Monday, September 30, 2019
Hardness of Water Essay
The hardness of water was determined using the methods of titration, conductivity, and pH analysis. The mean and uncertainty of CaCO3 is 134 ±36.0 ppm. An error that could have potentially happened could be that the equivalence point was not correctly established causing inaccurate data. BACKGROUND: 1In hard water there is a high amount of mineral content present in the water. Most of the mineral content that is present in water are Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. Even though hard water does affect a person’s health, hard water can still have harmful effects in an industrial environment, appliances in a household setting, and certain cleaning task. 2For example, when hard water repeatedly goes through pipes, the water causes deposits that eventually build up and clog the pipes. When cleaning dishes the presence of hard water can be detected when a layer of film is present on the dishes. Soap becomes less effective when hard water is present because the soap will bond with the minerals in the water. PROCEDURE: Hirko, R. Chemistry 112L General Chemistry I Laboratory, Seventh Edition; bluedoor: Minnetonka, MN, 2013 RESULTS: Table 1. Ca2+/Mg2+ in tap water via EDTA titration. Table 1 results were determined by pH analysis and EDTA titration. The moles of EDTA was found by using the EDTA concentration of 0.025 mol/L. Table 2. Conductivity probe calibration Figure 1. Conductivity of standard NaCl using conductivity probes. 1†³ Water Blog.†Negative Effects of Hard Water. H20 Kits, 16 Sept. 2008. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. 2†Water Hardness.†Water Hardness. Freshwatersystems, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. DISCUSSION: The mean and uncertainty for CaCO3 for tap water was determined to be 134 ±36.0 ppm. For the EDTA titration trial 2 and trial 3 had the same results of 125 ppm compared to trial 1, which had a higher ppm of 150. The readings for the hardness of water for the 3 different trials are not similar and differ in values. The CaCO3 value for the volumetric data was 134 ppm, the value for NaCl was 180 ppm, and the value for 442 was 248 ppm. The hardness of water can never be definitive because the water in Brookings may be different than the water in Sioux Falls. If it was possible to always have the same amount of mineral concentration then it would be definitive. Errors that could that potentially happened is when titrating it was difficult to tell when the equivalence point actually occurred, causing more or less amount of EDTA to present. Not knowing the when the equivalence point actually occurred would cause inaccurate values because the volume would be incorrect. Another error could be that the magnetic stirrer was spinning fast enough to mix the solution properly. This would cause excess EDTA to be present causing inaccurate results. An improvement for this lab would be test different hard water sources rather than just one faucet.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Introduction To Ethics Essay
Ethics is the study of the nature of moral virtues and evaluates human actions. Ethics come from agreements between people, duty considerations and considerations of the consequences of various actions we involve ourselves into. Philosophical ethics is the study of morality through rational means guided in human well-being. The three subsections of philosophical ethics are; normative ethics-is the study of moral standards that makes us judge our actions as wring or wrong or good from bad. Meta-ethics – is concerned with the meaning of ethical judgments that is responsible for the truth and validity of our actions. Meta-ethics assists us determine whether an opinion can be applied to any situation at present or in future. It asks questions such as; what’s the meaning of ethical terms such as good and right, the motives for acting ethically, the nature of moral reason. Applied Ethics – is the application of moral philosophy to real-life situations that have been investigated in normative ethics and judged on the lessons of meta-ethics. According to Paul Newall article moral philosophy is divided into branches; meta-ethics and normative ethics. The two have some differences according to how they are applied in the day to day real–life situations. Normative ethics is concerned with ethical questions that guide us in all what we do on a daily such as â€Å"What has value? †and â€Å"What are our moral obligations? †such questions give us our character and personality. Meta-ethics on its side is concerned with philosophical questions about ethics such as â€Å"What is value? †and â€Å"What can make it the case that we ought to do something? †. A personal ethical situation I experienced involved my neighbor who was caught stealing neighbor at the market place. Since police officers were not around to arrest him the mob took the chance to bit and stone him in protest. Being a person I had known over a period of time, I felt ethically right to save his live from the swelling mob. At first, I had to stop the mob from biting and stoning him, through dialogue. But my greatest fear was that the mob may turn and direct their anger towards me because I was protecting to protect a criminal who has been terrorizing them, but this did not happen since the crowd listened and accepted my request. In my opinion, it was ethically wrong for my neighbor to steal what others had ethically through struggle and hard work. He thus deserved to be punished, but the way the mob chose to punish the offender was totally unethical since the federal laws and regulations that govern the state should be followed in such a case. Being a quite tricky situation, I requested the mob first to stop any further biting and stoning and took the chance to dialogue and discuss with them other possible ways of punishing the offender such as taking him to the law officers. The mob seemed not to reason ethically at first because the police had in many cases fallen short of providing adequate security and the residents had no trust in them anymore. When I finally won them, I narrowed further to the issue of acting contrary to the state laws and the implications of their actions and even explained to them that the offender has right to live. The reason for this approach was that the mob seemed to have no moral standards and obligations to judge between good and bad. In many occasion, the mob makes wrong decisions but evaluates their action after an ffence has been committed, in this case the death of my neighbor. In my opinion their action was bad and could not be justified ethically, philosophically the mob morality was not rational and was not grounded in the notion of human happiness for both the accused ad the accusers. According to Newall’s explanation of normative ethics, several ethical questions must be questioned by all the participants in the whole process. First, my neighbor should have analyzed whether his decision to steal had any moral obligation and any value. Such a personal question should have stopped him from making the decision to steal. His morals could have been provoked and changed of mind taking a decision to engage in a more productive activity rather than stealing. The mob as well should have questioned their morals before choosing their action. By stoning to kill it implies that their morals were all wrong because it is moral wrong to hurt anyone. The law is very clear and precise on what should be done in such a case, but because they never followed the law; their moral values are as well questionable. My action was guided by the value of life and that no one is supposed to take the law into their own hands by causing bodily harm to anybody. My moral obligation was to safe my neighbor because if I watched him stoned to death, my moral conscience and quit would haunt me because I should have acted to save him. In conclusion, all our actions and decisions should be guided by our morals values and that normative ethics must always prevail in any action. We are supposed to fully evaluate our actions and be ready to face the consequences of our actions.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Living an excellent life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Living an excellent life - Essay Example For instance, a good flutist is ‘good’ as far as his flute playing is good (Parry). Aristotle’s definition also held that goodness was an end in itself. Eudaimonia was reached when there was ‘nothing missing’ from a life. Therefore, a good life was also a ‘complete’ life. He also specifically identifies human goodness with psychological goodness rather than a material or physical goodness. His happiness is of the mind, rather than of the body (Parry). These are just a few facets of the more complex notion of eudaimonia or happiness that Aristotle defines in his treatises. This idea however has evolved over the years and ‘goodness’ or a ‘good life’ today does not necessarily have to do with serving one’s ‘function’ or leading a purely virtuous life. There has even been the question of whether goodness or happiness is really of the mind alone. Bill Clegg and Matthew Dickman are two contemporary writers who present rather different opinions on what makes an excellent life. Bill Clegg’s memoir Ninety Days traces his progress through ninety days of rehabilitation from drug addiction while Dickman’s poems touch upon many contemporary issues found in relationships like gender roles, abuse, and pain, among others. These two writers present rather different views on what makes a ‘good life’ and this paper will explore how they compare to each other as well as to Aristotle’s concept of eudaimonia. Bill Clegg, in his autobiographical work, Ninety Days, formulates a set of principles that, to him, make a life worth living. He traces his descent into drug addiction and back again into sobriety in the memoir. One of the key requirements, according to Clegg’s worldview, to moving towards a good life, is honesty; honesty with one’s friends and family, but most importantly, honesty with oneself. This honesty needs to be coupled with a stric t regime to recover from any negative or debilitating experience like turning into an addict. Clegg’s own commitment to rehabilitation, as recorded in Ninety Days, is not free from trouble. He has a relapse, for instance, when just three days away from his goal and yet he starts again. Clegg, therefore, leaves room for mistakes and believes in a greater redemptive power that can overcome weakness. Another one of Clegg’s requirements for a good life is the need to establish contact with others. For instance, at one point, when he has only sixteen more days to go, he has to move out from Noah’s apartment when he is not there. However, he needs to have a friend, Sai, with him while he moves out only to have a ‘glamorous force field’ around him to make him feel better and stronger when he reenters the building he left on a stretcher for the first time. This need for companionship and the value that Clegg attaches to forming human relationships is missin g from Aristotle’s idea. Clegg’s friend in rehab, Polly, is another example of how Clegg considers establishing human contact with others as an instrumental part of getting sober and back to living a good life again. Polly is in many ways a foil to Clegg, she is both similar to him in circumstances and yet very different. In the extract where Clegg describes his first meeting with Polly, he declares how his first thought at seeing her was ‘I hope she doesn’t want to talk after the meeting’ but he winds up chasing after her for her number. Their growing attachment is also
Friday, September 27, 2019
Nintendo Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Nintendo - Case Study Example Apart from this, the ease with which customers can adapt to the games is also a driving force and making the competition more intense within the industry. 4. Nintendo is focusing on delivering products which are unique and are not being used in the industry by others. As such, it is focusing on the differentiation strategy by producing gaming consoles which are radically different from the competitors. Nintendo has been using differentiation strategy however, it is using it relatively defensive manner. 6. One of the key strengths of the firm is its ability to manufacture technologically simple gaming consoles and other products. However this not guarantees the competitive position for the firm as big giants like Sony and Microsoft. Though it has a competitive advantage in producing handheld gaming consoles however, its advantage is not sustainable as it requires consistent improvements in technology to dominate the market. 8. It needs to further develop its existing markets by diversifying into other and related products in the existing markets. It needs to improve its existing markets by launching new products in the same markets it is serving
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The role of Total Quality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The role of Total Quality Management - Essay Example The origin of TQM is attributed to Dr. Edwards Deming and Walter Shewhart on statistical control techniques (SCT) that aimed at identifying and managing quality variation in production processes (Charantimath 2006). Charantimath (2006) asserts that TQM extends beyond statistical quality control to incorporate other soft elements such as need for quality employee training, teamwork, integrated processes, supplier quality, employee empowerment and proper leadership, climate of trust and open communication in the organisation. Total quality management has enabled large franchises like Starbucks and McDonalds manage variations in their product, service quality, and attain higher customer satisfaction. Total Quality Management is useful in large franchises such as Starbucks and McDonalds since TQM since customer satisfaction is the ultimate measure of quality and all customers are viewed as owners of the quality. According to Charantimath (2006), the large franchises require continuous improvement and TQM uses analytical tools and employee involvement in determining the quality innovations and improvement ideas that are critical in improving the customer satisfaction. Accordingly, TQM requires visible, consistent and enabling leadership by the management in order to sustain continuous improvement in order to attain competitive edge and overcome competition in the market (Rao 1996). TQM is essential in enhancing the corporate public image since it demonstrates the organisational commitment to delivery of high quality products to the society. The stakeholders will be aware of the initiatives that the organisation has undertaken to improve quality such as continuous improvement and addressing of the customer complaints thus leading to higher customer satisfaction and reduction of costs associated with marketing and addressing customer grievances (Charantimath 2006). TQM improves overall customer satisfaction through understanding and production of
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Final Case Study Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Final Case Study Analysis - Assignment Example The case of â€Å"You’ve Got Mail†¦And You’re Fired! The Case of RadioShack†can be regarded as an important case linked with the aspect of human resource (HR) which concerns about firing or terminating huge figure of employees from their respective jobs (Thinkstock, n.d.). With this concern, this paper intends to evaluate as well as to explain the issues or problems that pertained in the aforesaid case relating to RadioShack. Moreover, a set of proposed solutions would also be provided to the management of RadioShack for the purpose of dealing with the identified issues in future. Evaluation and Explanation of the Issue Relating to the Case In the year 2006, the management team of RadioShack took the decision of terminating a certain portion of its employees owing to the reason of its extreme financial turmoil condition. In this regard, it has been apparently observed that a figure of 400 personnel attached with the company received an ultimate message thro ugh e-mail which was "The work force reduction notification is currently in progress. Unfortunately, your position is one that has been eliminated." The unofficial translation: "You're fired." ( LLC., 2013). The major issue of the case can be viewed to be the procedure which the management of RadioShack followed to terminate or to lay off its employees. ... Once viewed to be a giant in the electronic market, RadioShack was experiencing tough competitions from its chief business market contenders like Best Buy and CompUSA among others. Majority of the stores of RadioShack that were located in Canada have been viewed to shut down due to heavy net loss faced by the company. It is worth mentioning that changes in the economy can also affected RadioShack vastly resulting in low consumer spending on electronic products. Failure to adopt as well as to execute effectual business strategies in complying with customers’ demand also contributed in financial loss that suffered by the company. It has been viewed that the company was experiencing from turmoil condition and thus failed to compete with its major competitors by a considerable level (RadioShack Corporation, 2006). Thus, it can be affirmed that the aforementioned aspects were the main causes that eventually made the company to lay off or terminate its employees by a considerable le vel. In order to conclude the issue of the case concerning the process of terminating employees, it has been apparently observed that the management of the company adopted as well as executed the method of e-mail for terminating its employees. In this similar concern, 400 personnel belonging to RadioShack have been viewed to receive an e-mail in which the following message had been portrayed. The message was "The work force reduction notification is currently in progress. Unfortunately, your position is one that has been eliminated." The unofficial translation: "You're fired." ( LLC., 2013). This particular message via e-mail relating to the procedure of terminating the employees can be regarded as the major issue of the case. The termination procedure which
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR - Term Paper Example Therefore, cultural competency simply entails peoples abilities of understanding the differences between group contexts like in work environments. Thus, organizations are increasingly implementing cultural competency plans with an aim of encouraging a cultural tolerance culture. In particular, this piece of work strives to outline the best way through which an organization can implement cultural competency plan with a deeper search for the different definitions of the concept. There are different definitions of cultural competency, but all of them point to the tolerance of diversity within a group. Kirmayer (2012) defines cultural competency as a group of harmonious behaviors, policies, and attitudes that integrates into an organization, among professionals or agencies and allows for efficient functioning in cross-cultural situations. A deeper definition of cultural competency posits that the concept involves transformation and integration of knowledge about individuals or groups into explicit standards, practices, attitudes, and policies within the appropriate cultural settings (Lie et al., 2011). The transformation and integration increases service quality thus leading to greater organizational performance. A culturally competent individual considers his or her perception of the world and compares it to others. The perception is also important in organizational situations and executives should understand that that different cultural background is what constitutes the universe. On the other hand, cultural competence refers to the act of obtaining particular cultural information and applying the knowledge in the right manner (Lie et al., 2011). Therefore, cultural competency enables all people in the organization to see the real picture about other employees and helps in improving quality of services and business operations. However, acquiring different cultural perspectives and practicing them compels individuals to be
Monday, September 23, 2019
English final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
English final - Essay Example After the incident of the Fukushima catastrophe, authorities have of late come to reconsider the safety protocols and designs of nuclear reactors as a mode of becoming equipped for impending calamities in case they do occur. However, most of those charged with making policies contend that nuclear power is fundamental in bridging the energy insufficiency regularly experienced by most nations because of increasing needs for energy due to industrial development. The nuclear calamity at Fukushima has accentuated majority of the arguments and counterarguments concerning the dire need to accept and adopt nuclear energy (Pineda, 2013). This paper seeks to evaluate the viability of the use of nuclear energy as compared to the challenges that it presents to the contemporary world in both the United States and other nations. There are many impediments and challenges to nuclear power usage and adoption both within the United States and many other countries globally. ... Most people argue, which I agree with, that the use of nuclear energy has the potential to bring about climatic variations; nevertheless, there have remained apprehensions that despite its acceptance, energy costs are expected to upsurge which is a major public fear. Nuclear power setups have encountered resistance in the modern-day world owing to disagreement in relations to its safety that can be owed to reactors failure because of inadequate training, lack of or absence of maintenance, deprived designs and lack of adequate research relating to the complications bedeviling the plants. Similarly, the issue or problem of storing wastes from nuclear reactors has proven to be administratively problematic due to the environment conservational anxieties raised by nation-states and other troubled stakeholders (Gleason et al. 2001). I have already come across literature that suggests that many countries on planet earth have protested or expressed their suspicions that the wastewater emanat ing from the nuclear plants may possibly have reached into waterbodies, as a result polluting it and making it unfit for human consumption (Futami, 2013). In order to ensure that nuclear energy remains both a viable option for energy for the United States and other nations, governments have enacted nuclear programs that are multifaceted in nature. This means that the regulations and policies address the barriers and the challenges inhibiting the development of nuclear energy and ensuring its safety in terms of the health of human beings (Sidel & Levy, 2007). This has been achieved through the addressing of opportunities that aim at developing new technologies and the intellectual capital to shape the global nuclear energy policy and infrastructure.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Latino Urbanism in Los Angeles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Latino Urbanism in Los Angeles - Essay Example In this report, research into the Latino community is carried out in all thats considered as common ground by the community (Rojas 44). The research is done on the streets, abandoned train yards, residential home front yards and backyards, designated sacred sites, burial sites, cafà © and shops among other social hubs. The Latino community makes use of all space outdoors, forcing the researcher to base the research on the outdoors. In conducting research on a social platform, James gathered most of the data via personal observation. Since his report is derived from the behavior of the community, observing the community trends is the preferred data gathering technique. Although it is not indicated in the report, James interviewed some of the community members to get a perspective on their mode of living. James illustrates the improvisation, innovation and use the Latino community makes with the few resources they have. He introduces the personalization element adopted by the community in the absence of government
Saturday, September 21, 2019
ESL learners feel anxious when doing reading comprehension tests Essay Example for Free
ESL learners feel anxious when doing reading comprehension tests Essay This paper will explore in depth all the implications of the claim that ESL learners feel anxious when doing reading comprehension tests. First of all, the psychological and social causes of anxiety in ESL speakers during reading comprehension assignments will be explored and analyzed. Secondly, the level of anxiety will be assessed. Finally, the paper will suggest several ways to reduce negative feeling associated with performing reading comprehension tests by ESL speakers. Psychological causes of anxiety in ESL students partially mirror the experience of any other school related anxiety. Students are unsure of their abilities under the conditions of internal (i. e. a desire for self-affirmation) and external (i. e. a desire to please parents) pressure. Presently, students feel an incredible pressure to achieve and be at the top of their class, since the realization that school grades determine their future comes very early. Therefore, the joy of learning is often transformed into a struggle to excel (DeNoon, 2007). High expectations and competitive environment contribute greatly to the experience of anxiety and even panic. As concerns the severity of anxiety experienced by ESL speakers, it might range from slight psychological discomfort to serious physical symptoms. For example, short-term memory loss might be the result of extreme anxiety (the feeling of suddenly ‘remembering’ the correct answer immediately after turning in the test). Physical expressions of anxiety may include rapid pulse, a feeling of breathlessness, trembling, sweaty palms, dry mouth, chest pains, digestive problems such as nausea or diarrhea, loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness, and stomach ache (BUPAs Health Information Team, 2004). Anxiety may also result in undesirable social consequences, such as loss of trust between parents and students, since the latter sometimes tend to conceal the difficulties they encounter, as well as test results. Such behavior eventually results in unfavorable family atmosphere. The practical values of this research lies in the field of practices and methods aimed at eliminating the causes of anxiety and helping students benefit fully from the learning process. Negative thoughts about possible failure discourage active learning and, taken to extreme, can produce a generally devastating effect on personality development. Furthermore, anxiety during the testing process can distort result, since students who are able to control their emotions better will tend to get higher score, despite the fact that their knowledge might be less complete as compared to students who suffer from extreme anxiety. Together with exercises aimed at increasing students’ self-confidence, relaxation exercises might be very helpful for those who suffer from anxiety. It is also of paramount importance to teach students to plan their time for taking the test so that they would not feel lost and experience a state of panic. The methods of research will be qualitative and will include questionnaires and interviews. At one hand, questionnaires will help to gather statistically significant data and understand the pervasiveness of the problem. From another perspective, interviews will help to research the problem in depth by analyzing students’ perceptions, emotions, and experiences. Therefore, the combination of these research methods will provide the most accurate picture of anxiety in ESL speakers during reading comprehension tests.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Major Contemporary Issue Affecting Organisational Behaviour Today Commerce Essay
Major Contemporary Issue Affecting Organisational Behaviour Today Commerce Essay According to Griffin and Moorhead (2012), Organisational behaviour is the study of human behaviour in organisational settings, of the interface between human behaviour and organisation, and of the organisation itself. As Knights and Willmott (2007) pointed out, in order to have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of organisational behaviour as a field of study, the three areas that make up organisational behaviour must be studied together. These areas include human behaviour, the relationship between human behaviour and organisations, and the organisation itself. And they must be analysed from three points of view which are individual, as team or group and as an organisation. Question 6. Choose a major contemporary issue affecting organisational behaviour today..Discuss its practical implications for managing peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Murray, Poole and Jones (2006) are of the view that, with the ever increasing globalisation of the continents of the world, organisational culture, product and production diversification, teamwork, information technology, flexible working practices are regarded as some of the current issues affecting organisations. For the purpose of detailed analysis and word count, I have decided to pick organisational culture as one of the contemporary issues to discuss. Organisational culture: Every organisation has a culture and it is this culture that defines the performance as well as the excellence of the organisation as a whole. Over the past years, organisational culture has been researched in order to get to its dept on how it affects both customers and employees. According to Ravasi and Schultz (2006) organizational culture is a set of shared mental assumptions that guide interpretation and action in organizations by defining appropriate behaviour for various situations. Organizational culture play an important role in every organization because it portrays the organizations values, norms, beliefs, systems, working language and habits. Therefore, priority should be given to organizational culture because it defines the companys image (Mullins, 2007). It is necessary to understand the concept of organisational culture by typologies and classifications. Handy (1982) pointed out four types of culture that would help in the understanding and classifications of organisational culture and they include personal culture, risk, role and power. As suggested by Scholtz (1987), stable, reactive, anticipating, exploring and creative are used to describe the typologies of organisational culture. To be able to point out the functions of organisational culture, it is necessary to know the determinants of organisational culture. In an article entitled (building organisational culture that stimulates creativity and innovation), Martins (2003) stated that the determinants of organisational culture are structure, support mechanisms, behaviour that encourages innovation and open communication. Kilmann, Saxton Serpa (1986) pointed out the following functions of organisational culture. Organisational culture help organisations stand out which distinguishes them from other organisations hence, their identity is portrayed. It also encourages stability in organisations. Employees and leaders in organisations could be changed but a relative stability is maintained over a period of time as organisational culture is passed on from generations to generations. An organisation with a strong culture could have competitive advantage in the marketplace if it keeps abiding on its culture (Brown 1998). Organisational culture has great implications on both the employees and the company as a whole. For example, Hewlett Packard advised HP employees to develop 3 personal and 3 organisational goals that they would like to achieve each year as a change of their culture. After two years into this new system of culture, HP reported that there was no loss in productivity even when some employees were working shorter hours and more employees were able to be retained. Question 1: Advantages and disadvantages of working as part of a team for the Individual. There is no definite definition of team but as Mckenna(2012) pointed out, a team could be described as a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, common performance, and a common approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. Advantages As suggested by Mckenna(2012), one of the advantages of working as part of a team for the individual is the motivation he/she gets from the members of the team to accomplish their tasks. Usually, members of the team are motivated when they work with the thought that other members of the team are depending on them for the objective of the team to be achieved. With such thought in their minds, the individual tend to be motivated unlike when he/she works alone, there is no one to motivate him/her (Cole, 2005). Cole (2005) is of the view that when individuals get together as a team different abilities and experience would be showcased by individuals towards achieving team objectives. These are some of the different abilities that would be seen in an individual: people with leadership spirit, good planners, thinkers, ideas person and humorists, those with technical or professional knowledge, those with good communication skills. This would help an individual to express his/her ability as a dormant ability would definitely quench if it is not put to work. Another advantage of a team for an individual working in team is the experience gotten from it. Working in a team help individuals to gain experience. Especially with the different abilities and approaches each members of the team used in tackling a problem. Although he/she might not be an expert in the application of such ability but they would have gained that experience and would be able to apply it when they encounter such tasks again in the future (McKenna, 2012). Disadvantages As pointed out by Koontz and Wiehrich (2008), one of the disadvantages of working as part of a team for the individual is the teams goals and objectives that must be achieved. An individual cannot work towards achieving personal goals because whatever task he/she has been allocated to in a group must be accomplished with the aim of meeting the groups objectives. In other words, he/she must give up personals goals and work towards group goals hence, organisational goals and objectives is the priority and not personal goals (Prakken, 2000). Barker and Angelopulo (2007) is of the view that working in a team consumes time. This is because every member must be given an opportunity to speak in a meeting which would take a while for the team to arrive at a conclusion. Also, since time is money, it may cost an individual to work as part of a team and such costs could involve transportation, lodging and other overhead costs(Mukherjee and Basu, 2005) Conflicts within a team are usually problems for an individual. This is because it demoralises an individual, reduce his/her motivation towards accomplishing the task allocated as well as reduce communications to other members of the team hence, the level of individual cooperation with the team would drop which may lead to unaccomplished mission for the individual as well as the team (Mukherjee and Basu, 2005). 5. An employees individual personality has no part to play in his/her day to day behaviour at work..Its not something employers need to worry about. Critically evaluate this statement. There are four main drivers that influence the behaviour of an individual personality hence, they have a great effect on the performance of an employee at work. This means employers need to take cognisance of this if they want to receive the best performance of their employees. The following are the four drivers, namely self motivation of employees, employees ability, employees role perceptions and situational factors (Miller, Vandome and John, 2010). According to Miller, Vandome and John (2010), Motivation refers to the internal forces that affect the direction, intensity and persistence of a persons voluntary choice of behaviour. McShane and Von Glinow(2003) were of the view that direction refers to the path on which employees channel their strengths towards achieving the organisational goals. Intensity refers to the degree of effort or the level of seriousness employees have applied towards achieving organisational goals. And persistence is refers to how long an employee is willing and able to put his/her time in order to achieve organisational goals (Miller, Vandome and John, 2010). Employers need to take note of employees that have direction, intensity and the ones that are persistent in what they want to achieve as they have great implications in the performance of each employee. According to McShane and Von Glinow (2003), ability refers to both the natural aptitudes and the learned capabilities required to successfully complete a task. Employers should look for such type of people to employ in their organisations. This is because they are people that have natural skills to learn things quickly; also they are people that have acquired experiences which makes them competent for any task allocated to them (miller, Vandome and John, 2010). As McShane and Von Glinow (2003) pointed out in (Organisational Behaviour), role perceptions has to do with the level to which an employee understands the role or tasks he/she suppose to perform in an organisation. This also involves the employee understanding the the importance of these tasks to the organisation and the behaviour he/she will use to accomplish such tasks (Taderera, 2010). Taderera (2010) is of the view that situational factors refers to conditions especially environmental factors from outside the organisation that affect an employee such as consumer preferences economic factors and environmental factors such as time, people, budget and work facilities. Usually, these environmental factors are beyond the control of an employee especially in the short run (McShane and Von Glinow, 2003). This means that employers need to tackle and arrange these factors in such a way that they wont interfere or interrupt the performance of their employees.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
How To Have a Successful Career in Physical Therapy Essay -- Physical
In the PTT program there are many certain ways to be successful and how to do it, so here's some ways to help you get the career of your dreams. The two main points to help are How to become a successful Physical Therapy Technician and What kind of PTT that you want to strive to become and Path to achieve that goal. The importance of the guidelines of the College Student Handbook are three valuable rules to help us better our success in the PTT program and or field. The three main precautions are Covering tattoos, Uniforms, and Professional Behavior. The first is covering tattoos, tattoos are an importance in the medical field to keep them covered because we don't want the clients thinking we are juvenile when we are not. The second is Uniforms. The uniforms we are provided with are scrubs, the scrubs need to be wore throughout our educated year with tattoos covered if students have them. The third is professional behavior. Professional behavior is a must in a field dealing with patients one-on-one, if you go to work each day with a bad attitude then you won't receive many patients. The handbook says, â€Å"1. Use professional and courteous language. Profanity is not acceptable. Slang is not deemed professional in the health care workplace. 2. Outbursts of anger, confrontations, arguments, and fighting are not acceptable.†How I became interested in Physical Therapy was from getting injured playing sports, coaching a youth city league, and to finding a professional job. One thing that got me interested was from me getting injured a lot. I injured my left ankle so many times and having to go to a doctor to get it checked every time was a hassle because it was like they told me the same stuff to keep it from getting wo... ...successful Physical Therapy Technician and What kind of PTT that you want to strive to become and Path to achieve that goal. Works Cited Carrington college student handbook. (2013-14). Retrieved from Become a member. (2013). Retrieved from Butler, D. (2012). noigroup. Retrieved from About the national rehabilitation association . (2009). Retrieved from Insurance benefit programs for apta members. (2013). Retrieved from Gerber, H. (2010, August 16). Looking at physical therapy work environments. Retrieved from
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Capital Punishment Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Death Crime Essay
Capital Punishment      Taking this course has made me ponder on many issues which I never deemed worthy of my thoughts. I always considered the death penalty one of those things which I never had to concern myself with. First of all I'm not planning to commit any vial crimes, and I don't think anyone I care about has those plans either. Secondly, I've never been conscious or concerned with the likes of criminals. When we began speaking on the subject, I thought we were only going to talk about the institution of racism in capital punishment, and was quite unaware of the feeling this subject would arouse in me. Needless to say, I have formed some opinions on the issue which confused even me.      I always considered myself pro-capital punishment. I was of the mind that if someone killed me, I would like my death avenged, but pondering on the issue of cultural differences has made me doubt my prior convictions. First of all, I am against the use of the lethal injection. I understand that it is cleaner, but if the law wants to inflict death as a punishment, it must understand that death is not a pretty thing. Criminals are painlessly put to sleep, and die in the same manner that Dr. Kavorkian's patients choose. Personally, if I was faced with the option of living the remainder of my life in isolation, perpetually haunted by pain and images of terror, I would absolutely chose to die by lethal injection. There is no true punishment in this method, except the fear of going to hell, which I strongly doubt is of much concern to most convicts on death row.      Assuming that the judicial processes which convict these individuals are legitimate, the only common bond within this group is that they are all mortal, and hold no respect for human life. These delinquents are on death row, because they have committed a crime of such ghastly proportions, that society has deemed them unfit to live. They deliberately and nonchalantly depraved another human of their life. They emphatically partook in reprehensible malice of inhuman dimensions, never bothered by their conscience. They are sick and vile individuals who do not acknowledge social conventions such as religion and the law. They have broken the law, and in leaving it they removed themselves from the protection of the law. The 8th Amendment should no longer apply to these sick de... ...ideas of hate. Then you burn their faces till they are so ugly to look at that they are ashamed to be alive. Then you castrate them to make sure they can no longer partake in pleasure. In this disheveled state you throw them out to the streets so they can see and hear the pain, agony and injustice that they so freely bestowed on their victims. They will truly suffer for their crimes. They will be the new example for future criminals. No longer will the villain be worshipped by the mass media, or by the youngsters on the streets. The gangster will then cease to exist, and only the mentally retarded will perpetuate their heinous crimes.      Isn't it sad that our situation has become so grave that we must actually look to these alternatives to solve the problem. I think everyone knows that the only way to help ourselves to a better life is through education, but politicians continue to withdraw funding for schools. We are going about the solution in the wrong way. If we teach people to value themselves and accept others, and therefore dissolve economic and class differences, we will truly begin to put an end to crime. Till then we will have to accept our reality.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Harvard Admissions Essay: Lessons Learned :: College Admissions Essays
Lessons Learned Are Lessons Lived A few years ago, while helping my grandfather plant pecan trees in Tennessee, I realized something a bit disturbing. My grandfather never would live long enough to see those trees mature and produce pecans. Yet, there he was, toiling away with no possibility of personal benefit. When I asked him why he would plant trees knowing he would never enjoy the harvest, he just smiled and shook his head. Then he said, "Son, of all the pecans I've eaten in my life, someone else had planted the tree. They thought enough of me to plant trees, so I could have pecans. I'm just thinking of the next generation." In that moment, I realized that all people are takers, but only a few people become givers. Being a taker comes naturally. From the moment a baby is born, it takes. It wants food and warmth and comfort. If no one fulfills the baby's desire, it screams until it gets whatever it wants. Becoming a giver in life takes time and instruction. We must be taught to share. We must learn to give. Unfortunately, most people never learn to really give. They give, but they expect something in return. They are still selfish. A selfish child becomes a selfish teenager who becomes a selfish adult. If a person has never developed a lifestyle of giving by their teen years, I doubt they ever will. A college degree or a high-paying job can change their income but not their heart. Through my teen years, I volunteered at least two days a week at The Master's Outreach in my hometown. The Master's Outreach is a non-profit organization, which helps feed and clothe the needy. We even went to Central America once to take clothes, food, medicine, and other supplies. On other occasions, we sent supplies to help hurricane victims. Each one of these projects required a lot of time and effort by a few people willing to give. By now, volunteer work has become part of my life. I intend to continue giving during my college career at Jones Community College and then, Mississippi State University where I will pursue a degree in architecture. With a college degree, I will have even more opportunities to serve my community. As an architect, I would like to become involved with Habitat for Humanity because they have such a good reputation and will be able to use my particular skills.
Monday, September 16, 2019
A Hope in the Unseen
Cedric Jennings, the main character of Ron Suskind’s novel A Hope in the Unseen is an anomaly at Ballou Senior High School, an inner city public school of Washington, D. C. Raised by a single mother on a measly salary from the Department of Agriculture, Cedric is accustomed to working hard for everything he receives in life. An honors student and participant of Ballou’s special science and math program, Cedric dreams of pursuing education as a means to escape D. C. and carve out a better life for himself. Being a star pupil in a poorly performing school that scorns academic achievement is no easy role to play.Viewing the Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science summer program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as an imperative step on his path towards a new life, he is shocked to find himself drowning in the work and competition around him. Cedric is surprised to find solace in returning to Ballou. After receiving admission to Brown University, Cedric feels he has finally proven himself to all of his naysayers and earned a ticket out of D. C. In his new Brown environment, Cedric struggles to adjust to the intense diversity and intelligence surrounding him.Although it takes the majority of his freshman year, eventually Cedric finds his own niche at Brown and transforms into a man capable of caring for his beloved mother. A Hope in the Unseen offers itself as a lens through which to examine sociological themes. Specifically, education, social deviance, religion and their respective implications can be thoroughly analyzed through the pertinent events of Cedric’s journey. Living in a credential society like the United States, the institution of education holds immense importance in terms of facilitating social placement and earning potential.Cedric observes his mother, Barbara, and her inability to climb the ladder of society without a strong education. Without the necessary credentials she is destined to remain in her low-inc ome bracket, struggling to make ends meet each month. On her five-dollar-an-hour salary, finances are perpetually tight. One evening Barbara casually reminds Cedric, â€Å"I hope you knew to eat big lunch today? You know, it’s the first week with rent and all. †(Suskind, 41) Cedric responds in the only way he can, â€Å"Yeah, I knew. Got seconds on salad. Ate all I could†(Suskind, 41).This culture of poverty also manifests itself in the school culture at Ballou. Every school possesses a hidden curriculum consisting of the implicit attitudes and rules of behavior (Henslin, 507). At Ballou however, this hidden curriculum reinforces beliefs of solidarity found through gangs, street slang, and repression of aspirations outside of their immediate purview. For example, at an inner-city school like Ballou, teachers accept the use of street slang in formal writing with the belief that refined speech will be unnecessary in their future occupations.This hidden curriculu m exhibits itself in Cedric’s peer, Delante Coleman. His leadership in one of the school’s largest gangs, his reputation as an established drug dealer, and his silver Lexus compose Delante’s status; an ideal status for a large percentage of Ballou students. Delante is â€Å"every bit as driven as Cedric. It’s what each does with his fury and talents that separates these two into a sort of urban black yin and yang†(Suskind, 19). In order to escape absorbing the intense hidden curriculum, Cedric actively works to isolate himself and remain focused on his ultimate goals.James Henslin describes the function of education as a system that sorts people according to abilities and ambitions (Henslin, 505). Barbara raises her son to take pride in his academic abilities and to use them to actualize his ambitions. Ballou High School utilizes a method known as tracking to control the gates of opportunity. â€Å"The idea: save as many kids as you can by separa ting out top students early and putting the lion’s share of resources into boosting as many of them as possible to college. Forget about the rest. †(Suskind, 8) The impacts of such methods are long lasting and affect job opportunities, income, and lifestyle.While, Cedric is fortunate enough to be viewed as one of the college-bound, most students simply cannot conjure up the motivation to succeed in the Ballou environment. Attendance is scanty at best, homework is reduced to optional, and teachers rest satisfied so long as their students show up to class. This learning environment renders even the brightest students incapable of competing with the national pool of college applicants. Cedric is aware of this challenge and fears â€Å"whether any amount of work will be enough to propel him to a new life†(Suskind, 9).Ultimately, education and its effects come down to family background, as Henslin clearly illustrates. The U. S. education system reproduces social cla ss structure and its racal-ethnic divisions (Henslin, 510). Adults without college degrees, in general, tend to work low-paying, dead-end jobs, which further inhibits social movement. With the cost of higher education ever on the rise, inner-city students must work harder still to obtain scholarships if they wish to attend college. â€Å"Acceptance to college is meaningless for many kids at Ballou without financial aid†(Suskind, 124).For Cedric’s friend, James Davis, receiving no scholarship money means the disintegration of his acceptance to Florida A&M, his first choice university. Despite receiving the necessary scholarship to attend Brown, Cedric’s achievement is still spited in the community. By those who know the reputation or even location of Brown, which is not many, Cedric’s decision to attend an Ivy League school is viewed as pretentious and a waste of both time and money. When Cedric arrives at Brown, he becomes acutely aware of how different his family background is from that of his peers.His roommate, Rob Burton, was raised in Massachusetts by two college-educated parents and an older sister who attends Harvard. Additionally, both his parents are doctors. The two boys find themselves at extreme odds in terms of common interests and experiences. For Rob, â€Å"there was never any question about whether he would use his quick mind and good manners to excel. It was assumed in everything that cosseted him†(Suskind, 178). Even these expectations stand in stark contrast to Cedric’s experience as a first-generation college student.When Cedric befriends the only other black student in his dorm unit, Chiniqua, he finds they have much in common in terms of their racial identity and its inherent culture. However, she matriculated through a program called Prep for Prep in New York and was privately educated from seventh grade onward so as to pave her path to the Ivy League. â€Å"Chiniqua, who scored an 1100 on her SATs, received years of counseling – both academic and social – to assist with the collision of cultures she ingested each day crossing fifty blocks of Manhattan†(Suskind, 202).Cedric has had no experiences, other than the MITEs program, in the intense process of racial and cultural mixing characteristic of the university. Intimidated by the impressive SAT scores and credentials of his peers, Cedric elects to take all of his first semester courses as pass/fail. When he returns home for winter break however, he lies to his community claiming to maintain a 4. 0 grade point average. The intense societal focus on grades has stemmed from grade inflation. As Henslin points out, â€Å"Theletter grade C used to indicate average, and since more students are average than superior, high school teachers used to give about twice as many C’s as A’s. Now they give more A’s than C’s. Students aren’t smarter – grading is just easierâ⠂¬ (Henslin, 514). This practiced inflation places increased pressure on students to bring home A’s. Passing or performing â€Å"averagely†, is no longer acceptable. For so long, Cedric has clung to grades and perfection in school as the one thing he could control. He discovers that in order to allow himself to be educated he must let go of the grades and focus on the learning.Realizing he cannot handle a five-lass course load he reflects, â€Å"it doesn’t feel as bad as he thought, not like a retreat so much as a reasonable fallback position. Far different from the swallow-your-pride, lowered bar of the first semester†¦he wouldn’t accept limits or impose limits on himself out of some fear of failure†(Suskind, 308). With new, higher expectations in place at Brown, Cedric is able to adapt and perform on the level expected by professors. This demonstrates the sociological principle that students perform better when they are expected to meet h igher standards (Henslin, 515).In June, when his final grades arrive, Cedric is filled with pride reading his A, B, and two S’s, for satisfactory. â€Å"Full membership in the Brown community, won fair and square†(Suskind, 357). From his position in a higher learning community, Cedric can reflect on Ballou and other schools like it. He voices his observations in a final paper assignment. â€Å"How do we lift poorly educated minorities to an equal footing in the classroom? How do we do this while respected that being singled out for special attention †¦ can result in crippling doubts about one’s abilities?†(Suskind, 338). In asking these essential questions, Cedric truly removes himself from his upbringing and its implications and aligns himself instead with a community of intellectuals. Throughout the novel, multiple characters grapple with the challenges of conforming to the norms of their society and the omnipresent option of social deviance. Hen slin describes deviance as any violation of norms, minor, major, or in between (Henslin, 198). At Georgetown University, located in Washington, D. C. , intellect is valued and being a serious student is the norm.However, at Ballou, truancy and apathetic sentiments towards education comprise the norms. Norms make social life possible as they render behavior predictable. As exemplified in the comparison between Georgetown and Ballou these expectations differ even within schools of the same district. As one of few serious students, Cedric struggles to find his own niche, realizing that he â€Å"simply has no social currency at Ballou†(Suskind, 21). Sociologist Robert Merton would describe Cedric’s state as anomie, lacking feelings of belonging (Henslin, 209). An acquaintance of Cedric, Phillip Atkins, also grapples with deviance.Despite possessing the intellectual capacity, Phillip hides his intelligence in school. He struggles to recognize his true identity. At Ballou h e puts on an act as the popular class clown oozing toughness and coolness. However, at home, he is a well-mannered boy whose dreams of tap dancing have been stifled by his father. He had been a nerd too at one time, but in an effort to conform to the norms of society, â€Å"He began a slow but steady shift in outlook and appearance to creating an identity†¦ He is now a popular member of Ballou’s mainstream†¦He’s earned himself some comfort and security†(Suskind, 67).While Cedric stands by his own morals and commitment to education, Phillip falls victim to the intense societal pressure to conform. After returning from his MITEs summer program, Cedric toys with the idea of conforming to the mainstream culture at Ballou. On the first day of school he dresses for the part which entails a leather jacket and a hat tilted to one side. Almost immediately Cedric is asked to remove his hat, as is the school policy. Trying to play his new role Cedric responds, à ¢â‚¬Å"No way, Dr. Jones, this hat is phat†(Suskind, 102).It takes the honest words of his peer, James Davis, to snap Cedric out of this new act. James, the stereotypical popular scholar-athlete, removes Cedric’s hat adding, â€Å"Boy, keep that hat off. You don’t need to be doing all that. You’re supposed to be a role model. You’re fine, just the way you are†(Suskind, 103). Cedric smiles realizing that he has wanting to hear someone say that since freshman year. In an inner-city school like Cedric’s, Edwin Sutherland’s term of differential association is applicable.As Sutherland explains, â€Å"the different groups with which we associate give us messages about conformity and deviance†¦The end result is an imbalance – attitudes that tilt us in one direction or another†(Henslin, 202). At Ballou, the norm is conformity. Solidarity develops from these conformist communities. In general, society desires conform ity. It simplifies groups when all members are working by the same means to achieve the same cultural goals. By choosing to be a social deviant and pursuing his own goals, Cedric renounces all solidarity.Throughout his life, Cedric is constantly receiving sanctions for his deviant behavior. The negative sanctions range from being mocked and beaten up by his peers in school to being spited by adults for acting â€Å"too good for the community†and attending an Ivy League school. Such negative sanctions contribute to social unity. â€Å"To affirm the group’s moral boundaries by punishing deviants fosters a ‘we’ feeling among the group’s members†(Henslin, 207). However, positive sanctions do come to Cedric from key characters. His teacher, Mr. Taylor, constantly encourages Cedric and pushes him to pursue his goals.Additionally, Clarence Thomas positively sanctions Cedric by inviting him to his office to discuss his recent enrollment at Brown Un iversity and offer guidance. Tired of the countless negative sanctions he receives for pursuing his dreams, Cedric retaliates through his impassioned speech at graduation. He seizes the opportunity to explain how students must â€Å"[learn] to fight off Dreambusters†¦Many of us have been called crazy or even laughed at for having big dreams†¦I will never forget being laughed at for saying I wanted to go to the Ivy League†(Suskind, 136-137).In an ultimate act of deviance, Cedric names his naysayers and asserts that he will follow his abnormal dreams, no matter how hard they try to push him down. In times of hardship and strife, it was God and religion that allowed Cedric to prevail. His mother instills in Cedric a devotion to God and religious services at Scripture Cathedral, to which Barbara and Cedric are devout members. Throughout the constant upheaval the two experience they find solace in God’s word and their faith community.In fleshing out the functions of religion, Henslin touches on the need for religion in lives of individuals like Barbara and Cedric. He explains, â€Å"the answers that religion provides about ultimate meaning also comfort people by assuring them that there is a purpose to life, even to suffering†(Henslin, 525). With the constant worry of how she can pay the bills and feed her son, faith in God is Barbara’s method of coping and getting from one day to the next. She is willing to give twenty dollars she cannot afford to do without in the church offering each week.However, this offering is essential to Barbara’s faith. As Pastor Long preaches in church one week, â€Å"Faith is taking the last $10 from your checking account and saying, ‘God, I give this to you, because I have nothing but faith, I live on faith, and I know in my heart that you’ll bring it back to me†(Suskind, 30). Many religions emphasize that money and material belongings are of no importance to God and t hat all money should go to helping those less fortunate. Barbara lives by the words of the Gospel even when her checkbook cannot afford her kindness.She thrives on the social solidarity of religion; for her it is enough. Having returned to the church herself at around thirty years of age, Barbara consciously decides to raise Cedric with a strong grounding in faith. â€Å"It’s faith, all about faith, she decides. If she can just keep [Cedric’s] faith in God and in righteousness living intact for a little longer, blessings will come†(Suskind, 30). In many instances, it is Cedric’s faith that gives him the power to persevere and actualize his dreams. He places his acceptance to Brown in God’s hands praying, â€Å"God, this is where I want to be†¦I worked so hard.I deserve it. Yes, I believe this is it. This is the place I want to be. Bless me, Lord. Let your will be done. If this is where I’m supposed to be, let your will be done†(Suskind, 109). This prayer exemplifies the influence of religion in everyday life. Believing his life is part of God’s greater plan, Cedric places decision-making power in God’s hands. Individuals who lead lives grounded in reason would place decision-making power in the hands of Brown admissions officers who undoubtedly read all applications.His speech at the graduation ceremony reads like a sermon itself. Starting by thanking God for giving him the strength and courage to be where he is today, Cedric proclaims, â€Å"THERE IS NOTHING ME AND MY GOD CAN’T HANDLE†(Suskind, 137). This quotation epitomizes Cedric’s ultimate confidence in God. He concludes his speech with a quote from the Bible. The language of the Bible is crucial to the social solidarity of religion. It creates a culture, made up of language, values, symbols, goals and norms that pious people can share.Throughout the novel, both Cedric and Barbara reference biblical passages. The B ible possesses the ability to capture the complexity of life and beliefs in God. Henslin touches on this concept explaining, â€Å"the shared meanings that come through symbols, rituals, and beliefs unite people into a moral community. People in a moral community feel a bond with one another†. Henslin goes on to address the power of community. â€Å"Not only does it provide the basis for mutual identity but also it establishes norms that govern the behavior of its members.Members either conform or they lose their membership†(Henslin 530-531). For Cedric and Barbara, who build their identities on religion, no action or possible outcome is worth defying God’s word. They lead their lives by God’s word. Barbara’s final words to Cedric after moving him into Brown are, â€Å"Trust in God, let Him guide you†(Suskind, 165). Bishop Long leaves Cedric with the final words â€Å"Yes, all you find students must ask your questions and get your good gr ades†¦But, never forget – never- that the only real answers lie with God†(Suskind, 153).As Cedric adapts to Brown, he finds religion inefficient in providing answers to his many complex questions. Overwhelmed with his schoolwork and social struggles, Cedric makes no attempt to attend religious services in Providence. When he returns to Scripture Cathedral during winter break and is asked whether he’s found another church at school, Cedric responds â€Å"I just know there’s no way I could ever replace Scripture Cathedral†(Suskind 263). While his faith remains strong, Cedric falls away from the active practice of his religion.Over thanksgiving, which he spends at his mentor, Dr. Korb’s home, Cedric overhears a conversation about religion versus reason. Speaking to a small group of people, Dr. Korb remarks â€Å"The ultimate egotism, more broadly, is a belief in the existence of God†¦Faith, in a way, is egotism. I know it’s a t the center of Cedric’s life, what keeps him going. But ultimately, it can’t get him where he needs to be†¦he needs to find his place through reason, not faith†(Suskind, 256). Unable to understand this Cedric brushes off the comment. However, Dr.Korb touches on a relevant debate in society. Henslin explores this secularization of religion and its ability to splinter a group into those who live by reason and those who live by religion. Henslin argues that for individuals who have had less worldly success, this shift in focus from spiritual matters to worldly affairs represents â€Å"a desertion of the group’s fundamental truths, a ‘selling out’ to the secular world†(Henslin, 550). In the scholarly community of Brown, it is challenging to compartmentalize religion and reason and people today so often do.This debate comes to the forefront of the mind for Cedric. The two can certainly exist together, however, it requires some sacrif icing on the side of strict religious believers. Cedric speaks to Bishop Long about his conflict explaining, â€Å"I feel I’ve outgrown the church†(Suskind, 359). Long tells Cedric that as long as he carries God along for those times when he will need Him, then he can venture out into the world. Despite his questioning, Cedric’s faith in God never wanes.Even at the conclusion of the novel though â€Å"more than anything else, mustering that faith, on cue, is what separated him from his peers and distinguishes him from so many people it these literal sophisticated times. It has made all the difference†(Suskind, 365). Reading A Hope in the Unseen through a sociological lens allowed me to access the course material and its presence in daily interactions through Cedric’s experiences. I was raised in an affluent, predominantly white community with a strong public school system.As a result, I lack the experience to relate to Cedric and the intense adve rsity he overcomes. The text acted as both a sociological document, and a novel with adept language and development of literary themes. I found this paper immensely helpful in rendering the sociological themes and theories applicable to one individual’s life in such a wide spectrum of ways. I would highly recommend the use of this novel as an additional sociological perspective for the course next semester.The novel contains countless sociological themes, which allows any individual to draw upon what he or she finds interesting or worthy of further exploring. I chose to draw on religion although we have not yet covered it in class because I have personal ties to religion and connected with Cedric’s religious motivation and support throughout his journey. As many Georgetown students come from privileged backgrounds and become involved in the D. C. public school system throughout their four-year experience, A Hope in the Unseen is a pertinent text for all sociology stude nts.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Brazil Culture
Comparison between marriage customs in America and Nigeria Research design It is often said that marriages are made in Heaven, and therefore, a suitable partner is very much of a necessity so as to lead a very happy and satisfied life. We often witness two types of Marriages, mainly, love marriages and arranged marriages. In love marriage, two adults decide to involve themselves in the holy bond of matrimony and in the other the families of the groom and the bride, or the third parties, a very active role in determining the match. In earlier days arranged marriages were the norm; this research provides a comparative analysis of the different practices and beliefs in marriage in the American and Nigerian contexts. The research contends that in effect, marriage rituals are characterized as dynamically developing to include or allow social changes that happen in terms of looking for a potential domestic partner . Marriage is the most important event in a persons life and the ceremony and tradition involve dare an integral of the day. Marriage customs and ceremony are based on the religion and the country the person is in. There are lots of difference in the marriage customs between Nigeria and America, like in country â€Å"Nigeria†, marriage procedures follows step by step which depends on where the man comes from, either from the eastern part (called the Ibos), western (called the Yoruba’s) and the northern part of Nigeria (called the Hausas), in this research I would be talking about marriages only in the western region. Marriage in the western region of Nigeria involves various stages before the couple can be declared as husband and wife. Before a man can marry a woman he ought to go through some traditional rituals and process which involves quality time and money. This involves three different stages, firstly is the â€Å"momimo†meaning â€Å"introduction†in Yoruba language, then the â€Å"idanaadehun igbeyawo†meaning â€Å"engagement†and lastly the main event called â€Å"ayeye igbeyawo†meaning wedding, after this last process then the couple can now called regarded as husband and wife. The first stage: â€Å"THE INTRODUCTION†is the part of the occasion whereby the man and his family goes to the woman’s family to ask of approval of their daughter’s hand in marriage. The procedure involves the groom and his family, and a person called â€Å"olopa iduro†meaning standing policeman. The standing policeman is the one who speaks on behalf of the groom’s family, he might be a family member or hired for the occasion. This same procedure also applies to the bride’s family but in this case the appointed speaker is called â€Å"olopa ijoko†meaning sitting policeman in Yoruba language. The whole procedure takes place in the bride’s family house where everybody will gather around waiting for the groom’s arrival, meanwhile preparations like food and other things would be made down by the bride’s family. The bride’s family is supposed to be dressed in the native attire which implies respect for the culture. The groom and his family are expected to come on the time appointed but there is a concept called â€Å"African Time†where no one is expected to arrive at the actual time appointed for the occasion, nevertheless if the groom and family arrive too late and keep them the bride and family waiting for short while, they might be asked to leave or probably allowed to appeal to the family by paying a traditional fine to the bride’s family before they could be accepted. hen the groom and his family gets to the brides place, as soon as the enter the house the men prostrate to the brides parents while the bride kneel down to the groom family, this is a respectful way of exchanging greetings according to Yoruba culture. After all the cultural greetings they take their seats whereby both families sits on opposites sides of the room with the bride and groom in the center while the olopa ijoko and olopa iduro take the seats in the middle so as to be get a close attention of everybody closely. The â€Å"olopa iduro†(the standing policeman) starts by introducing the groom and his family to the bride and her family then he brings out a proposal letter from the groom’s family and gives it to the brides family through â€Å"olopa ijoko†(the sitting policeman). The proposal is then read out orally to the bride’s family, since it is already comprehended that the couples are going to be married, the proposal is not usually rejected at this point. The groom also ays an amount of money called â€Å"owo ori iyawo†meaning bride price and this goes directly to the bride. When various introductions have been made, the proposal is accepted on the spot then they make arrangements for the second process of the marriage which is the ENGAGEMENT. THE ENGAGMENT is the part of the occasion whereby the bride and groom are tied together traditionally based on the Yoruba culture, this also takes place at the bride’s house and again they are responsible for the refreshments and other necessary preparations for the occasion. This part of the occasion, both families are meant to wear Yoruba traditional attire called â€Å"aso oke†which are more elegant and expensive, later on some prayers are said and some symbolic items of food are passed around by the â€Å"olopas†(The two policemen) and it’s then passed around to the guest, which is then used to bless the bride and groom in a prayer said in Yoruba language. The first item is â€Å"obi†(kola nut) then elder says â€Å"won ma gbo†meaning they will ripen Won ma to meaning they will eat and not go hungry Won ma d'agba meaning they will grow old. The second item is â€Å"Ata ire: this consists of many seeds, and it is opened up, and the superstition is that the number of seeds that fall out is the number of children the couple will bear. The third item is Oyin (honey), sugar, ireke (sugar cane): these all symbolize that the union will be sweet. The grooms family also bring lots of other thing like yam, drinks, wine, palm oil, during all these before she shows up, she usually waits in her indoors until she’s called for, she comes out wearing a veil made of plaited hair which represents reserve and accompanied by one of her friends and taken to her parents then kneels down before so they can give her their blessings, she then sits near the groom, this is when she becomes unveiled. The couple jumps over a brush covered with flowers which symbolizes the stating of a domestic life, the groom then kisses her then everybody begins to eat and rejoice till the end of the occasion. The third and final stage of the marriage is the main wedding which is held in a church or mosque depending on the religion. This is the part of the occasion where they are joined by God and exchange vows. They can now be called husband and wife and go on a honeymoon if they could afford it but not really necessary, start living together and raise a family. On the other side American marriage are held upon high standards and based upon strong values that are shared between the two parties being wed, these two are brought together to form their sacred bondage of love and life with each other. Weddings in America are known to be the most flexible and varied in the entire world due to the variation of race and ethnic backgrounds that the American culture embodies. In America, a man and a woman meet in the most casual and social way like a bar, restaurant, events and other lots of places, they don’t need to do too much introduction to get married as long as they love one another. There is only one procedure in getting married in the United States which is mainly in the church. Friends and family assemble, soft slow romantic and the vows add to the charm of the marriage customs. In America, before the marriage the bride have a little get together called bridal night where only her and her female friends have a last night of all alone fun before her matrimonial life begins and also the groom also have his own party called bachelors party is going out with his male friends to have fun before his marriage. In an American marriage, the bride wears a pure white gown and the groom wears a black tuxedo. Since the weeding takes place in church, it is usually conducted by a priest who ask the people in the church if they have any problem with the joining of the man and woman as husband and wife or keep silent forever, then if nobody talks, the priest then ask the couple to kiss as a symbol of the union, sealed with love from God. It’s the custom for the newly wed to on a honeymoon and have a period of intimate time alone, like a vacation. It’s clearly seen that both marriage customs between the two counties are totally different, which has been the standard in as long time. Refrences and bibilographic source Marriage Customs in Many Lands (Hardcover – Jan 2005) by H. Hutchinson Marriage Customs of the World: From Henna to Honeymoons (Hardcover – 2004/11/30 Knot Tied: Marriage Ceremonies of All Nations By William Tegg African Ceremonies by Carol Beckwith Culture and Customs of Nigeria (Series – Culture and Customs of Africa) By toyin falola
Academic Joint Ventures And Business Aspects Education Essay
As with any concern partnership between an U.S. corporation and a Latin American corporation, universities that spouse to offer academic plans must see the fiscal and operational facets of such partnerships. This paper deals with international partnerships between universities as research labs for coaction between concerns. The elements that make for a successful articulation venture go beyond the academic issues of content and how that content is delivered to pupils. This paper deals with the concern and inter-university relationships in developing and implementing articulation or collaborative grade plans between universities. It does non cover with traditional exchange plans or double grade plans where one of the universities is the dominant establishment at which the pupils really earn the grade. ; instead the coaction here deals with the joint development and offering of course of study by the establishments as equal spouses that leads to the awarding of a joint or collaborative grade. Regis University, founded in 1877, is one of 28 Jesuit universities in the United States. The university enrolls more than 16,000 pupils who study at its Denver, Colorado campus, seven other regional campuses and on-line via distance acquisition. The University has developed relationships with the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland, the National University of Ireland in Galway, Ireland, and ITESO in Guadalajara, Mexico every bit good as other relationships with schools in other parts of the universe. This paper concentrates on the relationships with the Ulster, Galway and ITESO for intents of the research theoretical account. The University of Ulster is the major university in Northern Ireland and is portion of the higher educational system in the United Kingdom. Ulster is similar to Regis University in that both have multiple campus that serve diverse populations and both have extended on-line educational plans. The National University of Ireland in Galway is involved in extended educational partnerships throughout Europe and in Asia every bit good as supplying extended go oning instruction grade plans for working grownups within the state. ITESO, located in Guadalajara, Mexico, is a Jesuit university as is Regis University. ITESO offers a important figure of academic and go oning professional development plans for working grownups and via its distance instruction scheduling. ITESO participates in an extended web of schools throughout North and Latin America every bit good as in Europe and Asia. Literature The educational literature has a great trade of research refering the traditional pupil exchange plans between international universities every bit good as survey abroad, and double grade plans, yet there is small about the development and operation of jointly developed and operated degree plans. The double grade plans in the literature be given to be coactions where one of the universities offers the grade ( typically the U.S. spouse ) and the other school provides pupils. In many instances these double grade plans allow the pupils of either school to reassign a specific figure of classs into the other grade and to take classs at each school. But the pupils are normally considered degree seeking at the dominant spouse in the relationship. What needs to be looked at is how we develop and guarantee that both the U.S. school and the school in the other state is a full and equal spouse in the coaction. One such partnership that seems to signal such a alteration is the joint partnership between the British Council and the state of Brazil. In an article depicting this partnership Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) stated that â€Å" ( vitamin E ) quality in the proviso of financess has a practical and symbolic significance aˆÂ ¦ , meaning that this is a coaction that sets out to replace traditional north-south relationships of giver and receiver with echt academic partnerships †( P. 27. ) What the writers were seeking to state and what seems to be needed in developing such international coactions is that there is a demand for common regard and engagement where both organisations bring similar or complementary accomplishments and resources to the tabular array as opposed to the traditional theoretical account which typic ally has the U.S. or European university supplying the existent educational chances at the U.S. school with the bulk of the pupils coming from the other state. What their paper efforts to make is analyze the relationship between the U.S. school and the Latin American school in a different visible radiation. Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) paraphrased Altbach ( 1981 ) in which Altbach commented on the quandary 3rd universe universities so had in deriving acknowledgment even though academic public presentation and research in the 3rd universe had improved greatly over the old ages since World War II. It seems that the perceptual experience was that the establishments in the U.S. and Europe have the monopoly on cognition and the 3rd universe is in demand of that cognition. Such attitudes continue and have limited cooperation and coaction. Canto and Hannah believe that since the late 1970 ‘s schools in the U.S. and Europe have entered into horizontal partnerships that include three elements: â€Å" ( a ) the being of old cognition of the other spouse to set up realistic outlooks †which came from Samoilovich ‘s work in the 1990 â⠂¬Ëœs, â€Å" ( B ) the echt sharing of each other ‘s experiences †which they got from work done by Balan in the 1990 ‘s, and â€Å" ( degree Celsius ) the application of each other ‘s cognition instead than a one-way transportation †of cognition from the dominant school, which came from work done by Bor and Shute in the 1990 ‘s. ( 2001, P. 32. ) Some issues identified by Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) include: holding a clear apprehension of each spouse ‘s strengths and failings, holding a great trade of trust in each other, low degrees of struggle an equal partnership where both spouses are respected for what each brings to the relationship, acknowledging that linguistic communication can be a barrier, and holding regard for each school ‘s cultural differences. Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) besides looked at three links that need to be considered. These are linguistics, sociology, and engineering. Each of these demands to be considered when developing a partnership where both schools play an equal function in developing the academic course of study and be aftering the concern theoretical account for operations. This was re-enforced by Shaw ( 2006 ) who speaks to the importance of understanding political environments in each state every bit good as within each establishment involved in the partnership. He farther commented that the â€Å" ( s ) tability of a joint venture refers to the length of service of the relationship, and it is dependent, in portion, upon the combination and communicating between theaˆÂ ¦partners †( P. 439. ) Shaw ( 2006 ) besides identified barriers that must be considered in developing partnerships in the academic sphere. These tend to back up what Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) noted in their research. Shaw spoke to fiscal support, division of work and control, struggle, cultural differences, and environmental factors ( P. 442. ) An interesting fact is that international joint ventures have declined in figure over the past decennary ( Popper, 2002 ) and while Popper is talking by and large about transnational companies, she notes that much of the diminution is because the spouses have different involvements. Popper ‘s remarks tend to back up the treatment above refering issues to be alert about when developing coactions between U.S. or European universities and their opposite numbers in Latin America. Chowdhury and Chowdhury ( 2002 ) remark that it is of import to develop â€Å" synergism among the spouse houses ( P. 52. ) They further speak to the symmetric houses holding an inducement for organizing the partnership in the demand to increase demand ( p. 57. ) If this is translated into an educational partnership, so the end may good be to increase demand for higher instruction in one or both states – or at least the demand for an instruction from the spouse schools. Finally Nadler and Nadler ( 1990 ) speak to the demand to see the homo resource demands in joint ventures. They commented that â€Å" the fluctuation in cultural norms from state to state should be recognized and understood †( p. 71 ) when sing human resource issues. Each spouse may hold different accomplishments and cognition to impart to the coaction and this needs to be understood and planned for. Nadler and Nadler farther noted that both spouses in a joint venture must understand that each spouse may miss some human resources capacity and that may necessitate to be developed. Lessons Learned from Regis University and its Spouses Relationship Building The literature clearly noted that one of the keys to success with international collaborative ventures is the development of relationships ( Canto & A ; Hannah, 2001, Shaw, 2006, Popper, 2002, Chowdhury and Chowdhury, 2002, and Nadler & A ; Nadler, 1990. ) Based on an analysis of the international coactions between Regis University, Denver, Colorado and the three international spouses introduced before, relationship edifice likely is foremost in those elements that ensured success and when non to the full developed, resulted in failure. Prior to get downing to develop any academic plans with ITESO in Guadalajara and the National University of Ireland in Galway ( NUIG ) both schools spent considerable clip acquiring to cognize each other. In the instance of NUIG the partnership began with senior functionaries at both schools meeting through a 3rd party and so merely researching possible chances over a twosome of old ages. The same occurred with ITESO. Representatives of both schools foremost met through a conference sponsored by AJCU and AUSCAL in Guadalajara and so about a twelvemonth subsequently at an IAJBS educational conference. That led to farther contacts and visits. During these meetings and societal contacts, both parties got to cognize the people and their civilizations, and developed a trusting relationship. In the first instance, these contacts led to the formation of a joint Irish Studies plan online between NUIG and Regis University. The plan was designed to be little in order to develop a working relat ionship and has continued. Later that plan led to the development and execution of an on-line alumnus grade in package technology. The relationship at ITESO resulted in execution of a joint MBA grade where pupils from both schools can gain an extra grade from each by taking nucleus classs at the place establishment and so a series of classs at the other. This relationship is now leting ITESO and Regis University to look at traveling into a jointly offered grade for the remainder of Latin America. An illustration of a plan that likely failed because the relationship was non adequately developed before seeking to implement a plan was the joint MS grade in International Management between Regis University and the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland. Here the determination to travel forward was made really rapidly by the top decision makers in each school. No clip was allowed for the module of each university to acquire to cognize each other and work together before planning. This resulted in miscommunications about course of study, policies, civilization in each state and the schools themselves, every bit good as other administrative issues. When the Numberss of pupils did non happen in the beginning, it was easy to merely end the understanding. Relationship edifice in any concern venture is critical to the success of the venture. In higher instruction it may be even more of import since the success of the joint venture or coaction depends on people wholly. The strength of the Regis-NUIG relationship is a personal 1 between a twosome of persons at each establishment that has led to other personal relationships between module and staff at each school. While there is a common linguistic communication, there are still differences in civilization and model. ITESO is a Jesuit university as is Regis University so there was an bing bond, yet it was the development of the personal relationships between module and staff at both schools that ensured a successful partnership. Fiscal Issues Fiscal issues can be a deal-breaker if non handled suitably in any joint venture, but possibly even more so when working across international boundary lines. The development of a strong trusting relationship will assist both spouses work through struggles that may originate refering who contributes what fiscal and physical resources and how disbursals are accounted for. The relationship with ITESO was assisted by a grant from the First Data/Western Union foundation that provided monies to make some conferences in Mexico for civil sector workers and organisations with ITESO and others taking a leading function in Mexico. The grant besides provided dollars to get down be aftering a certification ( sheepskin ) plan in the civil sector country and for conveying some module from ITESO to Regis during the summer intensives the University holds each twelvemonth. From this get downing the concern and direction modules began speaking about the joint MBA construct which subsequently developed into the current offering between the two schools. There are a figure of ways to develop the concern program that can impact the fiscal resources needed for the successful execution of the collaborative attempt. One theoretical account is to merely hold each school wage for its ain costs and so split the grosss generated. This avoids the job of finding methods for apportioning disbursals. Each establishment decides what budgetary disbursals should be included in the undertaking. It may besides avoid the job of costs at one location being more or less than the other. One disadvantage may be that the theoretical account relies on each to equitably back up the operational disbursals. If the coaction is online there likely needs to be some expression for the on-line production and hosting of the classs. Sharing the grosss besides has advantages and disadvantages. It does presume that there is some equity in the Numberss of pupils recruited by each spouse ; otherwise, it is possible one school is lending more than the other. A 2nd theoretical account is to still hold each school budget its ain disbursals, but have each school keep the grosss it generates through its ain recruiting attempts. This theoretical account might include each school counterbalancing the other when a pupil takes a class ( s ) from the other school. Or each school merely keeps the gross it generates. The advantage to this theoretical account is that it is clear and each school is individually at hazard. The disadvantage is that presuming costs are equal in most instances, one school may bring forth more gross than the other one and therefore the partnership might be uneven. A 3rd theoretical account is to develop a individual agreed upon budget and so apportion costs based on what services and resources are provided by each establishment. It follows that grosss would besides be allocated on a similar expression. This theoretical account ensures that each school is accountable to the whole since each has a interest in the result. Like the old theoretical account the challenge will be to maintain some kind of para in the relationship. Costss for such coactions include: selling and recruiting disbursals, production costs for online development, module and staff costs, aggregations disbursals and other administrative operating expense, and start-up disbursals. Depending on the size of the coaction these can be rather dearly-won to each organisation. Each of these will be dealt with in assorted subdivisions of the paper to follow. Another component of fundss to believe about is the international pecuniary exchange rate and how that is calculated. Historically, the exchange has been based on the U.S. dollar, but in the current economic environment the fluctuation in exchange rates takes on an importance that may non hold been at that place in the yesteryear. If the two schools portion grosss, it can be debatable finding at what point the exchange rate is fixed. Along with the exchange rate is the inquiry of whose currency payments are made in. Each spouse may be bear downing tuition in its ain currency which makes it hard to find if the charges to pupils are tantamount. Such dialogues have had important impacts on the coactions between Regis University and its spouses. The coaction with NUIG requires each spouse to budget its ain disbursals, nevertheless, there is a expression for points such as selling disbursals and some overhead that vary between states. In Europe it is common to non bear down pupils for required texts and to utilize other beginnings, while in the U.S. pupils typically pay for their ain books and more frequently than non text editions are required. How do the spouses determine an just manner of covering with these differences? Both Regis and NUIG agreed on a expression for dividing the grosss earned from pupil tuitions ; of class, during the first few old ages at that place have ever been minor dialogues as to how that works at the terminal of the twelvemonth when the transportation of monies occurs. With the coaction with ITESO, the current undertaking has each school responsible for its ain disbursals including selling and enli sting. Each school besides charges its ain tuition for all classs in the plan and so each spouse compensates the other for those classs taken at the spouse school by its pupils. However, ITESO and Regis University came to an understanding on what the tuition would be for this plan. Compensation for pupils taking classs at the other spouse is in that school ‘s currency. For the Ulster venture, the allotment was more complicated and included negociating all disbursals and costs every bit good as the tuition rate. Each school shared in the budget based on a negotiated expression. This proved to be slightly dissentious. If either establishment is come ining the understanding with the purpose of functioning 1000s of pupils and doing important net incomes they will probably be disappointed. While larning from one another and come ining markets that might hold been out of range are surely worthwhile and come-at-able ends, doing more than a modest net income is non. The financials developed prior to come ining the understanding between Regis University and Ulster promised tremendous net income. The failure of this net income to happen was one more nail in the casket of that venture. One lesson learned was that maintaining it every bit simple as possible is in the best involvement of both spouses. While the ITESO coaction merely late the purpose has been that this theoretical account will ensue in a better direction procedure for disbursals. Merchandise Development Here we speak in footings of course of study development every bit good as production of online classs. It is likely that occupants in each state or part of the universe will hold different demands and desires when it comes to the course of study, how that course of study is offered, and what is expected in the manner of work. The modules at both schools need to come to understanding on what the course of study will include in order to outdo service diverse pupil organic structures. The modules of ITESO and Regis University spent considerable clip working together on placing the acquisition results for a collaborative MBA and what classs might be appropriate and the sum of clip it might take to finish the grades. In the instance of this partnership it was decided that each school would go on to offer classs that already exist. In add-on it was determined that each university ‘s pupils needed to finish the nucleus at the place school and so take five classs from the other school which would transcripted at both. ITESO teaches its classs in Spanish and Regis teaches its classs in English. For the NUIG coaction, each school became responsible for developing half of the course of study, so dialogues centered on what type of classs and content ought to be included and which school is responsible for which courses. This procedure took considerable clip and communications between the modules at each school. For most of the classs each school was able to accommodate its ain class work for the coaction. Regis University and the University of Ulster besides developed a theoretical account where each school developed half of the course of study ; nevertheless, it was decided to get down from abrasion. The construct included both modules working together on the content. This created important jobs in coming to understanding and probably besides contributed to the eventual expiration of the understanding. Production includes finding who and how classs will be written and produced for on-line presentation. It is imperative that the classs be offered on one platform so the understanding needs to specify which school hosts the plan and how the modules of the two schools participate with the development squad. Selling Determining the mark market is a important facet of the coaction. The other inquiry that must be asked and answered is who is responsible for making the selling and enlisting. In the instance of the Ulster coaction, the negotiated understanding stated that while both schools would make selling, Regis University would be responsible for most of the attempt. Ulster would host the classs on its WebCT platform. This proved to be a job since the Regis selling squad had no experience selling a plan in another state and had to play catch up. With both ITESO and NUIG each school markets to its ain market, which seems to be a better attack. This besides means that each school identifies who the mark market will be. In the instance of the Ulster coaction it was Regis University ‘s function to place the European market which proved to be much more hard than idea. Consideration must be given to making marketing surveies in the states to be involved. Such surveies need to include who are the possible pupils, their companies, whether the companies assist in paying the tuition, and what the tuition scope will be. If the coaction will include offering the degree plan beyond the two states, what are the planetary considerations. Agreement is needed between the spouses on what is to be marketed. Here once more cultural differences and regional differences play a portion. What may work in the U.S. is non needfully what will work in Latin America. One inquiry to inquire is whether the possible pupil population is ready and willing to take part in the plan. One premise is that a combined U.S./Latin American or U.S./European grade is something that will be sought after if offered. And if so are pupils willing to make so via the cyberspace. It appears that leting each spouse to make its ain selling is the best option for a figure of grounds. These include cognition of the local civilization and peoples, cognition of the types of selling that work best, and costs included. For illustration in the North American market making internet gross revenues may be a better attack while in Europe direct gross revenues may work better. Technology Technology is non merely the platform and class direction system to be used in offering the coaction. It besides includes cognizing what engineering the possible market has entree to, the set breadth in the states and sub-regions of states, costs of entree to the cyberspace, and even clip zone issues that affect use. Latin America has long used orbiter transmittal and wireless transmittal for certificate/diploma plans since these engineerings have been available. Switch overing to the cyberspace to convey educational plans is a new manner of making this, and the possible pupils need to hold entree to the engineering. And they need to desire to make so. One of the lessons obtained from the Ulster coaction was that the selling survey showed that pupils in northern Europe had ready entree to the cyberspace and to the engineering to entree it. At the same clip the farther South in Europe one went the less likely it was that possible pupils would entree the cyberspace either because of no involvement or because there was non ready entree. A inquiry for the partnership with ITESO is that one time it expands beyond the regional country served by ITESO, will possible pupils have the engineering and entree to take part. In some instances this may necessitate a committedness from the individual ‘s employer to supply entree through the corporate web. Legal and Governmental One frequently does non believe about or see the legal and governmental issues that can be involved in international coactions. This is a important facet of concern partnerships since international trade is governed by many regulations and ordinances. In most academic exchange plans there are few limitations even for double grades when merely one spouse really offers the grade. However, for the types of partnerships addressed by this paper, there are many considerations. First are accreditation issues. For Regis University, the Higher Learning Commission ( HLC ) of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges ( NCA ) must at least reappraisal such coactions prior to their execution. For the spouses there may be a demand to hold the instruction ministry for the state review the undertaking and O.K. it. Such blessings are required if the grades are to be jointly awarded and the course of study is being shared by both schools. Issues include transcripting of credits and the grades, module makings, academic quality and appraisal, and many other concerns. There may be specific governmental limitations or regulations that must be met in each state. These may be academic constituents or things like pupil funding issues, travel limitations, visa demands if pupils travel between states, pecuniary policies, and contract regulations and ordinances. An interesting obstruction discovered after the partnership was ready to get down in Ireland was the find that Irish Constitution requires any grade offered by NUIG to be entirely awarded by the National University of Ireland. That created jobs since NUIG and Regis had planned on presenting a joint grade for the alumnus grade in package technology. The solution was to hold the pupils decide which state he/she wanted the grade from after which the pupil completed the finishing touch for that university. Besides the grade being awarded from either NUIG or Regis University, the schools jointly give the pupils a parchment that describes the joint venture and that the grade is recorded at each school. The University of Ulster did non hold such jobs since it is located in Northern Ireland which is portion of the United Kingdom. Ulster was authorized to find its ain grade awarding regulations and so it was all right to present a joint grade. However, Ulster believed there were other regulat ions that affected how the plan could be structured. In both instances outside judges needed to be involved at the terminal of each twelvemonth to reexamine pupil advancement and base on balls on whether the pupils met academic criterions. This was something new for Regis University. The stiff regulations in Northern Ireland likely besides contributed to the struggle that finally resulted in the plan being terminated. ITESO must run into the academic regulations in consequence in Mexico ; nevertheless, because of ITESO ‘s position with the instruction ministry, it is authorized to develop a coaction that includes jointly presenting grades. In add-on the Mexican higher instruction system operates in a mode more similar to the United States theoretical account. Another regulative issue involves standards used by the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business ( AACSB ) which frequently requires that both spouses be AACSB accredited. This lone affects concern and direction plans, but since that is the country where most of these ventures will happen the regulation is important. If pupils must go to the other location, in-migration regulations apply. This could be an obstruction for some. Faculty certificates and makings are besides something to see. The accreditation organic structures will interested how each spouse evaluates and assesses the certificates of the module involved. Regis University and its spouses have chosen to follow standards that province that each school accepts the credentialing procedure of the other school. Language Language is an of import factor. Even when the coaction is between an U.S. school and a European one ( including Ireland and the UK ) there are communicating jobs since idioms may be well different and difficult to understand. The issue of linguistic communication is even more of import when the partnership is between an U.S. university and one in Latin America. One inquiry to reply is whether all or some or none of the module demand to be bilingual to take part in the plan? This seems to hold been resolved with the Regis/ITESO coaction. Since the classs taught by ITESO are in Spanish and the 1s taught by Regis are taught in English, it was decided that being bi-lingual is non necessary. It is necessary of the pupils, nevertheless. Clarity is besides something to see in joint ventures. Given cultural and linguistic communication differences it is really of import to often corroborate that all parties are speaking about the same things. Even when there is a common linguistic communication, such as American English and British or Irish English, false blood relations ( i.e. disciplinas and Disciplines ; cursos and coursesaˆÂ ¦ etc. ) further complicate the affair. Frequent rewording and reappraisal aid to get the better of such jobs. As Canto and Hannah ( 2001 ) noted, linguistic communication can be an obstruction and must be considered. Language besides impacts how each spouse approaches selling. Leadership Issues Effective leading is a must in any coaction. The senior leadership/management at both spouses must be actively supportive of the venture. This includes a committedness for both administrative and fiscal support every bit good as supplying ample resources for module. Without such committedness it will be much more hard to implement and keep the coaction. However, such committedness can besides be a negative if each spouse does non affect the in-between direction leaders and module early on. One illustration of where leading ended up being a major job was the coaction between Regis University and the University of Ulster. The understanding to travel forward was made by the Vice Chancellor of Ulster and the petition to take part came from him without much work done to develop the relationship with the Faculty of Business and Management at Ulster. There was opposition to this new venture, particularly since the module believed they were already successful and were non certain they wanted to make this undertaking. Both schools besides appointed module leads who did non pass on good with each other which all excessively frequently met struggle and dissensions. On the other manus, the senior leading at both ITESO and NUIG were supportive from the beginning, but they knew that it was of import to construct the relationship foremost. In both instances the presidents or other senior leaders encouraged coaction and allowed for the relationship to develop. Faculty were besides empowered. This reduced the likeliness there would be opposition and struggle. Any clip there are alterations in leading and/or structural alterations to an establishment it may do it more hard for a fledgeling understanding to travel frontward. Any relationship such as those described in this paper is bound to ab initio be dependent in portion on the personal relationships established between the representatives of the establishments instead than between the establishments themselves. Merely with clip will be relationships become institutional instead than personal and even so it is incumbent on both establishments to proactively work to guarantee the on-going verve of the relationship. Leader support is critical to such enterprises since resources need to be committed and there is a likely demand to use fund long before any plan is really launched. Academic Outcomes Obviously academic quality is cardinal to any coaction. Students in such ventures want to be assured that the grade will be respected and will open doors. One ground pupils will desire to matriculate in such joint coactions is to acquire a place in an international organisation, whether that is in computing machine scientific discipline or concern. This takes on-going and uninterrupted work and coaction between the modules, appraisal of larning results, and guaranting quality experiences for pupils. Part of this includes working with the spouse. For illustration, in the coaction with NUIG, both schools committed to utilizing the outside reviewer theoretical account to yearly measure and measure pupil achievements. Training and go oning instruction for module is critical in such partnerships. Faculty from different states must work collaboratively. To make this these must be commitment to academic quality every bit good as quality and readily available pupil service and advising. Concluding Notes There are first-class grounds to look at organizing international coactions to offer joint grade plans. Such coaction ensures international Bridgess between states and civilizations. In a changing universe environment it may be even more of import that pupils and module, particularly at the alumnus degree, experience international civilizations and instruction. Much of what must be practiced externally in order to do such coactions work is no unlike that which should be in topographic point internally. Transparency, regard for one another, financial duty, realistic outlooks, quality control and a shared desire to function pupils and learn from one another surely will do such coactions more likely to win. It is besides of import to acknowledge that they may non all win and that larning from those that do n't is merely more likely to do subsequent attempts, with the same or different spouses, more rewarding. Jesuit instruction attempts have reached out to the universe since shortly after Ignatius of Loyola brought together his little set of comrades. Ignatian humanitarianism and spiritualty tell us that it is of import to get down with a individual ‘s experiences and so to construct on them, to convey understanding among all peoples. International coactions to offer joint grade plans bring these Jesuit values together across boundary lines and across oceans.
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