is unfair to project tourism as a major enemy to the environment on the same scale as industries. Too much emphasis on the environment has made it very expensive to invest in tourism. Thus, when it happens, the packages are made to be very expensive as a way of recouping the investment. This usually turns off many potential tourists thus denying a given area so much economic boost that might have come with tourism. It also denies a given area the much-needed money in it that can be used to protect the same environment. Environmental protection is a big package that includes educating the community, putting in place infrastructure that will stop other natural forms of degradation, and the general supervision of the same environment as pointed out by Faraji (46-7) in his opinion. Funds for such projects are not easily forthcoming. If the environment is not allowed to be used as an income-generating project, there will be nothing to be used to save the same environment. Some arguments that have been used to make a case against tourism as being environment damaging are at times farfetched. As an example, the existence of the ozone layer so far is still a matter of debate because it is hypothetical. Thus, there is no proof of its existence. Therefore, the use of the ozone as a measure of tourism pollution when the ozone’s existence is still a conjecture does not hold water as an argument. Conclusion In conclusion, tourism and environmental conflict are issues that have become a big topic for debate. On one hand, tourism as an activity is ever expanding day by day as many people in the world over aspire for leisure moments in their lives. More and more people are saving for holidays nowadays than before. What used to be an indulgence for the rich has turned into an indulgence for almost everyone who can save. This massive increase of tourism traffic causes a strain to the environment at a very alarming rate. At the same time, proponents of tourism argue for tourism. Their arguments are valid thus creating a never-ending debate between tourism and its impact on the environment. Works Cited Buckley, Ralph. â€Å"Tourism and the Environment.†Annual Review of Environment and Resources 36.1(2011): 397-416. Print. Faraji, Abdoreza. â€Å"The Relationship between Tourism and Environment.†Iranian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality 1.1(2010): 37-48. Print. Holden, Andrew, and David Fennel (eds). The Routledge handbook of Tourism and the Environm ent. London: Routledge, 2012. Print. Korstanje, Maximiliano. â€Å"Can tourism be considered ethical?†Journal of Travel  Tourism Research 11.1(2011): 91-104. Print. North, Andrew. Protecting Afghanistan’s Environment and Tourists’ Future, 2012. Web. Nygard, Mikael. â€Å"Opportunit y or Threat: Finnish Hunters attitudes to hunting tourism.† Journal of Sustainable Tourism 19.3(2011): 383-400. Print. This research paper on Tourism and Environmental Conflict was written and submitted by user Trevon D. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Free Essays on Witchlight
Witchlight Written By: Marion Zimmer Bradley The plot of the fictional story, Witchlight, was about Winter Musgrave, a young business woman. In the story Winter is plagued by an adult poltergeist, while she tries to find her forgotten past, after a breakdown left with an acute case of amnesia. Winter unaware of her haunting believes she is crazy. Winter just out of Fall River, a mental health clinic, travels to a small town that she feels a connection with. She rents a small house, Grey Angels, in a town called Glastonbury, that has an apple orchard, which brings back horrible repressed memories for Winter. Just as before in Fall River she awakes to find all the windows and doors, that she had shut and locked the night before, wide open. Also when she wakes up she finds dead animals, that seem to have the blood sucked out of them, outside of her house. That’s when she goes to a small college, Taghkanic College the head of the paranormal department in the country, just a few miles from Grey Angels to find some answers. The director of the department is a women named Truth Blackburn, daughter of Thorne Blackburn a occultist who wrote many books explaining paranormal and how to start a Blackburn circle. Truth realized Winter had attended Taghkanic College and helped her get in touch with some of her past until they realized that Winter had been a part of a working Blackburn circle in her college days. Winter must find a way to close the circle before the poltergeist kills her and the four other members of the working circle, who she doesn’t even remember. The setting for Witchlight is a small town in New Jersey called Glastonbury. In Glastonbury there is a large old rented house, Grey Angels, where Winter stays. The house is depicted as a very cold and bare place that was pretty much put up for sale and abandoned. There is also a small college called Taghkanic College it is depicted as a older college with large buildings a... Free Essays on Witchlight Free Essays on Witchlight Witchlight Written By: Marion Zimmer Bradley The plot of the fictional story, Witchlight, was about Winter Musgrave, a young business woman. In the story Winter is plagued by an adult poltergeist, while she tries to find her forgotten past, after a breakdown left with an acute case of amnesia. Winter unaware of her haunting believes she is crazy. Winter just out of Fall River, a mental health clinic, travels to a small town that she feels a connection with. She rents a small house, Grey Angels, in a town called Glastonbury, that has an apple orchard, which brings back horrible repressed memories for Winter. Just as before in Fall River she awakes to find all the windows and doors, that she had shut and locked the night before, wide open. Also when she wakes up she finds dead animals, that seem to have the blood sucked out of them, outside of her house. That’s when she goes to a small college, Taghkanic College the head of the paranormal department in the country, just a few miles from Grey Angels to find some answers. The director of the department is a women named Truth Blackburn, daughter of Thorne Blackburn a occultist who wrote many books explaining paranormal and how to start a Blackburn circle. Truth realized Winter had attended Taghkanic College and helped her get in touch with some of her past until they realized that Winter had been a part of a working Blackburn circle in her college days. Winter must find a way to close the circle before the poltergeist kills her and the four other members of the working circle, who she doesn’t even remember. The setting for Witchlight is a small town in New Jersey called Glastonbury. In Glastonbury there is a large old rented house, Grey Angels, where Winter stays. The house is depicted as a very cold and bare place that was pretty much put up for sale and abandoned. There is also a small college called Taghkanic College it is depicted as a older college with large buildings a...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Analysis of Country Road's financial performance Assignment
Analysis of Country Road's financial performance - Assignment Example The company net profitability declined in 2012 as compared to the 2009; whereas the gross profitability increased by a mere 0.7% in 2012 as compared to 2009. This signifies the growing inefficiencies and disabilities in the company to control costs and expenses. Step Three The profitability provided a better measure as compared to the profits. This is because the profitability analyses the profits with terms to the growing sales; and therefore, helps in measuring the efficiency of the company in controlling costs and expenses with the increasing sales. (Keiso 1999) Step Four a. Appended figure 3 shows the extended trend analysis on the expenses for the period 2009-2012. b. Depreciation and Amortization expenses have increased the most over the period. The expense has increased by 57% in 2012 as compared to the expense in 2009. The second most increased expense is the occupancy expense which increased by 38.4% over the same period. Step Five a. Appended figure 4 shows the vertical ana lysis performed on the identified items of the income statement. b. Cost of goods sold, employment expense, marketing expenses and other expenses as a percentage of sales have decreased over the period 2009-2012 whereas occupancy expense and depreciation and amortization expense as a percentage of sales have increased over the same period. c. The company has been efficient in controlling certain costs and expenses with the increase in sales. The increase in depreciation and amortization is due to increase in total assets. Step Six Over the period, the sales have increased 22.1 percent showing improved performance by the company. However, the profit margins have declined because of the increasing expenses over the same period. The company has proved to be inefficient in controlling its administrative and selling expenses which have all increased compared to the base year 2009. The company has been holding too much inventory in its warehouses which has increased its management expense s. On the other hand, the company has been prudent in controlling its direct costs which has helped them improve their gross margins. Similarly, this could also happen due to the accumulated inventory which would be priced lower in the inflationary period. Step Seven a. Appended figure 5 shows the trend analysis on several balance sheet item totals from 2009-2012. b. This clearly explains the trend which signifies that the falling ROE is due to the increase in the equity by 26.2 % but with no cumulative effect on the net profits which have been declining during the same time. On the other hand, the assets have increased by 3.3% whereas the earnings before interest and tax have declined over the period; again the reason for the falling ROA. c. ROE measures the return to the equity holders- the owners of the company where as ROA measures the ability of the company in using its resources to make profits for the all stakeholders-owners as well as creditors. (Keiso 1999) d. ROA would be considered a better measure by the investors. It is because is measures the returns to all the stakeholders- the owners as well as lenders. Likewise, it also measures the ability of the company in the usage of the resources. It helps in evaluation the management of the company as well. (Keiso 1999) Step Eight a. Appended figure 6 shows the calculations and the ratios. b. The dividend payout ratio
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The Sensory Nervous System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Sensory Nervous System - Essay Example The basic unit of the entire nervous system is the neuron. The neurons themselves have three parts 1) the dendrite-which receive message impulses from other cells and transmits it to the cell body 2) the cell body 3) the axon-which transmits messages away from the cell body. There are three types of neurons namely sensory or afferent neurons, motor or efferent neurons and intermediate neurons. The sensory neurons are responsible for the transmission of messages from the various sensory receptors or organs in the human body, which receive the external stimulus, to the central nervous system. The intermediate or relay neurons are present only in the CNS. The motor neurons transmit the message impulses from the CNS to the corresponding effector organ which might be a muscle or a gland which responds to the received impulse. The plasma membrane of the neuron has an unequal distribution of electrical charges between its inner and the outer surfaces, i.e., positive on the inner membrane an d negative on the outer membrane. When a message impulse is to be transmitted the polarities reverse temporarily resulting in what is known as an action potential. This action potential which begins in one spot spreads to the adjacent membranes thereby transmitting the message across a neuron. While the action potential allows transmission within a neuron neurotransmitters allow the transmission of messages between different neurons through the synaptic cleft. The synapse is the space between two nerve cells. (Farabee, 1992). Depending on the type of external stimuli, various parts of the brain are targeted through various pathways through the spinal cord. For example the somatosensory system has three modalities. One particular modality being the discriminatory touch enables the human body to perceive shapes and sizes by touch alone. In this system sensory inputs are provided
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Things They Carried, Tim OBrien | Analysis
The Things They Carried, Tim OBrien | Analysis Tim OBrien, in an interview has discussed the definition of truth by saying, You have to understand about life itself. There is a truth as we live it; there is a truth as we tell it. Those two are not compatible all the time. There are times when the storys truth can be truer, I think, than a happening truth (Herzog 120). This definition of truth is a great challenge for readers of OBriens works. It is hard even for the author himself to distinguish whether a detail is truth or no-truth. In this essay, I will discuss the blurry border between truth and fiction in OBriens Vietnam War stories, The Things They Carried. The technique that OBrien uses to blend truth and fiction in his book is his use of metafiction narrative to describe Vietnam War. Metafiction is a term given to fictional writing which self-consciously and systematically draws attention to its status as an artifact in order to pose questions about the relationship between fiction and reality. (Patricia Waugh). In the novel The Things They Carried, Tim OBrien purposely makes the boundary between truth and fiction invisible. For him, truth depends on the context of the situation that someone experiences it and what going on in that persons mind. The author starts his book with the quote, This is a work of fiction. Except for a few details regarding the authors own life, all the incidents, names, and characters are imaginary(6). However, just few pages later OBrien gives his dedication to the men of Alpha Company, and in particular to Jimmy Cross, Norman Bowker, Rat Kiley, Mitchell Sanders, Henry Dobbins, and Kiowa. Ironically, they are all the main characters of the novel. Tim OBrien has already require his readers to notice the blur lines between fiction and fact in his stories. Tim OBrien blurs this line of truth in many ways. He uses truth in his fiction to make the story more believable. The protagonist as well as narrator of The Things They Carried is named Tim OBrien, he also comes fr om the same town as the author Tim OBrien. The character is a college graduate and is also a drafted Vietnam War vet. He is in his late forties and also is a writer whose book Going After Cacciato got published. Those are obviously more than few details that the character shares with the real OBrien. The author successfully manages deploying his purpose that he wants the readers to feel what he felt. He wants his readers to know why story-truth is truer than happening-truth (203). Hence, readers cant help but trying to connect the relationship between the narrator with the author. Readers will always need to raises the question of what is reality and what is fiction. Even in the work of fiction, OBrien more than once insists readers to believe things he says is the truth. Before revealing the gruesome story of Rat Kiley slowly killing a baby water buffalo, OBrien writes, This one does it for me. Ive told it beforemany times, many versionsbut heres what actually happened (78). OBrien confesses that he has told the story in several ways, it means somehow the story has been fictionalized. However, he still convinces readers that: but heres what actually happened,. The truth in this story is being tested. Readers know that the story contains fictional detail after being told several different ways; they have been notified that The Things They Carried is a fiction. However, they are still to believe the story is true, because the author affirms so. This writing style defines OBriens work as a metafiction where the author consciously challenges the readers to distinguish truth with what he wants readers to believe is truth between the very blurry line. In this case, according to Lynn Whartons remark, everything is true but nothing authentic (Blyn 189). In the chapter How to Tell a True War Story OBrien is most clear in telling his opinion about truth of the war: A true war story is never moral. It does not instruct, nor encourage virtue, nor suggest models of proper human behavior, nor restrain men from doing the things men have always done (OBrian 68). Furthermore, In many cases a true war story cannot be believed. If you believe it, be skeptical. Its a question of credibility. Often the crazy stuff is true and the normal stuff isnt, because the normal stuff is necessary to make you believe the truly incredible craziness (OBrien 71). OBriens short stories follow these rules. For example, the author describes a group of soldiers was ordered to listen for movements of the Viet Cong in the jungle. After few nights, they begins to hears the sounds of a cocktail party: popping champagne corks, several simultaneous conversations, opera-style music. Sanders, the soldier telling the story, says, All these different voices. Not human voices, though. Because its the mountains. Follow me? The rock-its talking. And the fog, too, and the grass and the goddamn mongooses (OBrien 74). The definition of a true war story have been established, in this case, the unbelievable fictional details were created in order to tell the real truth from the war. In Speaking of Courage, OBriens fiction become so believable. Readers can easily relate as if they witness this real life story everywhere. The protagonist Norman Bowker cannot restart his life because he cannot accept his self-described lack of courage in the shit field. No one is interested in his war stories any more, Norman becomes depressed by all the horrific memories, the guilt he carries. Readers can see the image of any soldier with PTSD then and now. Though OBrien has said this is a work of fiction (OBrien 5), hence readers need to treat Norman Bowker as a fictional character. However, in this story he is so real as a non-fictional truth. Following Speaking of Courage, the author adds Notes, to claim that Norman Bowker wrote to OBrien after the war. He also provides an update that Bowker has killed himself to reinforce the realistic factor in his fictional story. By doing this, more than ever OBrien has created the blurry line between truth and fiction in his works. Although the work is classified as a fiction, OBrien continually emphasizes the truthfulness of stories he tells . This technique creates uncertainty for the readers, resemble with the uncertainty of the young soldiers must have felt while fighting in Vietnam as the author confides: Certain blood was being shed for uncertain reasons. I saw no unity of purpose, no consensus on matters of philosophy or history or law. The very facts were shrouded in uncertainty: Was it a civil war? A war of national liberation or simple aggression? Who started it, and when, and why? What really happened to the USS Maddox on that dark night in the Gulf of Tonkin? Was Ho Chi Minh a Communist stooge, or a nationalist savior, or both, or neither? What about the Geneva Accords? What about SEATO and the Cold War? What about dominoes? (OBrien 122). Steven Kaplan discusses this point in his essay The Things They Carried includes staging what might have happened in Vietnam while simultaneously questioning the a ccuracy and credibility of the narrative act itselfà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the reader is permitted to experience at first hand the uncertainty that characterized being in Vietnam (Kaplan 48). By blurring the line between fact and fiction, Tim OBrien can objectively speak to readers about war. Throughout the book there are many different versions of the truth. In any war story, but especially a true one, its difficult to separate what happened from what seemed to happenThe angles of vision are skewed (OBrien 71).The story called Spin tells of the Vietnamese soldier that the narrator killed. The story The Man I Killed describes the same dead Vietnamese man and creates a history for him. He loved mathematics (OBrien 142), he had only been a soldier for a single day (OBrien 144), and like the narrator he went to war in order to avoid disgracing himself, and therefore his family and village (OBrien 142). The story Ambush makes the reader wonder whether any of this ever happened. That narrator tells us that he was not the thrower of the grenade that killed the soldier and then Even that story is made up (203). in a true war story, if theres a moral at all, its like the thread that makes the cloth. OBrien keeps giving the readers truth and then revising it or reshaping that trut h to something else. The reader is never quite sure where the real fact is but finds that it does not matter. In OBriens own words, You cant extract the meaning without unraveling the deeper meaning (77) For OBrien, truth can change, truth evolves through time and depends on the contexts and circumstances. OBrien also said Truth is fluid. Truth is a function of language. According to the authors own concept about truth, fiction is sometimes can be also considered truth. His brilliant and humorous example was: in 1964 I love Sally is the truth, but in 1965 the truth is I love Jenna. So they are both the truth told by the same person, but are very different just by the time they were told. OBrien said: A lie, sometimes, can be truer than the truth, which is why fiction gets written. The things they carried as a whole is vastly under the shadow of this definition, where fiction and nonfiction get seperated by a very blurry line; where it contains both truths and imaginations. Even for OBrien, he sometimes could not even distinguish what really happened and what he thinks it happened because the border between those two is so paper thin. In OBriens point of view, lives are about stories-the stories we tell ourselves, the stories we tell others. What is really true in our lives as we live it? Might there be events that we view incredibly significant now that we wont remember twenty years from now? Are there trivial details now that might come to have great impact on our lives or teach us incredible lessons? So where is this elusive truth? Truth is what we see from our own personal experience, and truth changes as we live our lives and as we keep remembering things, events, and people in our lives. Truth changes as we mature and as we continue to tell our stories or play them over in our minds. As critic Kaplan says, OBrien saves himself by demonstrating in this book that events have no fixed or final meaning and that the only meaning that events can have is one that emerges momentarily and then shifts and changes each time that the events come alive as they are remembered or portrayed (Kaplan). In an interview, OBrien was asked: What can stories do for us? He said: Stories do a lot for us. They can help us heal. They can make us feel part of something bigger. We all tell stories to ourselves-about today and tomorrow-we live our lives based on a story we tell ourselves. And were constantly adjusting ithoping for a happy ending. (Curran) For him, the key is hopefully to learn something or gain some insight from the process of telling and retelling in which truth and non-truth may get blend into each other to make sense. By stating his book is a work of fiction, OBrien gives himself a license to have more room to create and to write even though the materials are based on the truth. OBrien says One of the chapters in The Things They Carried is about a character with my name going to the Canadian border. He meets an old man up there, almost crosses into Canada but doesnt. I never literally did any of these things, but I thought about it. It was all happening in my dreams and in my head. And the one thing fiction can do is make it seem real. To let the reader participate in this kid making this journey and it feels like its really happening. You hope the readers asking the same questions that you were back then. You know, like What would I do? Would I go to Canada? What do I think of war? So even if the story never happened, literally, it happened in my head. If I were to tell you the literal truth about that summer, the truth would be that I played a lot of golf and worried a lot about the draft. But t hats a crummy story. It doesnt make you feel anything. ( It turns out he did not do the things in the story, but he considered them. The real truth would be boring but the embellished truth is still true. Just because he did not live these things does not mean that they are not true. He has embellished the truth in his head in order to dramatize the moral dilemma for the reader. With the pass he has given to himself in writing fiction base on truth, and letting truth hidden in fiction, everything is believable. In the book The Things They Carried, OBrien says, By telling stories, you objectify your own experience. You separate it from yourself. You pin down certain truths (OBrien 158). For OBrien, stories can make events happen over again, can bring back to life ones weve lost. He writes, The thing about a story is that you dream it as you tell it, hoping that others might then dream along with you, and in this way memory and imagination and language combine to make spirits in the head (230). The Things They Carried, then, brings back to life for OBrien lives such as Norman Bowker and Bowkers best friend Kiowa. Since stories can have such an incredible effect, they save us. The us implies OBrien, other veterans, as well as general readers. By using metafiction as a vehicle for the Vietnam War, OBrien is able to discuss with readers why the stories are told and retold. Readers are better able to understand the aftereffects on veterans and relate to experiences they may never personally under go. OBrien uses fiction to be able to tell whole truth because the fact is fiction is often closer to the truth than what surrounds us on a daily basis. By explaining to readers how The Things They Carried operates on different levels, OBrien is arguing that his fiction piece is more accurate than nonfiction pieces on the Vietnam War. Even when OBrien exaggerates the truth or changes the details of a story, he does so to make the Vietnam War more real for the readers. As explained through the story of Norman Bowker and in How to Tell a True War Story, for OBrien, the truth of a story depends almost solely on how real the experience seems for the readers. In this way, happening truth remains historically and emotionally distant (Silbergleid 133). If the story is not technically true, at least the reader understands the significance of the event. Silbergleid notes story truth, is full of excruciating detail and specificity (133). OBrien uses story-truth to recreate Vietnam for outsiders. If the readers can fully imagine the shit field where Norman Bowker lost his best friend because of a sudden lack of courage, then that story of Vietnam is real. Although a Norman Bowker may not have ever existed, may only be a character in the fiction piece The Things They Carried, his experience undoubtedly happened to other soldiers. Even with exaggeration and falsification, the reality of Vietnam is accurately created by OBrien. The character Mitchell Sanders summarizes The Things They Carried best: I got a confession to make, Sanders said. Last night, man, I had to make up a few things. Yeah, but listen, its still true. (OBrien 77)
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Filipino Accounting Education Essay
This Statement is issued by the Accounting Education Change Commission (AECC). The AECC was appointed in 1989 by the American Accounting Association and supported by the Sponsors’ Education Task Force, representing the largest public accounting firms in the United States. Its objective is to be a catalyst for improving the academic preparation of accountants so that entrants to the accounting profession possess the skills, knowledge, and attitudes required for success in accounting career paths. The Commission encourages reproduction and distribution of its statements. The Commission’s first Position Statement, on the objectives of education for accountants, emphasized the importance of teaching. The Statement cited the need for training in instructional methods, recognizing and rewarding contributions to teaching and curriculum design, and measurement and evaluation systems that encourage continuous improvement of instructional methods and materials.1 Without progress in these prerequisites to effective teaching, the objectives of that Statement cannot be realized. Moreover, progress is needed in mechanisms for sharing ideas and techniques and in the culture and organizational climate that establishes and maintains the scholarly status of teaching within the professoriate. All interested parties (e.g., university boards of trustees, regents, legislatures, governors, parents of students, and other sponsors of education) should help establish a priority on teaching and otherwise improve its effectiveness, but faculty and administrative leaders bear the greatest responsibility. CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING The characteristics of effective teaching must be identified if their presence is to be measured and improvements envisioned. Understanding the characteristic of effective teaching is essential for faculty (so they know what is expected) and administrators (so they can assess performance). Five characteristics of effective teaching are listed below. Curriculum Design and Course Development. To effectively design curricula and develop courses the teacher must: set appropriate objectives; develop a useful framework for the conduct of courses and programs; conceptualize, organize, and properly sequence the subject matter; integrate courses with other related courses, disciplines, and current research; and be innovative and adaptive to change. Use of Well Conceived Course Materials. Effective course materials enhance presentation skills, fulfill course objectives, are consistent with current developments and new technology in the field, create a base upon which continued learning can be built, challenge students to think, and give them the tools to solve problems. Presentation Skills. Effective presentation skills stimulate students’ interests and their active participation in the learning process, respond to classroom developments as they occur, convey mastery of the subject matter, achieve clarity of exposition, instill professionalism, and engage students with different learning styles. Well Chosen Pedagogical Methods and Assessment Devices. Effective pedagogical methods (e.g., experiments, cases, small group activities) vary with circumstances (e.g., size of class, nature of the subject, ability or skill being developed). Assessment devices (e.g., examinations, projects, papers, presentations) should be geared both to course objectives and to the progress of the course and should have a pedagogical component (e.g., fixing in the student’s mind what is most important, learning by thinking through a problem, identifying weaknesses to be corrected, reinforcing acquired skills). Guidance and Advising. An effective teacher guides and advises students as appropriate to the level of study and research (e.g., a freshman’s exploration of potential careers, a senior’s job placement, or a doctoral student’s work on a dissertation). THE ADMINISTRATIVE TASK Administrators should ensure that the reward structure stimulates effective teaching. They should also give attention to the other administrative issues that can affect the quality of teaching. These include: The school’s or department’s infrastructure for learning. This infrastructure includes, for example, classrooms, EDP and projection equipment, library facilities, and study space. Deployment of discretionary resources (e.g., availability of secretarial assistance, printing and duplicating, travel funds for teaching conferences). Appropriate class sizes and teaching loads, given the educational mission and resources of the school. Administrators should consider how each of the factors above is influencing the quality of teaching at their institutions and whether improvements can be made. Finally, administrators should be satisfied with the quality of the procedures in place in their institutions to evaluate teaching and continuously improve it. REWARDING EFFECTIVE TEACHING Faculty and administrators have a joint responsibility to develop incentive systems that produce the best educational outcomes for students. No one reward system or set of reward criteria can serve all institutions, but all should create adequate incentive for effective teaching. The incentive systems should reward effective teaching in deed as well as in word. Effective teaching should be a primary consideration in the tenure, promotion, and merit evaluation process. Effectiveness and innovation are not free, and it would be a mistake to assume that in the long term simply faculty pride and altruism are sufficient to accomplish continual change and improvement in the instructional function. STRATEGIES FOR EVALUATING AND IMPROVING TEACHING There is a close relationship between evaluating and improving teaching. Information about performance provides feedback on where improvements might be made. Assessments of performance need not have a purely administrative function of determining salaries and promotions; they can be devoted to improving teaching. The techniques below illustrate the range of what is available. Regardless of the technique chosen, assessments of teaching should be systematic and consistent. Self-assessment. Every teacher should regularly assess his or her work in order to improve. Self-assessment requires an evaluation of what was effective, what was not, why some things were relatively more effective, and what changes are desirable. Self-assessments can include documentation of purposes and techniques provided to colleagues as part of formal evaluations and are a natural basis for informal discussions of teaching techniques. Observations by Colleagues. Faculty should be primarily responsible for evaluating the teaching performance of colleagues. The evaluation process should be systematic and should strive for objectivity. A structured approach lends consistency to observations, which can make subsequent observations less stressful. All observations by colleagues should have as a major purpose to make recommendations for improvement, even if the occasion for the observation is administrative. Experience should be considered in assigning faculty observers. Student Evaluations. Student evaluations provide direct evidence of student attitudes toward the classroom experience. Students can report reactions to course workload; to the course materials; to the teacher’s classroom enthusiasm, demeanor and control; and to their personal interaction with the teacher. They can also estimate their own academic growth in the course. Alumni Input. Graduates can report on the thoroughness of their preparation, the usefulness of specific educational experiences in their lives and careers, and recollections of effective courses and teachers. Aggregate data on alumni outcomes (e.g., employment data) can be combined with information on curriculum design and teaching effectiveness to evaluate how both an accounting program and teaching approaches might be improved. Instructional Consultants. Consultants can analyze teaching techniques and styles and provide recommendations for improvement. Sometimes it is useful to work with a consultant and a faculty colleague, with the colleague focusing on course content and the consultant on teaching techniques. Teaching Portfolios. A teaching portfolio is a factual description or collection of a professor’s teaching achievements (i.e., an extended teaching resume). The teaching portfolio is to a professor’s teaching what lists of publications, grants, and academic honors are to research. A portfolio might include documentation of one’s teaching experience and philosophy, syllabi, evidence of student learning, student and faculty evaluations, videotapes, and documentation of work on curriculum design and course development. A teaching portfolio may be critical to providing the teaching vita with the portability and external review enjoyed for so long by the publishing vita. CONCLUSION Every party with a stake in improving accounting education has a stake in improving accounting professors’ teaching, but faculty and administrators can do the most to bring it about. They can work to ensure that teaching is appropriately rewarded and supported, that campus conditions are conducive to effective teaching, that effective teaching strategies are shared with others, that sound mechanisms for feedback on teaching effectiveness are in place and functioning, and that methods of evaluating teaching are refined and viewed as credible by those who play key roles in the evaluation and reward process. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Angelo, Thomas A. and K. Patricia Cross. Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers (2nd Edition) San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1993 Boyer, Ernest L. Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. Princeton, N.J.: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1990. Blackburn, Robert T. and Judith A. Pitney. Performance Appraisal for Faculty: Implications for Higher Education. Ann Arbor, MI: national Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Education, The University of Michigan, 1988. Braskamp, Larry A. and John C. Ory. Assessing Faculty Work. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers (in preparation), 1993. Cashin, William E. â€Å"Defining and Evaluating College Teaching,†IDEA Paper No. 21. Kansas State University, Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development, September 1989. Centra, John, Robert C. Froh, Peter J. Gray, Leo M. Lambert and Robert M. Diamond, eds. A Guide to Evaluating Teaching for Promotion and Tenure. Syracuse University, Center for Instructional Development, 1987. Diamond, Robert M. Designing and Improving Courses and Curricula in Higher Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1989. Edgerton, Russell, Patricia Hutchings and Kathleen Quinlan. The Teaching Portfolio: Capturing the Scholarship in Teaching. Washington, D.C.: American Association for Higher Education, 1991. Gabbin, Alexander L., Scott N. Cairns and Ralph L. Benke, Jr., eds. Faculty Performance Appraisal. Harrisonburg, VA: Center for Research in Accounting Education, 1990. Lambert, Leo M. and Stacey Lane Tice, eds. Preparing Graduate Students to Teach: A Guide to Programs that Improve Undergraduate Education and Develop Tomorrow’s Faculty. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Higher Education, 1993. McKeachie, Wilbert J. Teaching Tips: A Guide Book for the Beginning College Teacher. (8th Edition) Lexington, MA: Heath and Company, 1986. Mckeachie, Wilbert J., Paul R. Pintrich, Yi-Guang Lin and David Smith. Teaching and Learning in the College Classroom: A Review of the Research Literature. Ann Arbor, MI: National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Education, The University of Michigan, 1986. Menges, Robert J, and B. Claude Matkis, eds. Key Resources on Teaching, Learning, Curriculum, and faculty Development. San Francisco, CA. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1988. Seldin, Peter. The Teaching Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotion Tenure Decisions. Boston, MA: Anker Publishing, 1991. Seldin, Peter and others. How Administrators Can Improve Teaching: Moving from Talk to Action in Higher Education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1990. Stark, Joan S. and others. Planning Introductory College Courses: Influence on Faculty. Ann Arbor, MI: National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Education, The University of Michigan, 1990. St. Pierre, E. Kent, Michael P. Riordan and Diane A. Riordan, eds. Research in Instructional Effectiveness. Harrisonburg, VA: Center for Research in Accounting Education, 1990. The Teaching Professor. A newsletter published by Magna Publications, Inc., Madison, WI: Maryellen G. Weimer, Editor, Pennsylvania State University. The AECC acknowledge the contributions to the Statement of the following task force members who are not Commission members: Ronald J. Patten and Arthur R. Wyatt. Other Statement issued by the Accounting Education Change Commission: Issues Statement No. 1: AECC Urges Priority for Teaching in Higher Education (August 1990). Position Statement No. One: Objectives of Education for Accountants (September 1990). Issues Statement No. 2: AECC Urges Decoupling of Academic Studies and Professional Accounting Examination Preparation (July 1991).
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